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Created November 7, 2017 00:25
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import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.util.UUID
// from the awesome
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, lit}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession}
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
case class Scenario(name: String, filter: DataFrame => DataFrame)
object Main extends App {
val id = UUID.randomUUID
val Jan = new Timestamp(DateTime.parse("2017-01-01T00:00:00Z").getMillis)
val Feb = new Timestamp(DateTime.parse("2017-02-01T00:00:00Z").getMillis)
val Mar = new Timestamp(DateTime.parse("2017-03-01T00:00:00Z").getMillis)
val scenarios = Seq(
Scenario("No filter", identity),
Scenario("Filter on INT", _.filter(col("int_col") >= 2)),
Scenario("Filter on non null INT", _.filter(col("int_null_col").isNotNull)),
Scenario("Filter on BOOL", _.filter(col("bool_col") =!= false)),
Scenario("Filter on == FLOAT", _.filter(col("float_col") === 1.0)),
Scenario("Filter on <= FLOAT", _.filter(col("float_col") <= 2.0)),
Scenario("Filter on STRING", _.filter(col("string_col") === "event 1")),
Scenario("Filter on non null STRING", _.filter(col("string_null_col").isNotNull)),
Scenario("Filter on >= TS", _.filter(col("timestamp_col") >= Feb)),
Scenario("Filter on == TS", _.filter(col("timestamp_col") === Feb)),
Scenario("Filter on missing column", _.filter(col("doesntexist") === 2)),
Scenario("Filter on nested col INT", _.filter(col("nested.int_col") === 2)),
Scenario("Filter on dotted col INT", _.filter(col("`dotted.int_col`") === 2)),
Scenario("Column projection","int_col"), col("timestamp_col"))),
Scenario("Select constant","foo").as("bar")))
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.master", "local[1]")
.set("", "PredicatePushdownTest")
.set("spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown", "true")
.set("spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema", "false")
// .set("spark.sql.parquet.int96AsTimestamp", "false")
// .set("spark.sql.parquet.int64AsTimestampMillis", "true") // <- when set true, statistics are filled but still not used
.set("parquet.filter.statistics.enabled", "true")
.set("parquet.filter.dictionary.enabled", "true")
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
println(s"TESTING SPARK VERSION ${sparkSession.version}")
val schema = StructType(
StructField("id", IntegerType),
StructField("string_col", StringType),
StructField("string_null_col", StringType),
StructField("timestamp_col", TimestampType),
StructField("int_col", IntegerType),
StructField("int_null_col", IntegerType),
StructField("float_col", FloatType),
StructField("bool_col", BooleanType),
StructField("nested", StructType(Seq(StructField("int_col", IntegerType)))),
StructField("dotted.int_col", IntegerType)
val rows = Seq(
Row(1, "event 1", "event 1", Jan, 1, 1, 1.asInstanceOf[Float], true, Row(1), 1),
Row(2, "event 2", "event 2", Feb, 2, 2, 2.asInstanceOf[Float], true, Row(2), 2),
Row(3, "event 1", null, Mar, 3, null, 3.asInstanceOf[Float], false, Row(3), 3)
val initDf = sparkSession.createDataFrame(rows.asJava, schema)
// partition by a non-tested column to force one record per files (to avoid row-grouping)
var testResult = Seq.empty[DataFrame]
for(sc <- scenarios) {
val stageMetrics = StageMetrics(sparkSession)
val size = stageMetrics.runAndMeasure {
val in ="/tmp/restitution/test-$id")
Try {
val df = sc.filter(in)
} match {
case Success(n) => n
case Failure(e) =>
testResult :+= getStats(, size, stageMetrics)
testResult.reduce(_ union _).show(false)
println(s"END TESTS SPARK ${sparkSession.version}")
def getStats(name: String, resultSize: Int, metrics: StageMetrics) = {
val (begin, end) = (metrics.beginSnapshot, metrics.endSnapshot)
s"""select "$name" as testName, $resultSize as resultSize, count(*) numStages, sum(numTasks), max(completionTime) - min(submissionTime) as elapsedTime, sum(recordsRead), sum(bytesRead)
|from PerfStageMetrics
|where submissionTime >= $begin and completionTime <= $end
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Results (partial output)

SPARK 2.1.1, 2.1.2

|testName                 |resultSize|numStages|sum(numTasks)|elapsedTime|sum(recordsRead)|sum(bytesRead)|
|No filter                |3         |2        |2            |880        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on INT            |2         |2        |2            |474        |2               |6087          | <- worked
|Filter on non null INT   |2         |2        |2            |282        |2               |6087          | <- worked
|Filter on BOOL           |2         |2        |2            |243        |2               |6087          | <- worked
|Filter on == FLOAT       |1         |2        |2            |182        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on <= FLOAT       |2         |2        |2            |256        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on STRING         |2         |2        |2            |194        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on non null STRING|2         |2        |2            |207        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on >= TS          |2         |2        |2            |162        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on == TS          |1         |2        |2            |142        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on missing column |-1        |1        |1            |12         |0               |0             |
|Filter on nested col INT |1         |2        |2            |120        |3               |6087          |
|Filter on dotted col INT |-1        |2        |2            |174        |0               |2054          | <- job failed
|Column projection        |3         |2        |2            |151        |3               |6087          |
|Select constant          |3         |2        |2            |102        |3               |6087          |

SPARK 2.2.0

|testName                 |resultSize|numStages|sum(numTasks)|elapsedTime|sum(recordsRead)|sum(bytesRead)|
|No filter                |3         |2        |2            |576        |3               |13113         | <- why did the size doubled?
|Filter on INT            |2         |2        |2            |349        |2               |10951         | <- worked
|Filter on non null INT   |2         |2        |2            |155        |2               |11026         | <- worked
|Filter on BOOL           |2         |2        |2            |171        |2               |11026         | <- worked
|Filter on == FLOAT       |1         |2        |2            |212        |3               |13113         |
|Filter on <= FLOAT       |2         |2        |2            |162        |3               |13113         |
|Filter on STRING         |2         |2        |2            |163        |2               |13113         | <- worked but why the same amount of bytes?
|Filter on non null STRING|2         |2        |2            |136        |2               |13113         | <- worked but why the same amount of bytes?
|Filter on >= TS          |2         |2        |2            |126        |3               |13113         |
|Filter on == TS          |1         |2        |2            |125        |3               |13113         |
|Filter on missing column |-1        |1        |1            |15         |0               |0             |
|Filter on nested col INT |1         |2        |2            |145        |3               |13113         |
|Filter on dotted col INT |1         |2        |2            |182        |3               |13113         | <- didn't pushed the filter but didn't fail either
|Column projection        |3         |2        |2            |145        |3               |13137         |
|Select constant          |3         |2        |2            |102        |3               |6786          | <- unclear

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