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Last active February 21, 2019 13:53
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Decorator usage in mobx
// case 2: manipulates the value of the descriptor, returns fresh descriptor
class MyClass {
@action someMethod() {
function action(target, key, descriptor) {
const baseValue = descriptor.value
return {
value: function() {
// some stuff
return baseValue.apply(this, arguments)
// case 3: turns descriptor in getter setter
class MyClass {
@boundAction someMethod() {
function boundAction(target, key, descriptor) {
return {
get() {
return descriptor.value.bind(this)
// - OR hide this prototype prop with the bound method:
this[key] = descriptor.value.bind(this) // (and make it non-enumerable, so use define, details.)
return this[key]
// case 1: messes a bit with the prototype, doesn't do anything really fance
@observer(class SomeReactComponent {
// implementation
function observer(target) {
const baseRender = target.prototype.render
target.prototype.render = function() {
// Some stuff
return baseRender.apply(this, arguments)
return target
// case 4: turns descriptor into interceptable prop
class MyClass {
@observable prop = 3
const x = new MyClass()
x.hasOwnProperty("prop") // Babel: false(!), TypeScript: true
x.prop // triggeres getter
x.hasOwnProperty("prop") // TypeScript: true, TypeScript: true
// Implementation:
function observable(target, key, descriptor) {
// defineObservableProp will hide the observable prop in the prototype, upon the first time it is accessed.
// observable introduces a dummy get/set property on the prototype, which whole purpose is to install a property on the actual instance
// (for correct ownership)
return {
get() {
// Babel decorators-legacy stores initializer expression on the descriptor:
// (TS decorators don't need this, they always start with calling the setter in the constructor, due to [[Set]] field initializers)
const initialValue = descriptor.initializer &&
defineObservableProp(target, key, initialValue)
return this[key] // will invoke the property define in the line above
set(value) {
defineObservableProp(target, key, value)
function defineObservableProp(target, key, value) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
get() {
trackingSystem.notifyRead(this, key)
return this.internalMap.get(key)
set(value) {
this.interlMap.set(key, value)
trackingSystem.notifyWrite(this, key)
// Problem 1: `prop` get's installed on the prototype, not on the instance, so reflection methods (getOwnProperties) will skip `prop`
// -> current solution with legacy decorators: install the property on 'this' upon the first read or write
// -> For TypeScript: this works perfect, as [[set]] semantics cause this to be triggered in the constructor
// -> For Babel: results in subtle bugs; the property doesn't show up when for() looping the object, until a first read / write was made to that object!
// See below:
// Problem 2: with `[[define]]` semantics for initializers: the setter will never be called? (or how will it influence the descriptor?)
// Summary: Both the current TS implementation, and the stage 3 proposal, make it possible to have the decorator instantiate properties on instances
// However, the babel legacy-decorator implementation doesn't offer this flexibility.
Possible solution:
However, if a decorator + field initializer would run during object instantion, rather than during class defintion time, this could be address. E.g.:
class A {
@decorator field() { } // decorator called with (A, "field", { value: function() {} }), during class declaration time
@decorator field = 3 // decorator called with (this, "field", { value: 3 } }), just before constructor runs
// The different moments of invocation might look weird at first. But it could be described as: the decorator is run for on the owner of the descriptor being initialized
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