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FreeCAD macro to provide parametric defeaturing inside and outside of Part Design workbench
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__version__ = "0.2021.10.10.rev2"
#__version__ = "0.2021.10.10.rev2"
#__title__ = "Parametric Defeaturing Macro"
#__author__ = "<TheMarkster> 2021"
#__license__ = "LGPL 2.1"
#__doc__ = "Parametric Defeaturing inside and outside Part Design."
#__usage__ = '''Select the faces to defeature and activate the tool'''
#import Part, FreeCADGui, FreeCAD
#from PySide import QtGui,QtCore
#BASENAME = "parametric_defeaturing"
#class ParametricDefeaturing:
# def __init__(self,obj):
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSub","Faces","ParametricDefeaturing","Selected faces to be defeatured")
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString", "Version", "ParametricDefeaturing", "version this object was created with").Version = __version__
# if not hasattr(obj,"Refine"):
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","Refine", "ParametricDefeaturing", "refine feature").Refine = False
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","ClaimChildren","ParametricDefeaturing","whether to claim children in the tree").ClaimChildren = True
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","EditFaces","ParametricDefeaturing","[Trigger] brings up face editing dialog").EditFaces = False
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","DefeaturingSuccess","ParametricDefeaturing","If True, defeaturing succeeded").DefeaturingSuccess = False
# obj.Proxy = self
# self.fpName = obj.Name
# self.editingMode = False
# def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
# if prop == "EditFaces" and fp.EditFaces == True:
# t = QtCore.QTimer()
# t.singleShot(50, self.editFaces) #avoid warning message about selection changing while committing data
# fp.EditFaces = False
# def getEditDialog(self):
# return self.editFaces
# def editFaces(self):
# from PySide import QtGui
# fp = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(self.fpName)
# if not fp.Faces:
# return
# object = fp.Faces[0]
# if not object:
# return
# if not FreeCADGui.Control.activeDialog():
# panel = TaskEditLinkSubPanel(fp,"Faces","Face")
# FreeCADGui.Control.showDialog(panel)
# self.editingMode = True #tells execute() not to hide the linked object
# else:
# self.editingMode=False
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Another task dialog is active. Close that one and try again.\n")
# def execute(self,fp):
# if not fp.Faces:
# return
# fp.DefeaturingSuccess = True
# faces = []
# object = fp.Faces[0]
# for fname in fp.Faces[1]:
# faces.append(getattr(object.Shape,fname))
# shape = object.Shape.defeaturing(faces)
# if shape.Volume == object.Shape.Volume:
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Defeaturing failed.\n")
# fp.DefeaturingSuccess = False
# if fp.Refine:
# shape = shape.removeSplitter()
# if hasattr(fp,"BaseFeature") and hasattr(fp,"AddSubShape"):
# if fp.BaseFeature and not shape.isNull():
# pattern_shape = shape.fuse(fp.BaseFeature.Shape)
# if fp.Refine:
# pattern_shape = pattern_shape.removeSplitter()
# fp.AddSubShape = pattern_shape
# else:
# fp.AddSubShape = shape
# fp.Shape = shape if shape and fp.DefeaturingSuccess else Part.Shape()
# if not self.editingMode:
# object.ViewObject.Visibility = True if not fp.DefeaturingSuccess else False
#class TaskEditLinkSubPanel: #simple editor for App::PropertyLinkSub
# def __init__(self, obj, linkSubName, subNames,):
# self.obj = obj
# self.subNames = subNames
# self.linkSubName = linkSubName #entire LinkSub property
# self.linkObj = getattr(self.obj,linkSubName)[0]
# self.subObjects = getattr(self.obj,linkSubName)[1]
# self.form = QtGui.QWidget()
# self.label1 = QtGui.QLabel("Select the "+self.subNames+" subobjects to use and click OK.\nThe ones already being utilized have been selected for you.")
