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Forked from gadenbuie/
Last active December 21, 2021 08:37
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Setting up a macOS computer for work and play

New apple computer setup

This file describes how I set up an apple computer with the tools I like and use. This tries to be succinct and quick, using homebrew to install as much as possible from the command line.


  1. Fire up the terminal and install homebrew

Then go ahead and install these apps with homebrew (I have no idea what --cask does but it seems necessary for some)

brew install rectangle alfred alt-tab slack zoom visual-studio-code docker
brew install --cask firefox
brew install --cask iterm2
brew install --cask microsoft-office


brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install svn
brew install --cask \
  font-fantasque-sans-mono font-fantasque-sans-mono-nerd-font \
  font-noto-sans font-noto-serif font-noto-mono font-noto-mono-for-powerline font-noto-emoji \
  font-hasklug-nerd-font font-anonymice-nerd-font font-meslo-lg-nerd-font \
  font-fira-code font-fira-mono font-fira-sans font-fira-sans-condensed \
  font-pt-mono font-pt-sans font-pt-sans-narrow font-pt-serif font-pt-sans-caption font-pt-serif-caption



This stores git password in MacOS keychain--I guess this works but don't know how or how secure it is.

git config --global "Matti Vuorre"
git config --global
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain




General Things

Stuff I've done that probably doesn't need to be done in any order.

  • Turn on Dock hiding
  • Rename computer: System Prefs > Sharing > Computer Name
  • Add RSwitch to Login Items
  • System Preferences > Accessibility
    • Zoom > ☑️ Use scroll gesture with Control keys
    • Enable Hover Text > ☑️ Enable Hover Text with Command

Add GitHub PAT to R

# choose scopes
# copy paste PAT
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