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Last active July 1, 2023 13:31
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Activate conda environment with cd in bash
# Adapted from:
# Automatically activates conda environments when entering directories
# containing a conda environment file. The file must be named
# - env(ironment).y(a)ml
# Deactivates env when exiting the directory. If the env doesn't exist yet,
# offer to create it from file. The script will use mamba if available.
# Setup:
# Option 1) Add the code below to .bashrc
# Option 2) Save the code in a separate file ('') and add 'source <path-to-file>/' to .bashrc or .bash_profile
_activate_conda() {
FILE="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*env(ironment)?\.ya?ml' -print -quit)"
if [[ -e $FILE ]]; then
ENV=$(sed -n 's/name: //p' $FILE)
# Check if env is already active.
if [[ $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV != $ENV ]]; then
conda activate $ENV
# If env activation is unsuccessful, prompt user whether to create conda env from file.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
while true; do
# Read user reply into variable choice.
read -p "Environment '$ENV' doesn't exist. Would you like to create it now? (y/[n]) " yn
if [ "$yn" = "" ]; then yn='n'; fi # interpret Enter as n
case $yn in
[Yy] ) echo Proceeding...;
mamba env create -f $FILE || conda env create -f $FILE;
echo "Activating environment '$ENV'..."
conda activate $ENV;
[Nn] ) echo Exiting...;
* ) echo "Invalid response";;
# Deactivate env when exiting the env file's directory.
elif [[ $PATH = */envs/* ]]\
&& [[ $(pwd) != $CONDA_ENV_ROOT ]]\
&& [[ $(pwd) != $CONDA_ENV_ROOT/* ]]
conda deactivate
# Update the existing cd function to chain it with _activate_conda
function cd {
builtin cd "$@" ; _activate_conda
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