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Last active March 14, 2023 15:49
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Plant Location with Non-Linear Costs
Plant Location with Non-Linear Costs
from __future__ import annotations
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import mip
from typing import Callable
from import Sequence
class CandidateSite:
"""Potential factory locations."""
location: tuple[float, float]
max_capacity: float
class Customer:
location: tuple[float, float]
demand: float
sites = (
CandidateSite(location = ( 1, 38), max_capacity = 1955),
CandidateSite(location = (31, 40), max_capacity = 1932),
CandidateSite(location = (23, 59), max_capacity = 1987),
CandidateSite(location = (76, 51), max_capacity = 1823),
CandidateSite(location = (93, 51), max_capacity = 1718),
CandidateSite(location = (63, 74), max_capacity = 1742),
customers = (
Customer( location = (94, 10), demand = 302 ),
Customer( location = (57, 26), demand = 273 ),
Customer( location = (74, 44), demand = 275 ),
Customer( location = (27, 51), demand = 266 ),
Customer( location = (78, 30), demand = 287 ),
Customer( location = (23, 30), demand = 296 ),
Customer( location = (20, 72), demand = 297 ),
Customer( location = ( 3, 27), demand = 310 ),
Customer( location = ( 5, 39), demand = 302 ),
Customer( location = (51, 1), demand = 309 ),
def _distance(a: tuple[float, float], b: tuple[float, float]) -> float:
ax, ay = a
bx, by = b
return math.sqrt( (ax-bx)**2 + (ay-by)**2 )
# pre-compute distances
_dist_table = {
(site, cust) : _distance(site.location, cust.location)
for site in sites
for cust in customers
mip_model = mip.Model()
# Helper class
# SOS type 2 to approximate installation costs as piecewise linear function
class LinearApprox:
"""Approximate function by piecewise linear function.
*x_pts* are the points in the domain used for the piecewise approximation."""
def __init__(self, func: Callable[[float], float], x_pts: Sequence[float]):
self.func = func
self.x_pts = x_pts
def __call__(self, x_expr: mip.LinExpr | mip.Var) -> mip.LinExpr:
"""Construct a linear expression that approximates the function at the given value,
adding the necessary constraints."""
model = x_expr.model
# linear approximation points in the domain of F(x)
x_pts = [ x for x in self.x_pts if float( <= x <= float(x_expr.ub) ]
# non-linear function values for each approximation point
y_pts = [ self.func(x) for x in x_pts ]
# w variables - interpolation weights that add to 1, at most two can be non-zero
w_vars = [ model.add_var() for _ in range(len(x_pts)) ]
model.add_constr( mip.xsum(w_vars) == 1 ) # convexification
model.add_sos([ (w, k) for w, k in zip(w_vars, x_pts) ], sos_type=2)
# linear interpolate in each range to create function input and output expressions
model.add_constr(mip.xsum(w * x for w, x in zip(w_vars, x_pts)) == x_expr)
return mip.xsum(w * y for w, y in zip(w_vars, y_pts))
def _linspace(minv: float, maxv: float, pts: int) -> list[float]:
return [ minv + (maxv - minv)*(n / (pts-1)) for n in range(pts) ]
class Factory:
def __init__(self, model: mip.Model, site: CandidateSite): = site
# create a variable to decide how big to build each plant
# zero size means the plant won't be built
self.capacity = model.add_var(lb = 0, ub = site.max_capacity)
# create a variable for build cost using an approximation of a non-linear function
approx_pts = _linspace(float(, float(self.capacity.ub), 6)
cost_approx = LinearApprox(self._build_cost, approx_pts)
self.build_cost = cost_approx(self.capacity)
def _build_cost(capacity: float) -> float:
"""Costs to build a factory with capacity `capacity`; nonlinear function"""
# clamping the output to 0 if capacity < 1 (instead of capacity < 0) avoids a discontinuity
return 1520 * math.log(capacity) if capacity > 1 else 0
factories = [
Factory(mip_model, site) for site in sites
# Type 1 SOS: only one Factory per region
region1 = [ fact for fact in factories if 0 <=[0] <= 50 ]
region2 = [ fact for fact in factories if 50 <=[0] <= 100 ]
for region in (region1, region2):
mip_model.add_sos([(fact.capacity, idx) for idx, fact in enumerate(region)], sos_type=1)
# Amount that each factory will supply each customer
_order_table = {
(fact, cust) : mip_model.add_var()
for fact in factories
for cust in customers
# Constraint: satisfy demand
for cust in customers:
mip_model.add_constr( mip.xsum(_order_table[fact, cust] for fact in factories) == cust.demand )
# Constraint: max factory production is limited by size
for fact in factories:
mip_model.add_constr(mip.xsum(_order_table[fact, cust] for cust in customers ) <= fact.capacity)
# objective function
shipping_costs = mip.xsum(
_order_table[fact, cust] * _dist_table[, cust]
for fact in factories
for cust in customers
build_costs = mip.xsum(fact.build_cost for fact in factories)
mip_model.objective = mip.minimize( shipping_costs + build_costs )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plot possible plant locations
for candidate in sites:
x, y = candidate.location
plt.scatter(x, y, marker="^", color="purple", s=50)
plt.text(x, y, f"{candidate.max_capacity:d}")
# plot location of customers
for customer in customers:
x, y = customer.location
plt.scatter(x, y, marker="o", color="black", s=15)
plt.text(x, y, f"{customer.demand:d}")
plt.text(20, 78, "Region 1")
plt.text(70, 78, "Region 2")
plt.plot((50, 50), (0, 80))
if mip_model.num_solutions:
print(f"Solution with cost {mip_model.objective_value} found.")
print(f"Facilities capacities: {[fact.capacity.x for fact in factories]}")
print(f"Facilities cost: {[fact.build_cost.x for fact in factories]}")
# plotting allocations
for fact in factories:
for cust in customers:
if _order_table[fact, cust].x >= 1e-6:
xs, ys = zip(*[, cust.location])
plt.plot(xs, ys, linestyle="--", color="darkgray")
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