Last active
January 28, 2025 21:39
Parametric Curve Macro for FreeCAD
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
__version__ = "2025.01.28b" | |
__title__ = "Parametric_Curve_FP" | |
__author__ = "<TheMarkster> 2021, based on macro 3D Parametric Curve by Gomez Lucio, Modified by Laurent Despeyroux on 9th feb 2015" | |
__license__ = "LGPL 2.1" | |
__doc__ = "Parametric curve from formula" | |
__usage__ = '''Activate the tool and modify properties as desired''' | |
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui | |
from pivy import coin | |
from math import * | |
import statistics | |
import Part | |
import json | |
import os, sys | |
import subprocess, os | |
import platform | |
import re | |
from PySide import QtGui,QtCore | |
# Albert Einstein once remarked how he "stood on the shoulders of giants" in giving credit to those | |
# great thinkers who came before him and who helped pave the way for his Theory of Relativity. | |
# I'm certainly no Einstein, but in making this macro, I, too, have built upon the work of others | |
# who came before. Thanks, in particular, to Gomez Lucio, author of the original parametric curve | |
# macro, and to Laurent Despeyroux, who extended it, and Paul McGuire for his work on FourFn parser. | |
# Also thanks to users openBrain and edwilliams16 of the FreeCAD forum for their help with regular | |
# expression parsing and testing / debugging / helping with other coding aspects. | |
# In order to avoid using eval() and the security implications therefrom, I have borrowed and modified | |
# some code for using pyparsing. I added the ability to include a dictionary of constants to evaluate(). | |
# For example, evaluate("a+b*3", {"a":1,"b":2}) evalutes to 7. I also added some additional math functions | |
# to the fn dictionary. And user edwilliams16 at the FreeCAD forum has fixed a bug in the fnumber | |
# regular expression, which was failing in cases of ".5" instead of "0.5". --Mark | |
# <begin imported code from> | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# Demonstration of the pyparsing module, implementing a simple 4-function expression parser, | |
# with support for scientific notation, and symbols for e and pi. | |
# Extended to add exponentiation and simple built-in functions. | |
# Extended test cases, simplified pushFirst method. | |
# Removed unnecessary expr.suppress() call (thanks Nathaniel Peterson!), and added pyparsing.Group | |
# Changed fnumber to use a pyparsing.Regex, which is now the preferred method | |
# Reformatted to latest pypyparsing features, support multiple and variable args to functions | |
# | |
# Copyright 2003-2019 by Paul McGuire | |
# | |
# ------- added by <TheMarkster> -- to fix conflict with another addon | |
syspath = sys.path | |
newsyspath = [sp for sp in sys.path if not "cadquery" in sp] | |
sys.path = newsyspath | |
import pyparsing | |
import importlib | |
importlib.reload(pyparsing) | |
#------------- | |
#from pyparsing import ( | |
# pyparsing.Literal, | |
# pyparsing.Word, | |
# pyparsing.Group, | |
# pyparsing.Forward, | |
# pyparsing.alphas, | |
# pyparsing.alphanums, | |
# pyparsing.Regex, | |
# pyparsing.ParseException, | |
# pyparsing.CaselessKeyword, | |
# pyparsing.Suppress, | |
# pyparsing.delimitedList, | |
#) | |
#---------------- | |
sys.path = syspath | |
# ------- end <TheMarkster> code | |
import math | |
import operator | |
exprStack = [] | |
def push_first(toks): | |
exprStack.append(toks[0]) | |
def push_unary_minus(toks): | |
for t in toks: | |
if t == "-": | |
exprStack.append("unary -") | |
else: | |
break | |
bnf = None | |
def BNF(): | |
''' | |
expop :: '^' | |
multop :: '*' | '/' | |
addop :: '+' | '-' | |
integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+ | |
atom :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')' | |
factor :: atom [ expop factor ]* | |
term :: factor [ multop factor ]* | |
expr :: term [ addop term ]* | |
''' | |
global bnf | |
if not bnf: | |
# use pyparsing.CaselessKeyword for e and pi, to avoid accidentally matching | |
# functions that start with 'e' or 'pi' (such as 'exp'); Keyword | |
# and pyparsing.CaselessKeyword only match whole words | |
e = pyparsing.CaselessKeyword("E") | |
pi = pyparsing.CaselessKeyword("PI") | |
# fnumber = Combine(pyparsing.Word("+-"+nums, nums) + | |
# Optional("." + Optional(pyparsing.Word(nums))) + | |
# Optional(e + pyparsing.Word("+-"+nums, nums))) | |
# or use provided pyparsing_common.number, but convert back to str: | |
# fnumber = ppc.number().addParseAction(lambda t: str(t[0])) | |
#fnumber = pyparsing.Regex(r"[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?") | |