# layout=QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
# layout.addWidget(self.label1)
# self.form.setLayout(layout)
# self.form.setWindowTitle('Edit '+self.subNames)
# self.obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
# self.linkObj.ViewObject.Visibility = True
# FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection()
# for f in self.subObjects:
# FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name,self.linkObj.Name,f)
# self.obj.Proxy.editingMode = True
# def reject(self):
# FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog()
# fp = self.obj
# self.linkObj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
# fp.ViewObject.Visibility = True
# self.obj.Proxy.editingMode = False
# FreeCADGui.activeDocument().resetEdit()
# FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()
# def accept(self):
# FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.resetEdit()
# FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog()
# fp = self.obj
# if not fp: #user deleted or closed document perhaps
# return
# selx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
# if not selx:
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Nothing selected, leaving "+self.linkObj.Name+" unmodified.")
# return
# seNames = [sen for sen in selx[0].SubElementNames if self.subNames in sen]
# setattr(self.obj,self.linkSubName,(selx[0].Object,seNames)) #allow user to select diffent object
# self.linkObj = selx[0].Object
# if hasattr(fp,"_Body") and fp._Body and self.linkObj not in fp._Body.Group:
# fp._Body.Group += [self.linkObj]
# if not self.linkObj.isDerivedFrom("PartDesign::Feature"):
# fp.ClaimChildren = True
# self.linkObj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
# fp.ViewObject.Visibility = True
# if hasattr(fp.Proxy,"editingMode"):
# fp.Proxy.editingMode = False
# FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()
#class ParametricDefeaturingVP:
# def __init__(self, obj):
# '''Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider'''
# obj.Proxy = self
# def attach(self, obj):
# '''Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory'''
# self.Object = obj.Object
# def updateData(self, fp, prop):
# '''If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here'''
# # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed
# if prop == "DefeaturingSuccess":
# fp.ViewObject.signalChangeIcon()
# def getDisplayModes(self,obj):
# '''Return a list of display modes.'''
# modes=[]
# modes.append("Flat Lines")
# return modes
# def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
# '''Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes.'''
# return "Flat Lines"
# def setDisplayMode(self,mode):
# '''Map the display mode defined in attach with those defined in getDisplayModes.\
# Since they have the same names nothing needs to be done. This method is optional'''
# return mode
# def onChanged(self, vp, prop):
# '''Here we can do something when a single property got changed'''
# #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + ""+chr(10))
# def claimChildren(self):
# if self.Object.ClaimChildren and self.Object.Faces and not self.Object.Shape.isNull():
# return [self.Object.Faces[0]] #the object itself, not a face
# else:
# return []
# def setEdit(self,vobj,modNum):
# #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("modNum = "+str(modNum)+"\n")
# if modNum == 0:
# vobj.Object.Proxy.editFaces()
# return True
# elif modNum == 3: #color per face
# FreeCADGui.runCommand('Part_ColorPerFace',0)
# return True
# def onDelete(self, vobj, subelements):
# if vobj.Object.Faces:
# vobj.Object.Faces[0].ViewObject.Visibility = True
# if not vobj.Object.Faces[0].isDerivedFrom("PartDesign::Feature"):
# if hasattr(vobj.Object,"_Body") and vobj.Object._Body:
# grp = vobj.Object._Body.Group
# grp.remove(vobj.Object.Faces[0])
# vobj.Object._Body.Group = grp
# #ensure next feature's BaseFeature property points to our BaseFeature object
# if hasattr(vobj.Object,"_Body"):
# solids = [sol for sol in vobj.Object._Body.Group if sol.isDerivedFrom("PartDesign::Feature") and sol.BaseFeature == vobj.Object]
