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Last active January 8, 2018 22:06
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:b spec/  => recent files in buffer
:buffers => recently opened files
:Unlink => Delete files
:registers; "6p  => print sixth item in clipbard
zzCenter the current line within the window
ztBring the current line to the top of the window
zbBring the current line to the bottom of the window
ctrl+w, T = open pane in a new tab
Shift + H, M, L - navigation top, middle, bottom
R + character = replace
Shift } = skip forward to next break
ctrl + b, space = change from vertical to horizontal
ctrl x + ctrl l (while in insert) completes line
ysiw "yank surround inside word"  "vim-surroung"
In fuzzy search => ctrl + V or ctrl + X, ctrl + T
:echo tsuquyomi#hint() => get type hint. Leader + H in dot files
Ctrl + w; Shift H => switches screens
Ctrl + w; Shift T => moves pane to new screen
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