fnumber = pyparsing.Regex(r'[-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?') | |
ident = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphas, pyparsing.alphanums + "_$") | |
plus, minus, mult, div = map(pyparsing.Literal, "+-*/") | |
lpar, rpar = map(pyparsing.Suppress, "()") | |
addop = plus | minus | |
multop = mult | div | |
expop = pyparsing.Literal("^") | |
expr = pyparsing.Forward() | |
expr_list = pyparsing.delimitedList(pyparsing.Group(expr)) | |
# add parse action that replaces the function identifier with a (name, number of args) tuple | |
def insert_fn_argcount_tuple(t): | |
fn = t.pop(0) | |
num_args = len(t[0]) | |
t.insert(0, (fn, num_args)) | |
fn_call = (ident + lpar - pyparsing.Group(expr_list) + rpar).setParseAction( | |
insert_fn_argcount_tuple | |
) | |
atom = ( | |
addop[...] | |
+ ( | |
(fn_call | pi | e | fnumber | ident).setParseAction(push_first) | |
| pyparsing.Group(lpar + expr + rpar) | |
) | |
).setParseAction(push_unary_minus) | |
# by defining exponentiation as "atom [ ^ factor ]..." instead of "atom [ ^ atom ]...", we get right-to-left | |
# exponents, instead of left-to-right that is, 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2), not (2^3)^2. | |
factor = pyparsing.Forward() | |
factor <<= atom + (expop + factor).setParseAction(push_first)[...] | |
term = factor + (multop + factor).setParseAction(push_first)[...] | |
expr <<= term + (addop + term).setParseAction(push_first)[...] | |
bnf = expr | |
return bnf | |
# map operator symbols to corresponding arithmetic operations | |
epsilon = 1e-12 | |
opn = { | |
"+": operator.add, | |
"-": operator.sub, | |
"*": operator.mul, | |
"/": operator.truediv, | |
"^": operator.pow, | |
} | |
fn = { | |
"sin": math.sin, | |
"sinh": math.sinh, | |
"cos": math.cos, | |
"cosh": math.cosh, | |
"tan": math.tan, | |
"tanh": math.tanh, | |
"exp": math.exp, | |
"atan": math.atan, | |
"atanh": math.atanh, | |
"acos": math.acos, | |
"acosh": math.acosh, | |
"asin": math.asin, | |
"asinh": math.asinh, | |
"sqrt": math.sqrt, | |
"ceil": math.ceil, | |
"floor": math.floor, | |
"log": math.log, | |
"factorial":math.factorial, | |
"abs": abs, | |
"degrees": math.degrees, | |
"degree": math.degrees, | |
"deg": math.degrees, | |
"lgamma": math.lgamma, | |
"gamma": math.gamma, | |
"radians": math.radians, | |
"rad": math.radians, | |
"trunc": int, | |
"round": round, | |
"sgn": lambda a: -1 if a < -epsilon else 1 if a > epsilon else 0, | |
# functionsl with multiple arguments | |
"copysign": lambda a, b: 1 * (math.copysign(a,b)), | |
"multiply": lambda a, b: a * b, | |
"mod": lambda a, b: a % b, | |
"interval": lambda a, b, t: 1 * ((t >= a) and (t < b)), | |
"lt":lambda a, b: 1 * (a < b), | |
"lte": lambda a, b: 1 * (a <= b), | |
"gt": lambda a, b: 1 * (a > b), | |
"gte": lambda a, b: 1 * (a >= b), | |
"isequal": lambda a, b: 1 * (a == b), | |
"isclose": lambda a, b: 1 * (math.isclose(a, b, abs_tol = 1e-9)), | |
"isclosetol": lambda a, b, tol: 1 * (math.isclose(a, b, abs_tol = tol)), | |
"floordiv": lambda a, b: a // b, | |
"atan2": lambda a, b: math.atan2(a, b), | |
"perm": lambda a, b: math.perm(a, b), | |
"hypot": math.hypot, | |
"ternary": lambda a, b, c: b if a else c, | |
# functions with a variable number of arguments | |
"any": lambda *a: 1 * any(a), | |
"all": lambda *a: 1 * all(a), | |
"sum": lambda *a: sum(a), | |
"avg": lambda *a: sum(a)/float(len(a)), | |
"mean": lambda *a: sum(a)/float(len(a)), | |
"gmean": lambda *a: statistics.geometric_mean(a), | |
"hmean": lambda *a: statistics.harmonic_mean(a), | |
"mode": lambda *a: statistics.mode(a), | |
"median": lambda *a: statistics.median(a), | |
"stdev": lambda *a: statistics.stdev(a), | |
"prod": lambda *a:, | |
} | |
def evaluate_stack(s,vars): | |
op, num_args = s.pop(), 0 | |
if isinstance(op, tuple): | |
op, num_args = op | |
if op == "unary -": | |
return -evaluate_stack(s,vars) | |
if op in "+-*/^": | |
# note: operands are pushed onto the stack in reverse order | |
op2 = evaluate_stack(s,vars) | |
op1 = evaluate_stack(s,vars) | |
return opn[op](op1, op2) | |
elif op == "PI": | |
return math.pi # 3.1415926535 | |
elif op == "E": | |
return math.e # 2.718281828 | |
elif op in vars: | |
return vars[op] | |
elif op in fn: | |