# for solid in solids: #leave open possibility for multiple objects using the same BaseFeature
# solid.BaseFeature = vobj.Object.BaseFeature
# return True
# def getIcon(self):
# '''Return the icon in XPM format which will appear in the tree view. This method is\
# optional and if not defined a default icon is shown.'''
# xpm ='''
#/* XPM */
#static char *_633719960957[] = {
#/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
#"64 64 193 2 ",
#" c #008D00480049",
#". c #0B2300B800C4",
#"X c #070707070808",
#"o c #0A500A0A0AAE",
#"O c #126800720072",
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#"@ c #0F0F0F0F1010",
#"# c #121212A41380",
#"$ c #151516161818",
#"% c #1B1B1B9C1D1D",
#"& c #242400000000",
#"* c #2B5E00000000",
#"= c #323200000000",
#"- c #3B3B00000000",
#"; c #1D731EC920CA",
#": c #1F1E212022A2",
#"> c #215323222558",
#", c #272628C22AF7",
#"< c #2D2C2EAE3171",
#"1 c #2D2C30303231",
#"2 c #33B336363A3A",
#"3 c #35B538F83C7C",
#"4 c #39B93A3A3ABA",
#"5 c #438300000000",
#"6 c #4BE500000000",
#"7 c #511100000000",
#"8 c #5B5B00000000",
#"9 c #626200000000",
#"0 c #6CAC00000000",
#"q c #741E00000000",
#"w c #7C5C00000000",
#"e c #39383C914141",
#"r c #3D7D41004545",
#"t c #448447464B4B",
#"y c #49094D4C5292",
#"u c #4E1A521E5689",
#"i c #570159585CB1",
#"p c #547D5B8C63AC",
#"a c #57015EB468BE",
#"s c #58585F5F6868",
#"d c #5BB0610B6666",
#"f c #5BFE62E26B5A",
#"g c #5B5B66D874E6",
#"h c #5E086A6A7822",
#"j c #60A9671D6E49",
#"k c #67926A3F6CC1",
#"l c #642E6B1572BD",
#"z c #68E86EEF7635",
#"x c #620C6E6D7BFC",
#"c c #6665711B7CD1",
#"v c #6D3973737A68",
#"b c #7271727172F2",
#"n c #717176F77D7C",
#"m c #84C400000000",
#"M c #8CF300000000",
#"N c #939300000000",
#"B c #9C1C00000000",
#"V c #A44E00000000",
#"C c #ABAB00000000",
#"Z c #BC2600000000",
#"A c #C51100000000",
#"S c #CBFE00000000",
#"D c #D29200000000",
#"F c #DB7B00000000",
#"G c #E5E500000000",
#"H c #ED4200000000",
#"J c #F37C00000000",
#"K c #FFD300000000",
#"L c #666673D38323",
#"P c #6B6B76CC83D8",
#"I c #6C417AA58B0B",
#"U c #75877C5783DF",
#"Y c #792F7EC78517",
#"T c #75757E7E8888",
#"R c #69BE7D7C9494",
#"E c #7BBB81008787",
#"W c #7BC482388A40",
#"Q c #6EEE81019515",
#"! c #72728282952E",
#"~ c #7ACF873195EA",
#"^ c #723285049ADA",
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#"{ c #68688786B2B2",
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#" . c #721C8F39B7B7",
#".. c #6F37912CBD20",
#"X. c #71B5936ABF45",
#"o. c #7A4F95BFBC66",
#"O. c #7D7D9864B851",
#"+. c #744B962FC1F0",
#"@. c #76C39907C3C2",
#"#. c #7AD09C0DC5BF",
#"$. c #7D379F13C8C8",
#"%. c #7F07A0DAC9A1",
#"&. c #826C86F18C76",
#"*. c #863089338CE1",
#"=. c #83838A89933D",
#"-. c #89898E8E9595",
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#":. c #8ADF93939D47",
