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Created June 29, 2017 19:55
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"""Heatmap visualization of an fMRI time series for quality control.
Based on approach developed by Jonathan Power and explained here:
Python implementation by Michael Waskom <>
Released under Revised BSD license.
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import detrend
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nibabel as nib
class PowerPlot(object):
def __init__(self, data, wmparc, realign_params=None, smooth_sigma=3,
vlim=None, title=None):
"""Heatmap rendering of an fMRI timeseries for quality control.
The Freesurfer segmentation is used to organize data by different
components of the brain. The components are organized from top to
bottom and color-coded as follows:
- cortex (dark blue)
- subcortical gray matter (medium blue)
- cerebellum (light blue)
- superficial white matter (light red)
- deep white matter (dark red)
- ventricles (yellow)
Instantiating the class will load, preprocess, and plot the data.
data : filename or nibabel image
4D time series data to plot.
wmparc : filename or nibabel image
Freesurfer wmparc image in functional space.
realign_params : filename or numpy array, optional
Text file or array of realignment parameters in FSL-style format.
This means three columns of rotations in radians and then three
columns of translations in mm. If present, the time series of
framewise displacements will be shown at the top of the figure.
smooth_sigma : float or None, optional
Size of the smoothing kernel, in mm, to apply. Smoothing is
restricted within the mask for each component (cortex, cerebellum,
etc.). Smoothing reduces white noise and makes global image
artifacts much more apparent. Set to None to skip smoothing.
vlim : None or int, optional
Colormap limits (will be symmetric) in percent signal change units.
title : string
Title to show at the top of the plot.
fig : matplotlib Figure
axes : dict of matplotlib Axes
segdata : dict of arrays with data in the main plot
fd : 1d array of framewise displacements
# Load the timeseries data
if isinstance(data, str):
img = nib.load(data)
img = data
data = img.get_data().astype(np.float)
# Load the Freesurfer parcellation
if isinstance(wmparc, str):
wmparc = nib.load(wmparc).get_data()
wmparc = wmparc.get_data()
# Use header geometry to convert smoothing sigma from mm to voxels
sx, sy, sz, _ = img.header.get_zooms()
voxel_sizes = sx, sy, sz
if smooth_sigma is not None:
if smooth_sigma > 0:
smooth_sigma = np.divide(smooth_sigma, voxel_sizes)
smooth_sigma = None
# Preprocess and segment the data
masks, brain = self.define_masks(wmparc)
data[brain] = self.percent_change(data[brain])
data[brain] = detrend(data[brain])
data = self.smooth_data(data, masks, smooth_sigma)
segdata = self.segment_data(data, masks)
fd = self.framewise_displacement(realign_params)
# Get a default limit for the colormap
if vlim is None:
sd = np.percentile(segdata["cortex"].std(axis=1), 95)
vlim = int(np.round(sd))
# Make the plot
fig, axes = self.setup_figure()
self.fig, self.axes = fig, axes
self.plot_fd(axes["motion"], fd)
self.plot_data(axes, segdata, vlim)
if title is not None:
# Store useful attributes
self.segdata = segdata
self.fd = fd
def percent_change(self, data):
"""Convert to percent signal change over the mean for each voxel."""
null = data.mean(axis=-1) == 0
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
data /= data.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
data -= 1
data *= 100
data[null] = 0
return data
def define_masks(self, wmparc):
"""Create masks for anatomical components using Freesurfer labeling."""
subgm_ids = [10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54]
csf_ids = [4, 43, 31, 63]
masks = dict(
cortex=(1000 <= wmparc) & (wmparc < 3000),
subgm=np.in1d(wmparc.flat, subgm_ids).reshape(wmparc.shape),
cerbel=(wmparc == 8) | (wmparc == 47),
supwm=(3000 <= wmparc) & (wmparc < 5000),
deepwm=(wmparc == 5001) | (wmparc == 5002),
csf=np.in1d(wmparc.flat, csf_ids).reshape(wmparc.shape),
brain = np.any(masks.values(), axis=0)
return masks, brain
def smooth_data(self, data, masks, sigma):
"""Smooth the 4D image separately within each component."""
