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Last active September 14, 2017 16:01
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import re,sys,os,getopt,urllib2,datetime
import zipfile
from osgeo import ogr
def main():
# set environ['HPCCSCRIPTDIR'] to '.' if not set previously:
if "HPCCSCRIPTDIR" not in os.environ:
os.environ['HPCCSCRIPTDIR'] = "/var/lib/geoserver/data_ingest"
print("setting 'HPCCSCRIPTDIR' to: " + os.environ['HPCCSCRIPTDIR'])
#change current working directory to 'SCRIPTDIR' if present (for cron support)
if "SCRIPTDIR" in os.environ:
stormnum_formatted = "{0:02d}".format(stormnum)
archive_name= basin + str(stormnum_formatted) + str(year) + ""
download_status,last_modified = download_archive(nhc_download_url,archive_name)
if download_status == False:
#determine the last-modified timedelta, and 'last_modified_hours' number
# of hours since the last modified time of the archive file. Used to determine if processing needed.
last_modified_age = - last_modified
#last_modified_hours = (last_modified_age.seconds / 3600).round(0)
last_modified_hours = (last_modified_age.days * 24) + (last_modified_age.seconds / 3600)
print("last_modified_hours: " + str(last_modified_hours))
#perform source shapefile processing and data upload only if last_modified_hours is within 24 hours to current time:
if last_modified_hours < 24:
#if True:
print("The last-modified time value: " + str(last_modified_hours) + " is below 24 hour threshold for data update")
print("processing the archive file " + archive_name + " and uploading to GeoServer to update data store")
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile("download/" + archive_name,'r')
#new_shape_datatypes: a dictionary mapping archive shapefile suffixes to new suffixes to use in renaming rules below:
#archive shape names -> new names to upload to PostGIS tables:
# al012012_lin -> nhc_prelim_besttrack_track
# al012012_pts -> nhc_prelim_besttrack_points
# al012012_radii -> nhc_prelim_besttrack_radii
# al012012_windswath -> nhc_prelim_besttrack_windswath
new_shape_datatypes = {'lin':'track','pts':'points','radii':'radii','windswath':'windswath'}
#list of the new output shapefile names from regexp replace below:
new_shapefile_names = ["nhc_prelim_besttrack_points.shp","nhc_prelim_besttrack_radii.shp","nhc_prelim_besttrack_track.shp","nhc_prelim_besttrack_windswath.shp"]
#change working dir to 'download'
for key in sorted(new_shape_datatypes.keys()):
#regexp: al012012_ + key
regexp = basin + stormnum_formatted + str(year) + "_" + key
#rename shapefile files according to above name dictionary
for filename in os.listdir("."):
if re.match(regexp,filename):
#newfilename = "nhc_prelim_besttrack_" + track|points|radii|windswath + ext
newfilename = "nhc_prelim_besttrack_" + re.sub(regexp,new_shape_datatypes[key],filename)
print("rename " + filename + " to: " + newfilename)
#fields to add to each source shapefile (missing in source attribution):
# nhc_prelim_besttrack_track: STORMID, BASIN, YEAR
# nhc_prelim_besttrack_points: STORMID
# nhc_prelim_besttrack_radii: ?
# nhc_prelim_besttrack_windswath: YEAR
# STORMID ex: al012012
#loop through each renamed shapefile, check to see field name is present,
# if missing, add via CreateNewField()
for shapefile_name in new_shapefile_names:
source = ogr.Open(os.environ['SCRIPTDIR'] + "/download/" + shapefile_name, 1)
#need to check that the shapefile exists in the archive, if not, log a message and skip:
layer = source.GetLayer()
except AttributeError:
print("Shapefile: " + shapefile_name + " does not exist in archive " + archive_name)
layer_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn()
field_names = [layer_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() for i in range(layer_defn.GetFieldCount())]
print("Shapefile: " + shapefile_name + " field count: " + str(len(field_names)))
print ("Fieldnames: " + str(field_names))
field_names_added = []
#add new fields if not already present, and assign values:
if not 'STORMID' in field_names:
new_field = ogr.FieldDefn('STORMID', ogr.OFTString)
if not 'YEAR' in field_names:
new_field = ogr.FieldDefn('YEAR', ogr.OFTInteger)
if not 'BASIN' in field_names:
new_field = ogr.FieldDefn('BASIN', ogr.OFTString)
if not 'STORMNUM' in field_names:
new_field = ogr.FieldDefn('STORMNUM', ogr.OFTInteger)
if not 'LASTMOD' in field_names:
new_field = ogr.FieldDefn('LASTMOD', ogr.OFTString)
layer_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn()
field_names = [layer_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() for i in range(layer_defn.GetFieldCount())]
print ("Resulting Fieldnames: " + str(field_names))
#create a 'last_modified_string' with specified syntax to represent the 'last-modifed' value determined via HTTP header during download.
# this will be added under the 'LASTMOD' field and used in SQL view generation in GeoServer
last_modified_string = "{0:04d}".format(last_modified.year) + "{0:02d}".format(last_modified.month) + "{0:02d}".format( + "/" + "{0:02d}".format(last_modified.hour) + "{0:02d}".format(last_modified.minute)
print("last_modified_string: " + last_modified_string)
#populate newly created fields (using field_names_added[] list to detect which were added for
# each source shapefile
i = 0
while i < layer.GetFeatureCount():
feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
if 'STORMID' in field_names_added: feature.SetField('STORMID',basin + stormnum_formatted + str(year))
if 'YEAR' in field_names_added: feature.SetField('YEAR',year)
if 'BASIN' in field_names_added: feature.SetField('BASIN',basin.upper())
if 'STORMNUM' in field_names_added: feature.SetField('STORMNUM',basin)
if 'LASTMOD' in field_names_added: feature.SetField('LASTMOD',last_modified_string)
i = i + 1
#debug output of resulting attrubution:
print("Shapefile: " + shapefile_name + " feature count: " + str(layer.GetFeatureCount()) + ". Debug values:")
i = 0
while i < layer.GetFeatureCount():
feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
print("STORMID:" + feature.GetFieldAsString('STORMID') + " YEAR:" + feature.GetFieldAsString('YEAR') + " BASIN:" + feature.GetFieldAsString('BASIN') + " STORMNUM:" + feature.GetFieldAsString('STORMNUM') + " LAST_MODIFIED:" + feature.GetFieldAsString('LASTMOD'))
i = i + 1
# Close the Shapefile
source = None
#add all of the files matching any of the new shapefile names in new_shape_names in download dir to .zip file for upload:
uploadzipfilename = ""
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(uploadzipfilename,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
#loop through all files in 'download/' dir to match against new_shape_names.values()
for filename in os.listdir("."):
for shapefile_name in new_shapefile_names:
shape_prefix = shapefile_name.split(".")[0]
if re.match(shape_prefix,filename):
print("Created archive file: " + uploadzipfilename + " for data sets to upload")
#remove the modified shapefile source files from 'download' dir:
for filename in os.listdir("."):
for shapefile_name in new_shapefile_names:
shape_prefix = shapefile_name.split(".")[0]
if re.match(shape_prefix,filename):
os.remove("download/" + uploadzipfilename)
#create and update SQL views for this storm. Note: both create and update are
# needed because it is unknown whether the particular SQL views have already been created.
# If a create call is issued via REST API, it will error out and the bounds may not be updated.
for type in sorted(new_shape_datatypes.values()):
#set styles for SQL views:
for type in sorted(new_shape_datatypes.values()):
print("Last-modified time is " + str(last_modified_hours) + " hours from current time, this is above the limit of 24 to cause data upload. No new data will be uploaded for this storm.")
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