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#",. c #931297179C71",
#"<. c #959599389DDD",
#"1. c #99D99DBDA2A2",
#"2. c #93939C9CA841",
#"3. c #84129B29B408",
#"4. c #83A39C9CBBFB",
#"5. c #9D47A277A87D",
#"6. c #89C9A2E2BDBD",
#"7. c #9BF0A6A6B409",
#"8. c #A565A7E7AB2B",
#"9. c #A464A8A8AD2D",
#"0. c #A7E7AE2DB5F5",
#"q. c #AF66B268B66C",
#"w. c #A6A5B1B1BF3F",
#"e. c #B333B434B5B5",
#"r. c #B37FB61BBA53",
#"t. c #BB10BB65BC11",
#"y. c #82C29E1DC382",
#"u. c #88879F9FC0C0",
#"i. c #842EA12EC5FE",
#"p. c #8BC6A441C425",
#"a. c #8DE2A8FDC51A",
#"s. c #83ECA401CB5C",
#"d. c #8B3FA700CAD9",
#"f. c #8C61AA29CE4D",
#"g. c #953FAA29C59A",
#"h. c #93ADAC78CC18",
#"j. c #9999AE64CBA6",
#"k. c #9494B1B0CFCF",
#"l. c #9C9CB1F1CDCD",
#"z. c #8CFEAC8FD1B4",
#"x. c #9304AF3DD1B4",
#"c. c #9548B2B2D453",
#"v. c #9B90B523D442",
#"b. c #9F05B8EBD73C",
#"n. c #9696B68BDA04",
#"m. c #98EEB7B7DA2E",
#"M. c #9CADBC93DDBD",
#"N. c #AA17B56BC4E8",
#"B. c #A261B4B3CF4E",
#"V. c #ADACBA86C962",
#"C. c #B862BD67C26C",
#"Z. c #B1DCBDE7CDA2",
#"A. c #A1A1B6B6D27C",
#"S. c #A56EBA17D525",
#"D. c #AC08BD8ED577",
#"F. c #A2A2BE61DCE6",
#"G. c #AA09BEFED9D8",
#"H. c #B6B6C140CBCA",
#"J. c #A3C8C0BFDF96",
#"K. c #ACB9C2A8DCE9",
#"L. c #B372C241D655",
#"P. c #B424C568DC18",
#"I. c #B837C7C7DB5B",
#"U. c #B8F8C7C7DC1B",
#"Y. c #BBA1CA7DDDDC",
#"T. c #A5A5C2FBE119",
#"R. c #AB08C5E0E240",
#"E. c #AED2C8EDE408",
#"W. c #B4C6CBAFE491",
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#"$X$Xz W }.U V K K K K K K K K K K K K K K H 9 . . e 2._.|.{.!.}.}.2.,.S.K.D.D.[.Z.< 5 K K K K S , U.A.p.{ | +.p p $X$X",
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#"$X$Xp p M.M.%.$.%.%.%.%.%.%.s.z.f.h.v.b.G.K.W.Q.}.5.u o f K.v.z.%.M.M.p p +.+.{ .4.j.L.7. - K K K K m U D.g.) +.+.p p $X$X",
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#"$X$Xp p M.M.%.%.$.$.$.$.%.$.$.$.%.%.%.%.s.f.f.x.v.A.D.K.G.F.v.f.s.#.M.M.p p X.o. .y.j.D.N. O J K K K J . o L.B.u.) X.+.p p $X$X",
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#"$X$Xp p M.M.$.#.@.@.#.#.@.#.@.@.@.+.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.+.+.+.@.M.J.l v j.F.Z.N.% . w K K K K K 9 l W.A.d.+.R a p p Y $X$X",
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#"$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X#X#X#X@X@X@X+X].].'.'.`.`.`.`.`.`.].].+X@Xi 5 C * k @X#X#X#X#X#X#X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X",
#"$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X#X#X#X#X#X@X@X@X@X+X+X+X+X+X@X@X@X@X, 4 ).#X#X#X$X#X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X",
#"$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X#X$X#X#X#X#X#X#X#X$X#X`.@ 4 e.$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X$X",
