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Created May 5, 2015 01:12
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ICGC Table modeller demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-ng-app="Test">
<title>Test Modeller</title>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
<div class="light ng-cloak" ng-controller="MyController">
<div class="pull-left">
<strong>Table Modeller (Format: name [,expected_size] )</strong><br>
<textarea style="width:40rem; height:8rem" ng-model="tableStr" ng-change="refresh()"></textarea>
<div class="pull-right">
some other things can go here
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<h1 id="brand"> ICGC Data Portal<h1>
<div class="h1-wrap">
<h1><i class="icon-caret-right"></i>Page Title Goes In Here</h1>
<aside class="t_aside">
<div style="margin-right:-2rem">
<ul class="t_facets__facet" ng-repeat="x in [1, 2]">
<li class="t_facets__facet__title">Facet Title</li>
<li class="t_facets__facet__terms">
<ul class="t_facets__facet">
<ul class="t_facets__facet__terms__active">
<li class="t_facets__facet__terms__active__term__label">Term 1</li>
<li class="t_facets__facet__terms__active__term__label">Term 2</li>
<li class="t_facets__facet__terms__active__term__label">Term 3</li>
<li class="t_facets__facet__terms__active__term__label">Term 4</li>
<span>Showing <strong>X</strong> of <strong> Y </strong> things</span>
<table class="table table-info">
<th ng-repeat="c in columnList">{{}}</th>
<td ng-repeat="c in columnList">{{c.len | expand }}</td>
<td ng-repeat="c in columnList">{{c.len | expand }}</td>
<td ng-repeat="c in columnList">{{c.len | expand }}</td>
<td ng-repeat="c in columnList">{{c.len | expand }}</td>
<td ng-repeat="c in columnList">{{c.len | expand }}</td>
<small>So my darling don't give up. On these dreams you're dreaming of, When the sky falls down one day. It's your dance that will remain. </small>
var app = angular.module("Test", []);
app.filter('expand', function() {
return function(len) {
return (new Array(+len)).join('?');
app.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$scope.tableStr = 'column1,8\ncolumn2\ncolumn3,2';
$scope.refresh = function() {
var cols = $scope.tableStr.split('\n');
$scope.columnList = {
return {
name: s.split(',')[0],
len: 1 + (+s.split(',')[1]) || 4
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