# note: args are pushed onto the stack in reverse order | |
args = reversed([evaluate_stack(s,vars) for _ in range(num_args)]) | |
return fn[op](*args) | |
elif op[0].isalpha(): | |
raise Exception("invalid identifier '%s'" % op) | |
else: | |
# try to evaluate as int first, then as float if int fails | |
try: | |
return int(op) | |
except ValueError: | |
return float(op) | |
# vars is a dictionary of variable names | |
# example: | |
# vars = {"a":1,"b":2} | |
# then where "a" or "b" is found a value is substituted | |
# evaluate("a+b",vars) thus returns 3 --Mark | |
def evaluate(s, vars={}): | |
if s == "": #return 0 in case the user has left the field blank --Mark | |
return 0 | |
s= checkForFCEval(s) | |
exprStack[:] = [] | |
try: | |
results = BNF().parseString(s, parseAll=True) | |
val = evaluate_stack(exprStack[:],vars) | |
except pyparsing.ParseException as pe: | |
raise Exception(s, "failed parse:", str(pe)) | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise Exception (s, "failed eval:", str(e), exprStack) | |
else: | |
return val | |
# implement FreeCAD.DocumentObject.evalExpression(str) | |
# usage: fc(freecad_expression_string) | |
def checkForFCEval(s): | |
if "fc(" in s: | |
idx = s.index("fc(") | |
idx2 = s.index(")",idx)+1 | |
fc_Total = s[idx:idx2] #example fc(dd.ddFloat) | |
fc_Eval = fc_Total[3:-1] # example dd.ddFloat | |
if "fc(" in fc_Eval: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("ParametricCurve::Unsupported -- Nested fc(expr) functions not supported.\n") | |
evaluated = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects[0].evalExpression(fc_Eval) | |
evaluated = evaluated.Value if hasattr(evaluated,"Value") else evaluated | |
s = s.replace(fc_Total,str(evaluated)) | |
return checkForFCEval(s) #in case there are multiple fc(expr) calls in the same string | |
else: | |
return s | |
# <end imported code from> | |
class Curve: | |
def __init__(self, obj): | |
obj.addExtension("Part::AttachExtensionPython") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkList","Dependencies","Curve", | |
"If using fc(expr) to link to another object, add the object to these links to force parametric recomputes when that object changes") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","a","Equation1(a,b,c)","a(t)").a="6" | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","b","Equation1(a,b,c)","b(a,t)").b="1" | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","c","Equation1(a,b,c)","c(a,b,t)").c="20" | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyStringList","d","Equation1(a,b,c)","d1(a,b,c,t)"+chr(10)+"d2(a,b,c,t,d1)"+chr(10)+"d3(a,b,c,t,d1,d2)"+chr(10)+"d4(a,b,c,t,d1,d2,d3)"+chr(10)+"..."+chr(10)) | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","X","Equation2(X,Y,Z)","X(a,b,c,d1-dN,t)").X="(a+b*cos(c*t))*cos(t)" | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Y","Equation2(X,Y,Z)","Y(a,b,c,d1-dN,X,t)").Y="(a+b*cos(c*t))*sin(t)" | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Z","Equation2(X,Y,Z)","Z(a,b,c,d1-dN,X,Y,t)").Z="b*sin(c*t)" | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","F_a","Floats","a as a float if it is a constant (readonly)") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","F_b","Floats","b as a float if it is a constant (readonly)") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","F_c","Floats","c as a float if it is a constant (readonly)") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList","F_d","Floats","di as a float if it is a constant (readonly)\n\ | |
1-indexed, e.g. F_d[1] = d1, F_d[2] = d2, etc.") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","F_X","Floats","X as a float if it is a constant (readonly)") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","F_Y","Floats","Y as a float if it is a constant (readonly)") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","F_Z","Floats","Z as a float if it is a constant (readonly)") | |
for prop in ["F_a","F_b","F_c","F_d","F_X","F_Y","F_Z"]: | |