if sigma is None:
return data
for comp, mask in masks.items():
data[mask] = self._smooth_within_mask(data, mask, sigma)
return data
def _smooth_within_mask(self, data, mask, sigmas):
"""Smooth each with a Gaussian kernel, restricted to a mask."""
comp_data = data * np.expand_dims(mask, -1)
for f in range(comp_data.shape[-1]):
comp_data[..., f] = gaussian_filter(comp_data[..., f], sigmas)
smooth_mask = gaussian_filter(mask.astype(float), sigmas)
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
comp_data = comp_data / np.expand_dims(smooth_mask, -1)
return comp_data[mask]
def segment_data(self, data, masks):
"""Convert the 4D data image into a set of 2D matrices."""
segdata = {comp: data[mask] for comp, mask in masks.items()}
return segdata
def framewise_displacement(self, realign_params):
"""Compute the time series of framewise displacements."""
if isinstance(realign_params, str):
rp = np.loadtxt(realign_params)
elif isinstance(realign_params, np.ndarray):
rp = realign_params
return None
r, t = np.hsplit(rp, 2)
s = r * 50
ad = np.hstack([s, t])
rd = np.abs(np.diff(ad, axis=0))
fd = np.sum(rd, axis=1)
return fd
def setup_figure(self):
"""Initialize and organize the matplotlib objects."""
width, height = 8, 10
f = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
gs = plt.GridSpec(nrows=2, ncols=2,
left=.07, right=.98,
bottom=.05, top=.96,
wspace=0, hspace=.02,
height_ratios=[.1, .9],
width_ratios=[.01, .99])
ax_i = f.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
ax_m = f.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=ax_i)
ax_c = f.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharey=ax_i)
ax_b = f.add_axes([.035, .35, .0125, .2])
ax_i.set(xlabel="Volume", yticks=[])
ax_m.set(ylabel="FD (mm)")
axes = dict(image=ax_i, motion=ax_m, comp=ax_c, cbar=ax_b)
return f, axes
def plot_fd(self, ax, fd):
"""Show a line plot of the framewise displacement data."""
if fd is None:
fd = []
ax.set(ylim=(0, .5))
ax.plot(np.arange(1, len(fd) + 1), fd, lw=1.5, color=".15")
ax.set(ylabel="FD (mm)", ylim=(0, None))
for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
def plot_data(self, axes, segdata, vlim):
"""Draw the elements corresponding to the image data."""
# Concatenate and plot the time series data
components = ["cortex", "subgm", "cerbel", "supwm", "deepwm", "csf"]
plot_data = np.vstack([segdata[comp] for comp in components])
axes["image"].imshow(plot_data, cmap="gray", vmin=-vlim, vmax=vlim,
aspect="auto", rasterized=True)
# Separate the anatomical components
sizes = [len(segdata[comp]) for comp in components]
for y in np.cumsum(sizes)[:-1]:
axes["image"].axhline(y, c="w", lw=1)
# Add colors to identify the anatomical components
comp_ids = np.vstack([
np.full((len(segdata[comp]), 1), i,
for i, comp in enumerate(components)
comp_colors = [u'#00035b', u'#3b638c', u'#5a86ad',
u'#b9484e', u'#8c000f', u'#fbdd7e']
comp_cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(comp_colors)
vmin=0, vmax=len(components) - 1,
aspect="auto", rasterized=True,
# Add the colorbar
xx = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(1, 0, 100), -1)
ax = axes["cbar"]
ax.imshow(xx, aspect="auto", cmap="gray")
ax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[], ylabel="Percent signal change")
ax.text(0, -2, "$+${}".format(vlim),
ha="center", va="bottom", clip_on=False)
ax.text(0, 103, "$-${}".format(vlim),
ha="center", va="top", clip_on=False)
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