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Created November 19, 2021 21:10
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# klg, Nov 2021
use strict;
# POSIX cksum(1) uses CRC with the same polynomial
# as Zlib but MSB-first while Zlib uses it reversed
# and starts from ~0 instead of appending the length.
# So one can be computed in terms of the other by
# reversing bits appropriately.
use Compress::Zlib 'crc32';
use constant BUF_SIZE => 4096;
unless (@ARGV) {
exit 0;
my $e = 0;
for my $n (@ARGV) {
if ($n eq '-') {
cksum(\*STDIN, $n);
eval {
open my $f, '<', $n or die $!;
cksum($f, $n);
close $f or die $!;
warn "$n: $@" if $@;
exit !!$e;
sub cksum {
my ($file, $name) = @_;
my $s = 0xffffffff;
my $c = 0;
local $/ = \BUF_SIZE;
local $_;
binmode($file) or die $!;
while (<$file>) {
$c += length;
$s = crc32(bitswap($_), $s);
for ($_ = '', my $k = $c; $k; $k >>= 8) {
$_ .= chr($k & 0xff);
$s = crc32(bitswap($_), $s);
$s = $s >> 1 & 0x55555555 | ($s & 0x55555555) << 1;
$s = $s >> 2 & 0x33333333 | ($s & 0x33333333) << 2;
$s = $s >> 4 & 0x0f0f0f0f | ($s & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4;
$s = $s >> 8 & 0x00ff00ff | ($s & 0x00ff00ff) << 8;
$s = $s >> 16 | ($s & 0xffff) << 16;
printf("%u %u%s\n", $s, $c, $name ? " $name" : '');
sub bitswap {
local $_ = shift;
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