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Forked from mardambey/mod_msg_filter.erl
Created April 26, 2012 05:55
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mod_msg_filter allows the filtering of "message" stanzas across an HTTP service.
%% mod_msg_filter allows the filtering of "message"
%% stanzas across an HTTP service. The URL of the
%% service must be passed as part of the module's
%% configuration. Both JIDs and their resources are
%% passed as part of the query string and the result
%% is expected to be one of:
%% <status value="denied">
%% <stanza1><error/></stanza1>
%% <stanza2><error/></stanza2>
%% </status>
%% or:
%% <status value="allowed">
%% <stanza1><noop/></stanza1>
%% <stanza2><noop/></stanza2>
%% </status>
%% The values of the <error> tags or <noop> tags will
%% be cached in mnesia using 2 keys that look like:
%% {bare_jid1, bare_jid2, resource1, resource2}
%% {bare_jid2, bare_jid1, resource2, resource1}
%% The <error> tags will then be sent over to both JIDs
%% if the <status> has a "value" of "denied", otherwise
%% the original message is let through.
%% The mnesia cache can be flushed if the ejabberd
%% server is hit on a request handler that maps to this
%% module (for example: /mod_msg_manager/). A stanza must
%% be POSTed that looks like:
%% <flush jid=""/>
%% Note that no resource is included at all. This can be
%% used if ejabberd is part of a system that has billing
%% restrictions on chatting but allows presence to go
%% through all the time.
-export([start/2, stop/1, filter_packet/1, loop/1, process/2]).
%% The HTTP service used to get permissions
%% and block list for Jids.
%% Url the HTTP service uses to fetch permissions
-define(DEFAULT_PERMS_URL, "http://localhost/").
%% This is the response the HTTP service get back
%% after its checked for someone's permissions
-define(DENIED, "denied").
%% This is the response the HTTP service receives
%% after its checked a member's permissions and
%% they are allowed to chat.
-define(ALLOWED, "allowed").
%% Global configuration
-record(config, {perms_url}).
%% Represents a permission pair that represents
%% whether 2 JIDs can chat or not.
%% id = {bare_jid1, bare_jid2, resource1, resource2}
%% status = allowed | denied
%% jid1Stanza = <error> to send to jid1
%% jid2Stanza = <error> to send to jid2
-record(perms, {id, status, jid1Stanza, jid2Stanza}).
%% Starts the module and reads in the configuration.
%% Also spawns the HTTP service process for permission
%% checking.
start(_Host, Opts) ->
case whereis(?HTTP_SERVICE) of
undefined ->
?INFO_MSG("Loading module 'mod_msg_filter'", []),
PermsUrl = gen_mod:get_opt(perms_url, Opts, ?DEFAULT_PERMS_URL),
register(?HTTP_SERVICE, spawn(?MODULE, loop, [#config{perms_url = PermsUrl}])),
ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, filter_packet, 100);
_ -> ok
%% Shuts down the module.
stop(_Host) ->
?INFO_MSG("Unloading module 'mod_msg_filter'", []),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, filter_packet, 100),
%% Return drop to drop the packet, or the original input to let it through.
%% From and To are jid records.
filter_packet(drop) -> drop;
filter_packet({From, To, _Packet} = Input) ->
?DEBUG("filter_packet(~p)", [Input]),
%% It probably doesn't make any sense to block packets to oneself.
%% If this is not out packet or ourselves we'll check_stanza and
%% either return drop, allow, or send another stanza instead
R = if From#jid.luser == To#jid.luser, From#jid.lserver == To#jid.lserver -> Input;
From#jid.luser == "admin" -> Input; %% allow stanzas from admin
true -> check_stanza(Input)
case R of
{drop, _} -> drop;
{drop, _, _} -> drop;
_ -> R
%% If this is anything but a "message" stanza move on.
