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Last active May 2, 2017 15:37
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Fit pRF model using analyzePRF
function results = fit_prfs(subj, ss, ts)
%% Setup paths
%% Setup stimulus information
param_fname = ['data/' subj '/stim/params.mat'];
image_fname = ['data/' subj '/stim/images.mat'];
params = struct();
params.stim(1).prescanDuration = 6;
params.stim(1).framePeriod = 2;
params.stim(1).nFrames = 96;
params.stim(1).paramsFile = param_fname;
params.stim(1).imFile = image_fname;
params.analysis.fieldSize = 16;
params.analysis.numberStimulusGridPoints = 50;
params.analysis.sampleRate = 16 / 50;
%% Find the number of runs
switch subj
case 'ti03'
runs = 4;
case 'ti05'
runs = 3;
case 'ti06'
runs = 3;
%% Prepare stimuli for pRF fit
params = makeStimFromScan(params, 1);
images = reshape(params.stim.images, [101, 101, 102]);
images = images(1:end, 1:end, 7:end);
% Fit by run
imstack = cell(1, runs);
for run = 1:runs
imstack{run} = images;
% Fit data averaged over runs
%imstack = {images};
%% Load the fMRI data
ts_fname = sprintf('ts_data_ss%d_ts%.1f.mat', ss, ts);
ts_data = load(['prfs/' subj '/' ts_fname]);
bold_data =;
% Fit by run
data = cell(1, runs);
for run = 1:runs
data{run} = squeeze(bold_data(run, 1:end, 1:end));
% Fit data averaged over runss
%data = {ts_data};
%% Fit the pRF model
fit_opts = struct('seedmode', [0 1 2], ...
'typicalgain', .15, ...
'maxiter', 1000, ...
'display', 'off');
results = analyzePRF(imstack, data, 2, fit_opts);
%% Save the results
out_stem = sprintf('prf_fits_ss%d_ts%.1f.mat', ss, ts);
results.hemi = ts_data.hemi;
results.vert = ts_data.vert;
save(['prfs/' subj '/' out_stem '.mat'], '-struct', 'results')
import os.path as op
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, op.expanduser("~/studies/sticks/frisem"))
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import savemat
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
import nibabel as nib
import surface
import transform_to_surf as tts
import lyman
def main(subj, ss, ts):
# Make template strings to identify relevant files
project = lyman.gather_project_info()
model = "ret_bars"
anal_dir = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], model, subj)
ts_temp = op.join(anal_dir, "model", "unsmoothed",
"run_{:d}", "results", "res4d.nii.gz")
reg_temp = op.join(anal_dir, "preproc", "run_{:d}",
mean_temp = op.join(anal_dir, "preproc", "run_{:d}",
runs = dict(ti03=4, ti05=3, ti06=3)
run_data = []
common_index = None
for run in range(1, runs[subj] + 1):
# Find the files for this run
ts_fname = ts_temp.format(run)
reg_fname = reg_temp.format(run)
mean_fname = mean_temp.format(run)
# Get a mask of the cortical ribbon
ribbon = tts.cortical_ribbon_in_epi(subj, model, run)
# Load the timeseries image object and get the data
ts_img_orig = nib.load(ts_fname)
ts_data = ts_img_orig.get_data()
# Add back in the mean at each voxel
mean_data = nib.load(mean_fname).get_data()[..., np.newaxis]
ts_data += mean_data
# Convert to percent signal change
ts_data = (ts_data / ts_data.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) - 1) * 100
# Make a new image object with nonzero mean
ts_img = nib.Nifti1Image(ts_data,
# Identify locally noisy voxels
bad_voxels = tts.find_bad_voxels(ts_img, ribbon)
# Transform the volume data onto the surface
sample_params = (.2, .8, 4)
surf_ts = tts.sample_to_hires_surface(subj, ts_img, reg_fname,
bad_voxels, sample_params)
# Get surface annotation data
vertex_info = tts.create_vertex_info(subj)
# Smooth the hires surface
#smooth_surf_ts = tts.smooth_hires_data(subj, surf_ts, vertex_info)
# Downsample to the lower-resolution mesh
lowres_ts = surface.downsample_mesh(surf_ts, vertex_info, "ico5")
lowres_ts = lowres_ts.loc[lowres_ts.var(axis=1) > 0]
# Smooth the lowres surface
if ss:
lowres_ts = surface.smooth_ico_surface(lowres_ts, ss).dropna(axis=1)
# Temporally smooth
lowres_ts = lowres_ts.apply(gaussian_filter1d, axis=1, args=[ts])
# Update the common index
if common_index is None:
common_index = lowres_ts.index
common_index = common_index.intersection(lowres_ts.index)
# Average over the runs
#data = pd.concat(dict(enumerate(run_data, 1)),
# names=["run", "hemi", "ico5"])
#data = data.groupby(level=["hemi", "ico5"]).mean()
# Temporally smooth
#data = data.apply(gaussian_filter1d, axis=1, args=[1.5])
#mdict = dict(data=data.values,
# hemi=data.index.get_level_values("hemi").values,
# vert=data.index.get_level_values("ico5").values)
# Combine run data into a 3D object
run_data = [data.ix[common_index] for data in run_data]
data = pd.Panel({i: data for i, data in enumerate(run_data)})
mdict = dict(data=data.values,
# Save the matfile
out_fname = "ts_data_ss{:d}_ts{:.1f}.mat".format(ss, ts)
savemat(op.join("prfs", subj, out_fname), mdict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
_, subj, ss, ts = sys.argv
main(subj, int(ss), float(ts))
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