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Created September 21, 2011 20:41
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cep search scrapping
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
target = ''
if ARGV[0].nil?
puts "USAGE:"
puts " ruby cep.rb xxxxxxxx"
search = {:relaxation => ARGV[0] || "01048000",
:TipoCep => "ALL",
:semelhante => "N",
:cfm => "1",
:Metodo => "listaLogradouro",
:TipoConsulta => "relaxation",
:StartRow => "1",
:EndRow => "10"}
correios = Nokogiri::HTML(Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(target), search).body)
data ='.content .ctrlcontent div td')
record = {}
record["address"] = data[0].text.split(" - ")[0]
record["city"] = data[2].text
record["state"] = data[3].text
record["zipcode"] = data[4].text
puts record.inspect
# based on
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