%% If this is a "message" then we'll inspect its From
%% and To and figure out if we should let it through
%% or spoof error stanzas to both sides and drop the
%% original message.
check_stanza({From, To, {xmlelement, "message", _Attrs, _Els}} = Input) ->
?DEBUG("check_stanza(message): Got message from ~p to ~p", [jlib:jid_to_string(From), jlib:jid_to_string(To)]),
case can_chat(From, To) of
allowed -> Input; %% allowed to chat, let packet through
{denied, FromStanza, ToStanza} -> %% not allowed, send respective stanzas
J = #jid{
spoof_error(J, From, FromStanza), %% send error to From, with admin as sender
spoof_error(J, To, ToStanza), %% send error to To, with admin as sender
drop; %% drop the packet
_ -> drop %% drop on an unrecognized reponse
check_stanza(Input) ->
?DEBUG("check_stanza: letting packet through: ~p", [Input]),
%% Creates and routes a "message" stanza of type
%% error that has an embedded tag given as the
%% Error parameter (usually an <error>).
spoof_error(From, To, Error) ->
ejabberd_router:route(From, To,
[{"to", jlib:jid_to_string(To)}, {"type","error"}],
%% Creates a composite key using {From, To}
%% (bare JIDs) and attempts look it up in the
%% database. If not found then we attempt to
%% get and cache in the db the permissions using
%% the HTTP service. Once we have the permissions
can_chat(From, To) ->
Key = {
perms_parse(Key, db_read(perms, Key)).
%% Parse a permissions entry.
perms_parse(Key, %% no permissions, load and cache using http service
[]) ->
?DEBUG("perms_parse(~p): not found in db, getting over http.", [Key]),
perms_parse(_, %% allowed, lets the message through
[#perms{id=Id , status=allowed, jid1Stanza=_S1, jid2Stanza=_S2}]) ->
?DEBUG("perms_parse(~p): allowed, letting message through.", [Id]),
perms_parse(_, %% denied, return stanzas to they can be sent to both sides
[#perms{id=Id , status=denied, jid1Stanza=S1, jid2Stanza=S2}]) ->
?DEBUG("perms_parse(~p): denied, sending respective stanzas.", [Id]),
{denied, S1, S2};
perms_parse(Key, %% denied, unknown response
Response) ->
?DEBUG("perms_parse(~p): denied, unrecognized response: ~p", [Key, Response]),
%% Gets permissions for given Key over HTTP
%% service and caches them in the database.
perms_get_http_and_cache(Key) ->
?DEBUG("perms_get_http_and_cache(~p): trying to get and cache perms.", [Key]),
?HTTP_SERVICE ! {self(), {permissions, Key}},
{_Sender, {permissions, {?ALLOWED, _Stanza1, _Stanza2}}} ->
?DEBUG("perms_get_http_and_cache(~p): allowed, letting message through.", [Key]),
perms_cache(Key, allowed),
{_Sender, {permissions, {?DENIED, Stanza1, Stanza2}}} ->
?DEBUG("perms_get_http_and_cache(~p): denied, sending respective stanzas.", [Key]),
perms_cache(Key, denied, Stanza1, Stanza2),
{denied, Stanza1, Stanza2};
Unknown ->
?DEBUG("perms_get_http_and_cache(~p): unknown response ~p", [Key, Unknown]),
denied %% send denied but do not cache it as this was error
%% Cache permissions for Key in the database.
perms_cache({Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2} = _Key, allowed) -> %% cache allowed with noop as stanzas
?DEBUG("perms_cache(~p ~p): allowed", [Jid1, Jid2]),
perms_cache(Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2, allowed, noop, noop).
perms_cache({Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2} = _Key, denied, Stanza1, Stanza2) -> %% cache denied with given stanzas
?DEBUG("perms_cache(~p ~p): denied", [Jid1, Jid2]),
perms_cache(Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2, denied, Stanza1, Stanza2).
perms_cache(Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2, Status, Stanza1, Stanza2) -> %% cache Status for {Jid1,Jid2} and {Jid2, Jid1}
?DEBUG("perms_cache: ~p ~p ~p", [Status,
#perms{id={Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2}, status=Status, jid1Stanza=Stanza1, jid2Stanza=Stanza2},
#perms{id={Jid2, Jid1, R2, R1}, status=Status, jid1Stanza=Stanza2, jid2Stanza=Stanza1}
#perms{id={Jid1, Jid2, R1, R2}, status=Status, jid1Stanza=Stanza1, jid2Stanza=Stanza2},
#perms{id={Jid2, Jid1, R2, R1}, status=Status, jid1Stanza=Stanza2, jid2Stanza=Stanza1}
%% Flush persmissions for the given JID.
