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Created January 21, 2020 09:58
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Save mwalzer/6437f418775701e6129b89dbe05f26eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
old version of a ligandomics qc script (approx. 2014)
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'walzer'
import sys
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import argparse
#import pickle
VERSION = "0.2"
#QC:0000044 -> ms2s.csv
#QC:0000038 -> ids.csv
EXPMAP_RPLOT = {'R': "ProduceQCFigures_precursormap.R", 'qp_att_acc': 'QC:0000004', 'cv_acc': 'QC:0000055', 'qpcv_export_list': ['QC:0000044']}
IDMAP_RPLOT = {'R': "ProduceQCFigures_idmap.R", 'qp_att_acc': 'QC:0000035', 'cv_acc': 'QC:0000052', 'qpcv_export_list': ['QC:0000038', 'QC:0000044']}
ERRORDISTR_RPLOT = {'R': "ProduceQCFigures_acc.R", 'qp_att_acc': 'QC:0000041', 'cv_acc': 'QC:0000053', 'qpcv_export_list': ['QC:0000038']}
ERRORTIME_RPLOT = {'R': "ProduceQCFigures_acc_time.R", 'qp_att_acc': 'QC:0000041', 'cv_acc': 'QC:0000054', 'qpcv_export_list': ['QC:0000038', 'QC:0000044']}
TIC_RPLOT = {'R': "ProduceQCFigures_precursor_histogram.R", 'qp_att_acc': 'QC:0000023', 'cv_acc': 'MS:1000235', 'qpcv_export_list': ['QC:0000044']}
CHARGE_RPLOT = {'R': "ProduceQCFigures_charge_histogram.R", 'qp_att_acc': 'QC:0000025', 'cv_acc': 'QC:0000051', 'qpcv_export_list': ['QC:0000038']}
def create_qp(qcml, temp_dir, qc_metric, rdir):
parent_cv = qc_metric['qp_att_acc']
plot_cv = qc_metric['cv_acc']
rscript = qc_metric['R']
qpcv_export_list = qc_metric['qpcv_export_list']
export_files = list()
for export_qccv in qpcv_export_list:
export_path = str(temp_dir) + '/' + str(export_qccv).replace(':', '_') + '.csv'
eexe = "QCExtractor -in '{inpu}' -out_csv '{out}' -qp '{qp}'".format(inpu=qcml, out=export_path, qp=str(export_qccv))
o = subprocess.check_output(eexe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
# TODO possible to check if output is legit?!
if o:
raise('no ' + export_qccv)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not execute QCExtractor successfully for " + str(qcml) +
" - no QC metric " + str(export_qccv) + "(.." + str(e) + ")")
return None
plot_file = str(temp_dir) + '/' + str(plot_cv).replace(':', '_') + ".png"
rexe = "Rscript {rdir}/{inpu} {out}".format(inpu=' '.join([rscript] + export_files), out=plot_file, rdir=rdir)
o = subprocess.check_output(rexe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
if not o:
raise('no ' + plot_file)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not execute R " + str(rscript) + ' successfully for ' + str(qcml) +
" - no " + str(rscript) + " QC metric" + "(.." + str(e) + ")")
return None
eexe = "QCEmbedder -in '{inpu}' -out '{out}' -plot '{plot}' -qp_att_acc {parent} -cv_acc {type}".format(
inpu=qcml, out=qcml, plot=plot_file, parent=parent_cv, type=plot_cv)
o = subprocess.check_output(eexe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
if not o:
raise('no ' + qcml)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not execute QCEmbedder successfully for " + str(plot_file) +
" - no " + str(rscript) + " QC metric" + "(.." + str(e) + ")")
return None
return qcml
def create_qcml(mzid, spectra, feature, directory):
qcml = str(directory) + '/' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(spectra))[0] + '.qcML'
exe = "QCCalculator -in '{inpu}' -out '{out}' -id '{id}' -feature '{feat}'".format(inpu=spectra, out=qcml, id=mzid, feat=feature)
logging.warning("Starting to create qcml for " + str(mzid) + ', ' + str(spectra) + " ...")
