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Last active June 16, 2017 16:25
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Initial translation of Prisma multiband EPI preprocessing to a Nipype workflow
import os
import argparse
import nipype
from nipype import Workflow, Node, MapNode, SelectFiles, DataSink
from nipype.interfaces import fsl, freesurfer as fs, utility
# Parse command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-subj", help="Freesurfer subject ID")
parser.add_argument("-ts", help="4D EPI timeseries image")
parser.add_argument("-sbref", help="3D single-band EPI reference image")
parser.add_argument("-se", help="Matched phase encode spin echo image")
parser.add_argument("-serev", help="Reversed phase encode spin echo image")
args = parser.parse_args()
# === Define pipeline nodes
# --- Input file selection
files = dict(ts=args.ts,
current_dir = os.path.realpath(".")
file_input = Node(SelectFiles(files, base_directory=current_dir), "file_input")
# --- Warpfield estimation using topup
list_se = Node(utility.Merge(2), "list_se")
# Combine different spin echo images into one file
merge_se = Node(fsl.Merge(dimension="t"), "merge_se")
# Distortion warpfield estimation
phase_encode_blips = ["y", "y", "y", "y-", "y-", "y-"]
readout_times = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
estimate_distortions = Node(fsl.TOPUP(encoding_direction=phase_encode_blips,
# Average distortion-corrected spin-echo images
average_se = Node(fsl.MeanImage(out_file="se_unwarped.nii.gz"), "average_se")
# Select first warpfield image from output list
select_warp = Node(utility.Select(index=[0]), "select_warp")
# --- Registration of SBRef to SE-EPI (with distortions)
sbref2se = Node(fsl.FLIRT(dof=6), "sbref2se")
# --- Registration of SE-EPI (without distortions) to Freesurfer anatomy
se2anat = Node(fs.BBRegister(subject_id=args.subj, contrast_type="t2"),
# --- Motion correction of timeseries to SBRef (with distortions)
ts2sbref = Node(fsl.MCFLIRT(save_mats=True), "ts2sbref")
# --- Combined motion correction and unwarping of timeseries
# Split the timeseries into each frame
split_ts = Node(fsl.Split(dimension="t"), "split_ts")
# Concatenation ts2sbref and sbref2se rigid transform
combine_rigids = MapNode(fsl.ConvertXFM(concat_xfm=True),
"in_file", "combine_rigids")
# Simultaneously apply rigid transform and nonlinear warpfield
restore_ts_frames = MapNode(fsl.ApplyWarp(interp="spline", relwarp=True),
["in_file", "ref_file", "premat"], "restore_ts")
# Recombine the timeseries frames into a 4D image
merge_ts = Node(fsl.Merge(merged_file="ts_mc_unwarped.nii.gz",
dimension="t"), "merge_ts")
# Save out important results
output_dir = os.path.realpath("python_script_outputs")
file_output = Node(DataSink(base_directory=output_dir),
# === Assemble pipeline
workflow = Workflow(name="prisma_preproc", base_dir="nipype_cache")
(file_input, list_se,
[("se", "in1"), ("serev", "in2")]),
(list_se, merge_se,
[("out", "in_files")]),
(merge_se, estimate_distortions,
[("merged_file", "in_file")]),
(estimate_distortions, select_warp,
[("out_warps", "inlist")]),
(estimate_distortions, average_se,
[("out_corrected", "in_file")]),
(average_se, se2anat,
[("out_file", "source_file")]),
(file_input, ts2sbref,
[("ts", "in_file"), ("sbref", "ref_file")]),
(file_input, split_ts,
[("ts", "in_file")]),
(file_input, sbref2se,
[("sbref", "in_file"), ("se", "reference")]),
(ts2sbref, combine_rigids,
[("mat_file", "in_file")]),
(sbref2se, combine_rigids,
[("out_matrix_file", "in_file2")]),
(split_ts, restore_ts_frames,
[("out_files", "in_file"), ("out_files", "ref_file")]),
(combine_rigids, restore_ts_frames,
[("out_file", "premat")]),
(select_warp, restore_ts_frames,
[("out", "field_file")]),
(se2anat, restore_ts_frames,
[("out_fsl_file", "postmat")]),
(restore_ts_frames, merge_ts,
[("out_file", "in_files")]),
(merge_ts, file_output,
[("merged_file", "@restored_timeseries")]),
if __name__ == "__main__":
workflow.write_graph("prisma_preproc", "orig", "svg")
workflow.config["crashdump_dir"] = os.path.realpath("crashdumps")"MultiProc", dict(n_procs=24))
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