%% This works by matching all objects in
%% the cache that look like:
%% {perms, {Jid, '_', '_', '_'}, '_', '_', '_'}
%% {perms, {'_', Jid, '_', '_'}, '_', '_', '_'}
perms_flush(Jid) ->
Fun = fun() ->
L1 = mnesia:match_object(perms, {perms, {Jid, '_', '_', '_'}, '_', '_', '_'}, read),
L2 = mnesia:match_object(perms, {perms, {'_', Jid, '_', '_'}, '_', '_', '_'}, read),
perms_delete([]) -> ok;
perms_delete([Item|Tail]) ->
Key =,
?DEBUG("perms_delete(~p)", [Key]),
mnesia:delete({perms, Key}),
%% Writes the given list into the
%% database using a transaction.
db_transaction_write(List) ->
Fun = fun() ->
%% Writes the given list into the database.
%% Meant to be used within a transaction.
db_write([]) -> ok;
db_write([Item|Tail]) ->
?DEBUG("db_write(~p)", [Item]),
%% Given Table and Key, tries to fetch Key from
%% Table using a transactional read.
db_read(Table, Key) ->
Fun = fun() ->
mnesia:read(Table, Key)
case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
{atomic, []} ->
?DEBUG("db_read(~p): []", [Key]),
{atomic, List} ->
?DEBUG("db_read(~p): ~p", [Key, List]),
Unknown ->
?DEBUG("db_read(~p): ~p", [Key, Unknown]),
%% Remove all white-space from the given input.
trim_whitespace(Input) -> re:replace(Input, "\\s+", " ", [global]).
%% This loop is spawned off and is responsible for making HTTP
%% requests to fetch "permissions" and "blocklist" for Jids.
loop(Config) ->
{Sender, {permissions, {From, To, R1, R2}}} ->
% construct url
Url = io_lib:format(Config#config.perms_url, [From, To, R1, R2]),
% make http request and parse out result
{ok, {{_Version, 200, _ReasonPhrase}, _Headers, Body}} = http:request(Url),
Result = trim_whitespace(Body),
?DEBUG("Got permission response: ~p", [Result]),
% send the result back
case xml_stream:parse_element(Result) of
{xmlelement, "status", [{"value", Status}], [Stanza1, Stanza2]} -> %% valid response structure
?DEBUG("loop(HTTP_SERVICE) got valid perms response: ~p ~p ~p", [Status, Stanza1, Stanza2]),
Sender ! {self(), {permissions, {Status, Stanza1, Stanza2}}};
Unknown -> %% invalid response, deny request
?DEBUG("loop(HTTP_SERVICE) got invalid perms response: ~p", [Unknown]),
Sender ! {self(), {permissions, denied}}
stop ->
?DEBUG("Stopping mod_msg_filter HTTP service process.", []),
Unknown -> ?DEBUG("Got unknown request: ~p", [Unknown])
%% Initializes mnesia and creates needed schema
%% and tables.
db_init() ->
%% TODO: should we catch the error from create_schema?
db_create_table(perms, [{attributes, record_info(fields, perms)}]),
%% Creates a table if it does not exist.
%% Returns one of:
%% "already_exists": table already exists
%% "ok": table created
%% "{error, reason}": unknown error with the mnesia error
db_create_table(Name, ArgList) ->
case mnesia:create_table(Name, ArgList) of
{aborted, {already_exists, _Table}} -> already_exists;
{aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason};
{atomic, ok} -> ok;
Err -> {error, Err}
%% Given a Jid delete all entries that have
%% it in its key from the cache.
process([], #request{method = 'POST',
data = Data,
host = Host,
ip = ClientIp
}) ->
{200, [], process_http_request(Data, Host, ClientIp)};
process(Path, Request) ->
?DEBUG("Got request to ~p: ~p", [Path, Request]),
{200, [], "Try POSTing a stanza."}.
%% If the first character of Data is "<", it is considered a stanza to process.
%% Otherwise, an error is returned.
process_http_request([$< | _ ] = Data, _Host, _ClientIp) ->
Stanza = xml_stream:parse_element(Data),
case Stanza of
{xmlelement, "flush", [{"jid", Jid}], []} ->
F = perms_flush(Jid),
?DEBUG("perms_flush: ~p", [F]),
Unknown ->
?DEBUG("process_http_request: unknown request ~p", [Unknown]),
process_http_request(_Data, _Host, _ClientIp) -> unknown_http_request().
successful_http_request() ->
{xmlelement, "status", [{"value", "success"}], []}.
unknown_http_request() ->
{xmlelement, "status", [{"value", "error"}], []}.
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