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Created December 2, 2013 04:54
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module Math.Homology where
import Data.List ((\\), subsequences)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
newtype Simplex a = Simplex { getVertices :: [a] } deriving (Show, Eq)
simplexDim :: Simplex a -> Int
simplexDim = (subtract 1) . length . getVertices
facets :: Simplex a -> [Simplex a]
facets = map Simplex . deletions . getVertices
where deletions [] = []
deletions (x:xs) = xs : map (x:) (deletions xs)
newtype Chain r b = Chain { getCoefficients :: [(r, b)] } deriving (Show)
boundary :: (Num r) => Simplex a -> Chain r (Simplex a)
boundary = Chain . zip (cycle [1, -1]) . facets
newtype Complex a = Complex { getSimplices :: [Simplex a] } deriving (Show)
complexDim :: Complex a -> Int
complexDim = maximum . map simplexDim . getSimplices
-- All simplices in a complex that have a specified dimension
simplicesWithDim :: Complex a -> Int -> [Simplex a]
simplicesWithDim c n = filter (\s -> simplexDim s == n) (getSimplices c)
-- Add a simplex into a complex, recursively adding all faces of the simplex
addSimplex :: (Eq a) => Simplex a -> Complex a -> Complex a
addSimplex (Simplex []) c = c
addSimplex s c | s `elem` getSimplices c = c
| otherwise = foldr addSimplex newComplex (facets s)
where newComplex = Complex (s : getSimplices c)
type Matrix r = [[r]]
matrix :: Int -> Int -> ((Int, Int) -> r) -> Matrix r
matrix n m f = map genRow [1..n]
genRow i = map (\j -> f (i, j)) [1..m]
-- Given to bases and the image of each element for the first base, produce a Matrix
matrixFromAction :: (Eq a, Num r) => [a] -> [a] -> (a -> Chain r a) -> Matrix r
matrixFromAction n m f = matrix (length n) (length m) gen
where gen coord = fromMaybe 0 (coefficient coord)
coefficient (i, j) = lookup (n!!(i-1)) (assoc (m!!(j-1)))
assoc s = map swap (getCoefficients $ f s)
-- Copied from online --
removeZeroRowsAndColumns :: (Eq r, Num r) => Matrix r -> Matrix r
removeZeroRowsAndColumns = removeZeroRows . removeZeroColumns
removeZeroColumns x = map (drop n) x where
n = foldl1 min (map countZeros x)
countZeros = length . fst . break (0 /=)
removeZeroRows = filter (or . map (0 /=))
rank :: (Eq r, Num r) => Matrix r -> Int
rank m | cleaned == [] = 0
| otherwise = 1 + rank (map (cancelZero pivot) (zeros++rest))
where cleaned = removeZeroRowsAndColumns m
(zeros, (pivot:rest)) = break ((0 /=) . head) cleaned
cancelZero (a:as) (b:bs) = zipWith (\x y -> a*y-b*x) as bs
-- Find the boundary map at a specified dimension
d :: (Eq a) => Complex a -> Int -> Matrix Rational
d c n = matrixFromAction cn cn' boundary
where cn = simplicesWithDim c (n-1)
cn' = simplicesWithDim c n
-- Calculate nth betti number of a complex
betti :: (Eq a) => Complex a -> Int -> Int
betti c n = kernelDim - imageDim
where count = length $ simplicesWithDim c n
kernelDim = count - (rank $ d c n)
imageDim = rank $ d c (n+1)
-- Calculate all betti numbers of a complex
bettis :: (Eq a) => Complex a -> [Int]
bettis c = map (betti c) [0..(complexDim c)]
complexFromLists :: [[a]] -> Complex a
complexFromLists = Complex . map Simplex
ball :: Int -> Complex Int
ball n = complexFromLists $ subsequences [0..n] \\ [[]]
sphere :: Int -> Complex Int
sphere n = complexFromLists $ subsequences [0..(n+1)] \\ [[0..(n+1)], []]
torus :: Complex Int
torus = complexFromLists
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