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Created May 16, 2013 06:04
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Bash Aliases
alias gpd="git push -u origin develop"
alias gpm="git push -u origin master"
alias ungit="find . -name '.git' -exec rm -rf {} \;"
alias chrome="open -a \"Google Chrome\""
#copy output of last command to clipboard
alias cl="fc -e -|pbcopy"
alias cpu='top -o cpu'
alias mem='top -o rsize' # memory
#copy the working directory path
alias cpwd='pwd|tr -d "\n"|pbcopy'
#ls better
alias la="ls -aF"
alias ld="ls -ld"
alias ll="ls -l"
alias lt='ls -At1 && echo "------Oldest--"'
alias ltr='ls -Art1 && echo "------Newest--"'
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