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Last active September 1, 2015 23:16
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module Data.Struct.Internal.UnionFind where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Struct.Internal
-- | Union-Find
-- >>> a <- new
-- >>> b <- new
-- >>> c <- new
-- >>> find a b
-- False
-- >>> find a c
-- False
-- >>> unite a b
-- >>> find a b
-- True
-- >>> find a c
-- False
-- >>> unite b c
-- >>> find a c
-- True
newtype UnionFind s = UnionFind (Object s)
instance Struct UnionFind where
struct _ = Dict
instance Eq (UnionFind s) where
(==) = eqStruct
parent :: Slot UnionFind UnionFind
parent = slot 0
rank :: Field UnionFind Int
rank = field 1
new :: PrimMonad m => m (UnionFind (PrimState m))
new = st $ do
this <- alloc 2
set parent this this
setField rank this 0
return this
{-# INLINE new #-}
unite :: PrimMonad m => UnionFind (PrimState m) -> UnionFind (PrimState m) -> m ()
unite a b = st $ do
aroot <- representative a
broot <- representative b
when (aroot /= broot) $ do
arank <- getField rank aroot
brank <- getField rank broot
case compare arank brank of
LT -> set parent aroot broot
GT -> set parent broot aroot
EQ -> do
set parent aroot broot
setField rank broot (brank + 1)
representative :: PrimMonad m => UnionFind (PrimState m) -> m (UnionFind (PrimState m))
representative this = st $ do
p <- get parent this
if p == this then
return p
else do
r <- representative p
set parent this r
return r
find :: PrimMonad m => UnionFind (PrimState m) -> UnionFind (PrimState m) -> m Bool
find a b = (==) <$> representative a <*> representative b
{-# INLINE find #-}
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