# if self.Object.DefeaturingSuccess:
# return xpm
# else:
# return xpm.replace('none','red')
# def __getstate__(self):
# '''When saving the document this object gets stored using Python's json module.\
# Since we have some un-serializable parts here -- the Coin stuff -- we must define this method\
# to return a tuple of all serializable objects or None.'''
# return None
# def __setstate__(self,state):
# '''When restoring the serialized object from document we have the chance to set some internals here.\
# Since no data were serialized nothing needs to be done here.'''
# return None
#if __name__ == "__main__":
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Please run "+BASENAME+".FCMacro rather than this file.\n")
def getBody(feature):
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
bodies = [obj for obj in doc.Objects if obj.TypeId == "PartDesign::Body"]
for bod in bodies:
if feature in bod.Group:
return bod
return None
def makeObject(PD):
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
selobjs = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
if doc:
doc.openTransaction("Create ParametricDefeaturing"+"s" if len(selobjs) > 1 else "")
if selobjs:
for selobj in selobjs:
body = getBody(selobj.Object)
if body:
parametric_defeaturing = body.newObject("PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython","ParametricDefeaturing")
parametric_defeaturing = doc.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","ParametricDefeaturing")
if body:
parametric_defeaturing.ClaimChildren = False
if selobj.HasSubObjects:
faces = [name for name in selobj.SubElementNames if not "Vertex" in name and not "Edge" in name]
if faces:
parametric_defeaturing.Faces = (selobj.Object,faces)
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No faces among selected subobjects. Defeaturing only works on faces.\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No faces selected. Defeaturing only works on faces.\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("No object selected to defeature.\n")
BASENAME = "parametric_defeaturing"
def writeFile():
with open(py_file,"w") as outfile:
for line in code.splitlines():
if "#CODE_ENDS_HERE" in line:
if line.startswith('#'):
if line == "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-":
line = "#" + line
outfile.write(line[1:]+"\n") #skip first character (#)
#if __name__ == "__main__":
# makeObject(None)
# raise Exception("quick exit for testing/debugging")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
fin = open(__file__, 'r')
code =
version = code.splitlines()[1][16:]
real_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(real_path)
py_file = real_path.replace(".FCMacro",".py").replace('Parametric_Defeaturing','parametric_defeaturing')
bHasFile = os.path.exists(py_file)
noImport = False #user elects not to save import file
if not bHasFile:
from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
window = QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow()
mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
mb.setWindowTitle(BASENAME+" setup")
mb.setStandardButtons(mb.Ok | mb.Cancel)
okBtn = mb.button(QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok)
cancelBtn = mb.button(QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel)
okBtn.setText("Create file")
cancelBtn.setText("Do not create file")
caption = "In order for "+BASENAME+" objects to be parametric after saving and reloading file\n\
we need to create another file on this computer. File to be created will be: \n\n"+py_file+"\n\n\
This makes it available to the system upon restarting FreeCAD and loading documents containing the \
"+BASENAME+" feature python objects. Create file now?\n\n"
ret = mb.exec_()
if ret == mb.Ok:
QtGui.QMessageBox.information(window,"Success","File successfully created. Please note: if you uninstall "+BASENAME+" macro you need to manually remove "+py_file+", too.\n")
new_lines = []
for line in code.splitlines():
if line.startswith('#'):
if "CODE_ENDS_HERE" in line:
if line == "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-":
code = "".join(new_lines)
#credit to Mila Nautikus for his answer to a question on stackoverflow, which I modified here
#in this example the filename is
import sys, importlib
my_name = 'parametric_defeaturing' #filename =, so this must be 'parametric_defeaturing'
my_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(my_name, loader=None)
parametric_defeaturing = importlib.util.module_from_spec(my_spec)
exec(code, parametric_defeaturing.__dict__)
sys.modules['parametric_defeaturing'] = parametric_defeaturing
noImport = True
if not noImport: #don't never use no double negatives
import parametric_defeaturing as PD
import addonmanager_utilities as utils
if PD.__version__ != __version__:
from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
window = QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow()
mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
mbox.setWindowTitle(BASENAME+" updated")
mbox.setText(BASENAME+".py has been updated to version "+__version__+". \
You must restart FreeCAD for the new changes to take effect and to use the macro.")
mbox.setStandardButtons(mbox.Ok | mbox.Cancel)
okBtn = mbox.button(QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok)
cancelBtn = mbox.button(QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel)
okBtn.setText("Restart now")
cancelBtn.setText("Restart later")
ret = mbox.exec_()
if ret == mbox.Ok:
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000, utils.restart_freecad)
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