o = subprocess.check_output(exe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not create qcml for " + str(mzid) + ', ' + str(spectra) + ', ' + str(feature) +
" - skipping. (" + str(e) + ")")
logging.warning("Created qcml for " + str(mzid) + ', ' + str(spectra) + ', ' + str(feature) + " - " + qcml)
return qcml
def image_qcml(qcml, spectra, temp_dir):
img = str(temp_dir) + '/' + 'img.png'
exe = "ImageCreator -in '{inpu}' -out '{out}' -out_type png -width 1024 -height 1024".format(inpu=spectra, out=img)
logging.warning("Create run map image for " + str(spectra) + " ...")
o = subprocess.check_output(exe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not create image for " + str(spectra) + " - skipping. (" + str(e) + ")")
eexe = "QCEmbedder -in '{inpu}' -out '{out}' -plot '{plot}' -qp_att_acc {parent} -cv_acc {type}".format(
inpu=qcml, out=qcml, plot=img, parent="QC:0000004", type="QC:0000055")
o = subprocess.check_output(eexe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
if not o:
raise('no ' + qcml)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not execute QCEmbedder successfully for " + str(img) )
return None
logging.warning("Embedded run map image for " + str(spectra) + " - " + qcml)
return qcml
def filter_mzid(mzid, temp_dir):
fmzid = str(temp_dir) + '/' + os.path.basename(mzid)
exe = "IDFilter -delete_hits_beneath_file_threshold -in '{inpu}' -out '{out}'".format(inpu=mzid, out=fmzid)
logging.warning("Filtering for passed threshold in " + str(mzid) + " ...")
o = subprocess.check_output(exe, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not do filtering for passed threshold for " + str(mzid) + " - skipping. (" + str(e) + ")")
return fmzid
def __main__():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version=VERSION)
parser.add_argument('-id', '--mzid', dest="mzid_file", help='<Required> full path to the input mzid', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-sp', '--spectras', nargs='+', dest="spectra_list",
help='<Required> list of the spectra carrying files referenced in the given mzid - each full path', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-od', "--outdir", dest="outfiles_directory", help="<Required> Outfile for qcml", required=True)
parser.add_argument('-rd', "--Rdir", dest="Rscripts_directory", help="<Required> Rscript directory", required=True)
parser.add_argument('-of', "--outfile", dest="outfile_path", help="Outfile for final qcml.")
parser.add_argument('-temp', "--tempdir", dest="temp_path", help="Temporary directory for intermediate files.")
#parser.add_option("--outdir", "-od", action="store", dest="outfile_directory", help="Outfile for predictions")
options = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
if not (options.mzid_file or options.spectra_list or options.outfile_directory):
#~ else:
#~ print dir(options)
if options.temp_path:
temp_dir = options.temp_path
temp_dir = "/tmp/"
logging.basicConfig(filename=options.outfiles_directory + "/qcml{:%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S}".format( + '.log',
filemode='w+', level=logging.DEBUG) #, format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s'"Starting Ligando-QC for " + options.mzid_file + " at " + str(
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.warning("verbosity turned on")
#print options.mzid_file, options.spectra_list, options.outfile_directory
# TODO go through all spectra files and create one by one the qcmls
metrics_list = [
for mse in options.spectra_list:
fmzid = filter_mzid(mzid=options.mzid_file, temp_dir=temp_dir)
qcml = create_qcml(mzid=fmzid,, feature=options.feats, directory=options.outfiles_directory)
image_qcml(qcml=qcml,, temp_dir=temp_dir)
for metric in metrics_list:
create_qp(qcml, temp_dir, metric, options.Rscripts_directory)"Finishing Ligando-QC for " + options.mzid_file + " at " + str(
if __name__ == '__main__':
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