obj.setEditorMode(prop,1) #readonly | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","t_min","Equation3(T Params)","start value for t").t_min = 0.0 | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","t_max","Equation3(T Params)","Max t").t_max = 2*pi | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Interval","Equation3(T Params)","Interval").Interval = 0.1 | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","Closed","Curve","Whether curve is closed").Closed=False | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","PlusOneIteration","Curve","Fixes a bug, but changes existing behavior. Set to False if it breaks an existing model.").PlusOneIteration = True | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVectorList","Points","Curve","Points used to make the curve. Regenerated each recompute.").Points =[] | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Version", "Base", "Version this object was created with").Version = __version__ | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration","ShapeType","Curve","Options: BSpline, Polygon, Points").ShapeType=["BSpline","Polygon","Points"] | |
obj.ShapeType = "BSpline" #default | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink","Spreadsheet","Spreadsheet","Link a spreadsheet") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","UpdateSpreadsheet","Spreadsheet","[Trigger] Push current formula to linked spreadsheet, creates one and links it if necessary.").UpdateSpreadsheet=False | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","UseSpreadsheet","Spreadsheet","If True, poperties are readonly and must come from spreadsheet. If false, spreadsheet is ignored and properties are set to read/write.").UseSpreadsheet=False | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Continuity","Curve","Continuity of Curve") | |
obj.setEditorMode('Continuity',1) | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","MakeFace","Curve","Make a face from curve object if possible. Can't be done with points or if shape isn't closed.") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFile","File","JSON","JSON format file to contain data") | |
obj.setEditorMode("File",2)#hidden | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","Sorted","JSON", "Sort formula names") | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration","Formulas","JSON","Formulas in JSON data").Formulas=["formula"] | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","EditFormulas","JSON","[Trigger] brings up editor dialog") | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","WriteFile","JSON","[Trigger] Updates JSON file with current data. WARNING: will overwrite all current data, use AppendFile to add current formula to file.").WriteFile = False | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","RenameFormula","JSON","[Trigger] Changes current Formula name to string in FormulaName").RenameFormula = False | |
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","FormulaName","JSON","Modify this for changing formula name, and then toggle Rename Formula to True") | |
obj.setEditorMode("FormulaName",2) #hidden --renaming now done in editor | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","NewFormula","JSON","[Trigger] Creates new formula adds to Formulas").NewFormula = False | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","OpenFile","JSON","[Trigger] Opens JSON file in default system editor for text files.").OpenFile = False | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","ReadFile","JSON","[Trigger] Reads JSON file. WARNING: will clobber current formula, use AppendFile to save current formula to file before reading if you want to save it").OpenFile = False | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","AppendFile","JSON","[Trigger] Appends current formula to JSON file.").AppendFile = False | |
# obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","DeleteFormula","JSON","[Trigger] Removes current formula from internal data, does not modify JSON file").DeleteFormula=False | |
obj.Proxy = self | |
self.JSON_Data = {} | |
self.previousFormula = "" | |
self.bInihibitUpdates = False | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = False | |
self.newFormula(obj) #initialize with a new formula | |
self.editingMode = False | |
self.fpName = obj.Name | |
def setReadOnly(self,fp,bReadOnly): | |
'''if bReadOnly = True, we set the properties linked to the spreadsheet readonly, else set them normal mode''' | |
if bReadOnly: | |
mode = 1 | |
else: | |
mode = 0 | |
if not hasattr(fp,"a"): | |
return | |
fp.setEditorMode('a',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('b',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('c',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('d',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('X',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('Y',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('Z',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('t_min',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('t_max',mode) | |
