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Created February 19, 2013 20:44
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vagrant puppet error
$ vagrant provision
[default] Running provisioner: Vagrant::Provisioners::Puppet...
[default] Running Puppet with /tmp/vagrant-puppet/manifests/vagrant.pp...
stdin: is not a tty
warning: loglevel is a metaparam; this value will inherit to all contained resources
notice: /Stage[pre]/Vagrant/Exec[run apt-get update]/returns: executed successfully
notice: /Stage[main]/Bubbli::Component::Python/Package[python-dev]/ensure: ensure changed '2.7.3-0ubuntu2' to '2.7.*'
notice: DEPRECATION NOTICE: Files found in modules without specifying 'modules' in file path will be deprecated in the next major release. Please fix module 'bubbli' when no 0.24.x clients are present
err: Could not prefetch package provider 'pip':
err: /Stage[main]/Bubbli::Role::Web/Package[gunicorn]: Could not evaluate:
err: /Stage[main]/Bubbli::Role::Web/Package[scrypt]: Could not evaluate:
err: /Stage[main]/Bubbli::Role::Web/Package[newrelic]: Could not evaluate:
notice: /Stage[main]/Bubbli::Role::Web/Service[nginx]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
notice: /Stage[main]/Bubbli::Role::Web/Exec[sudo killall -s SIGHUP gunicorn || echo "not up"]/returns: executed successfully
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