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Created September 1, 2014 15:39
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Colors Pascal's triangle by the largest prime factor
#lang racket
(require pict)
(require racket/draw)
(require racket/fixnum)
(define (slop f l)
((null? l) '())
(#t (cons (f l) (slop f (cdr l))))))
(define (repeat n times)
(if (zero? times)
(cons n (repeat n (sub1 times)))))
(define (flip f) (lambda (x y) (f y x)))
(define (take-pad padding l n)
[(zero? n)
[(null? l)
(repeat padding n)]
(cons (car l) (take-pad padding (cdr l) (- n 1)))]))
(define (moving-window l f w [e 0])
(let ([embedding (repeat e (sub1 w))])
(slop (compose f (curry (flip (curry take-pad e)) w)) (append embedding l))))
(define (triangle n)
(define (helper l d)
(cons l ((if (zero? d)
(lambda (x) (helper x (sub1 d))))
(moving-window l (lambda (x) (+ (first x) (second x))) 2 0))))
(helper '(1) n))
(define (gp n)
(if (and (> n 3) (even? n))
(gp (fxrshift n 1))
(let loop ([n n]
[k 3]
[k2 9]
[delta 16])
(if (> k2 n)
(if (zero? (remainder n k))
(loop (quotient n k) k k2 delta)
(if (< (+ k2 delta 2) delta)
(loop n (+ k 2) (+ k2 delta) (+ delta 8))))))))
(define (b l)
(for/list ([x l])
(for/list ([y x])
(gp y))))
(define (iterate f i n)
(let ((r (f i)))
((zero? n) '())
(#t (cons i (iterate f r (sub1 n)))))))
(define (tl n [radius 10])
(if (zero? n)
(hc-append (filled-ellipse radius radius) (tl (sub1 n) radius))))
(define (pyramid depth)
(define (helper n)
(if (eq? n depth)
(vc-append (tl n 4) (helper (add1 n)))))
(helper 0))
(define (tln n items)
(foldr hc-append (blank) items))
(define (pyramidn items depth)
(define (helper items n)
(if (eq? n depth)
(vc-append (tln n (take items n)) (helper (drop items n) (add1 n)))))
(helper items 0))
(define h (make-hash))
;(define colors #("red" "blue" "green" "cyan" "magenta" "yellow" "orange" "CadetBlue" "Purple" "PaleGreen"))
(define colors (list->vector (iterate (curry scale-color 1.1) "black" 30)))
(define cindex 0)
(define (moo l picts)
(if (null? l)
(cons (begin (when (not (dict-has-key? h (first l)))
(begin (dict-set! h (first l) (vector-ref colors cindex))
(set! cindex (add1 cindex))))
(colorize (first picts) (dict-ref h (first l))))
(moo (rest l) (rest picts)))))
(define mynums (flatten (b (triangle 40))))
(define tool (moo mynums (build-list (length mynums) (lambda (x) (filled-rectangle 10 10)))))
(pyramidn tool 40)
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