fp.setEditorMode('Interval',mode) | |
def readJSONFile(self,fp,txt=None): | |
if txt == None: | |
if not self.checkFile(fp): | |
return | |
try: | |
f = open(fp.File) | |
except: | |
#could not open file | |
#assume user entered name for new file | |
f = open(fp.File,"w") | |
f.close() | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("New JSON file created: "+str(os.path.realpath( | |
self.writeJSONFile(fp) | |
fp.File = os.path.realpath( | |
return | |
self.JSON_Data = json.load(f) | |
f.close() | |
else: #txt != None | |
self.JSON_Data = json.loads(txt) | |
#now rename any "t" to "t_min" | |
for k,v in self.JSON_Data.items(): | |
if "t" in v.keys(): | |
self.JSON_Data[k]["t_min"] = self.JSON_Data[k]["t"] | |
self.JSON_Data[k].pop("t") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"ParametricCurve: renaming 't' to 't_min' in {k}"+chr(10)) | |
formula_names = [] | |
for pn in self.JSON_Data: | |
formula_names.append(pn) | |
fp.Formulas = sorted(formula_names) if hasattr(fp,"Sorted") and fp.Sorted else formula_names | |
#Formulas, when the left hand operand, accepts a list | |
#but when the right hand operand, it gives a string, the current formula | |
self.bInihibitUpdates=True | |
self.updateJSONFormula(fp,fp.Formulas) | |
self.bInihibitUpdates=False | |
def deleteFormula(self,fp): | |
if not fp.FormulaName: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No formula selected."+chr(10)) | |
return | |
self.JSON_Data.pop(fp.FormulaName,None) | |
if len(self.JSON_Data.keys()) == 0: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Must have at least one formula, new one created using existing equations."+chr(10)) | |
self.newFormula(fp) #must have at least one formula | |
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
fp.Formulas = list(self.JSON_Data.keys()) | |
def appendFile(self,fp): | |
if not self.checkFile(fp): | |
return | |
try: | |
f = open(fp.File) | |
except: | |
#could not open file | |
#assume user entered name for new file | |
f = open(fp.File,"w") | |
f.close() | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("New JSON file created: "+str(os.path.realpath(""+chr(10)) | |
self.writeJSONFile(fp) | |
fp.File = os.path.realpath( | |
return | |
data = json.load(f) #load current data first | |
f.close() | |
for formula in self.JSON_Data.keys(): | |
if formula in data: #find a new unique name for this formula and append it | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Skipping: "+formula+" (already in file). Rename "+formula+" and try again, if desired."+chr(10)) | |
else: #formula not already in data file | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Appending: "+formula+" to file."+chr(10)) | |
data[formula] = self.JSON_Data[formula] | |
with open(fp.File,"w") as outfile: | |
json.dump(data,outfile) | |
def checkFile(self,fp): | |
if not fp.File: #checks to see if there is filename in File property | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No linked JSON file. Create a new JSON file or link one via the File property. You can also just enter a name in the File property to create a new file."+chr(10)) | |
return False | |
return True | |
def writeJSONFile(self,fp): | |
if not self.checkFile(fp): | |
return | |
if self.JSON_Data == {}: | |
self.JSON_Data = { #new file, so we just get the one formula | |
"formula":{ | |
"a":fp.a, | |
"b":fp.b, | |
"c":fp.c, | |
"d":fp.d, | |
"X":fp.X, | |
"Y":fp.Y, | |
"Z":fp.Z, | |
"t_min":str(fp.t) if hasattr(fp,"t") else str(fp.t_min), | |
"t_max":str(fp.t_max), | |
"interval":str(fp.Interval) | |
}} | |
with open(fp.File,"w") as outfile: | |
json.dump(self.JSON_Data,outfile) | |
def renameFormula(self,fp): | |
newName = fp.FormulaName | |
if fp.Formulas in self.JSON_Data.keys(): | |
self.JSON_Data[fp.FormulaName] = self.JSON_Data.pop(fp.Formulas) | |
fp.Formulas = list(self.JSON_Data.keys()) | |
fp.Formulas = newName | |
def newFormula(self,fp): | |
ii = 1 | |
trialName = "formula" | |
while (trialName in self.JSON_Data): | |
ii += 1 | |
trialName = "formula"+str(ii) | |
self.JSON_Data[trialName] ={ | |
"a":fp.a, | |
"b":fp.b, | |
"c":fp.c, | |
"d":fp.d, | |
"X":fp.X, | |
"Y":fp.Y, | |
"Z":fp.Z, | |
"t_min":str(fp.t) if hasattr(fp,"t") else str(fp.t_min), | |
"t_max":str(fp.t_max), | |
"interval":str(fp.Interval) | |
} | |
fp.Formulas = list(self.JSON_Data.keys()) | |
fp.Formulas = trialName | |
fp.FormulaName = trialName | |
