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Created November 24, 2015 12:19
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_ = require 'underscore'
Hoek = require 'hoek'
Boom = require 'boom'
async = require 'async'
helperProductFeeds = require './helper-product-feeds'
arnConstants = require './arn-constants'
stateConstants = require './state-constants'
helperProductFeedIdFromMessage = require './helper-product-feed-id-from-message'
helperInvokeTransloadit = require './helper-invoke-transloadit'
helperExtractImagesFromProductFeed = require './helper-extract-images-from-product-feed'
module.exports = (singleRawSqsMessage,plugin,options,cb = ->) ->
Hoek.assert _.isObject singleRawSqsMessage, "The required parameter 'singleRawSqsMessage' is missing or not an object."
Hoek.assert _.isObject plugin, "The required parameter 'plugin' is missing or not an object."
Hoek.assert _.isObject options, "The required parameter 'options' is missing or not an object."
Hoek.assert _.isFunction cb, "The required parameter 'cb' is missing or not a function."
Hoek.assert _.isObject options.transloadit, "The required parameter 'options.transloadit' is missing or not an object."
Hoek.assert _.isString options.transloadit.key, "The required parameter 'options.transloadit.key' is missing or not a string."
Hoek.assert _.isString options.transloadit.secret, "The required parameter 'options.transloadit.secret' is missing or not a string."
Hoek.assert _.isBoolean options.transloadit.testMode, "The required parameter 'options.transloadit.testMode' is missing or not a boolean."
Hoek.assert _.isObject options.pfImageLoader, "The required parameter 'options.pfImageLoader' is missing or not an object."
Hoek.assert _.isString options.pfImageLoader.transloaditCopyAssetTemplateId, "The required parameter 'options.pfImageLoader.transloaditCopyAssetTemplateId' is missing or not a string."
Hoek.assert _.isString options.pfImageLoader.notifyUrl, "The required parameter 'options.pfImageLoader.notifyUrl' is missing or not a string."
productFeeds = helperProductFeeds(plugin)
envyBackendSns = -> plugin.plugins['@envy/envy-backend-sns']
Hoek.assert envyBackendSns(),"Could not find plugin '@envy/envy-backend-sns'."
productFeedId = helperProductFeedIdFromMessage(singleRawSqsMessage)
unless productFeedId
plugin.log ['envy-pf-imageloader','queue', 'envy-process-pf-product-feed-imageloader','error'], {message: "No product feed id - message ignored and deleted", data: singleRawSqsMessage}
return cb null
productFeeds().getOne productFeedId,{}, (err,productFeed) ->
return cb err if err # really
return cb Boom.notFound(productFeedId) unless productFeed
if productFeed.state is stateConstants.block
plugin.log ['envy-pf-imageloader','queue', 'envy-process-pf-product-feed-imageloader','warning'], {message: "Product feed with id #{productFeedId} is blocked - passing", productFeedId : productFeedId}
return cb null
if productFeed.substates?["imageLoader"] is stateConstants.complete
plugin.log ['envy-pf-imageloader','queue', 'envy-process-pf-product-feed-imageloader','warning'], {message: "Product feed with id #{productFeedId} already completed - passing", productFeedId : productFeedId}
return cb null
images = helperExtractImagesFromProductFeed productFeed
Here it gets funky.
1. we need to extract the images from both sources, and
ensure that we have no duplicates
2. for all of them, we need to invoke transloadit
3. we need to save the transloadit object, and the image objects for each one of those raw.
processedObjectData =
imageUrlsToProcess: images
totalImageCount: images.length
images: []
patchData =
state: "imageloader-processing"
"substates.imageLoader" : stateConstants.transloadit
processedObject: _.extend productFeed.processedObject || {}, processedObjectData || {}
console.log "ProductFeed: #{productFeedId} - Job imageLoader: Writing"
productFeeds().patchOne productFeedId,patchData,{}, (err,productData) ->
if err
plugin.log ['envy-pf-imageloader','queue', 'envy-process-pf-product-feed-imageloader','error','mongodb'], {message: "Mongodb error while patching #{productFeedId}", productFeedId : productFeedId,err: err}
return cb err
fnInvokeTransloadit = (imageUrl, cb )->
console.log "Invoking Transloadit for #{imageUrl}"
helperInvokeTransloadit options.transloadit.testMode,options.transloadit.key,options.transloadit.secret,options.pfImageLoader.transloaditCopyAssetTemplateId,options.pfImageLoader.notifyUrl,imageUrl,productFeedId, (err) ->
if err
plugin.log ['envy-pf-imageloader','queue', 'envy-process-pf-product-feed-imageloader','error','transloadit'], {message: "Transloadit error while uploding assembly for product feed #{productFeedId}", productFeedId : productFeedId,err: err}
cb err
async.each images, fnInvokeTransloadit, (err) ->
return cb err if err
cb null
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