def updateJSON_Data(self,fp,formulaName): #update json data from current fp settings | |
if hasattr(fp,"a"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["a"] = fp.a | |
if hasattr(fp,"b"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["b"] = fp.b | |
if hasattr(fp,"c"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["c"] = fp.c | |
if hasattr(fp,"d"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["d"] = fp.d | |
if hasattr(fp,"X"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["X"] = fp.X | |
if hasattr(fp,"Y"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["Y"] = fp.Y | |
if hasattr(fp,"Z"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["Z"] = fp.Z | |
if hasattr(fp,"t"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["t"] = str(fp.t) | |
if hasattr(fp,"t_min"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["t_min"] = str(fp.t_min) | |
if hasattr(fp,"t_max"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["t_max"] = str(fp.t_max) | |
if hasattr(fp,"Interval"): | |
self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["interval"] = str(fp.Interval) | |
def updateJSONFormula(self,fp,formulaName): | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("updateJSONFormula"+chr(10)) | |
#when changing formulas if expressions are used the expressions override the new | |
#values from the formula, so we try to set them all to None | |
if not hasattr(fp,"a"): | |
return | |
if bool(fp.ExpressionEngine): | |
propstrs = ["a","b","c","X","Y","Z","t","t_min","t_max","interval"] | |
for propstr in propstrs: | |
try: | |
fp.setExpression(propstr,None) | |
except Exception: | |
pass | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("ParameticCurve: clearing expressions\n") | |
fp.a = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["a"] | |
fp.b = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["b"] | |
fp.c = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["c"] | |
fp.d = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["d"] | |
fp.X = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["X"] | |
fp.Y = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["Y"] | |
fp.Z = self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["Z"] | |
if hasattr(fp,"t"): | |
fp.t = evaluate(self.stripComments(self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["t_min"])) | |
else: | |
fp.t_min = evaluate(self.stripComments(self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["t_min"])) | |
fp.t_max = evaluate(self.stripComments(self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["t_max"])) | |
fp.Interval = evaluate(self.stripComments(self.JSON_Data[formulaName]["interval"])) | |
def updateToSpreadsheet(self,fp): | |
sheet = None | |
if fp.Spreadsheet == None: | |
sheet = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Spreadsheet::Sheet","PC_Sheet") | |
fp.Spreadsheet = sheet | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Spreadsheet linked.\\nSet Use Spreadsheet to True to use those aliases."+chr(10)) | |
if not hasattr(fp.Spreadsheet,"a_cell"): | |
if not sheet and fp.UseSpreadsheet: #not a new spreadsheet, but one already that exists | |
from PySide import QtGui | |
mw = QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow() | |
items = ["Add aliases to spreadsheet","Cancel"] | |
item,ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(mw,"Set aliases","Warning: setting aliases will clobber any existing data in cells A1 - B9. Set aliases anyway?",items,0) | |
if ok and item == items[0]: | |
sheet = fp.Spreadsheet | |
else: | |
return | |
if sheet: | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A1',"a_cell") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B1',"a_cell") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A2',"b_cell") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B2',"b_cell") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A3',"c_cell") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B3',"c_cell") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A4',"X") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B4',"X") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A5',"Y") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B5',"Y") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A6',"Z") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B6',"Z") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A7',"t_min") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B7',"t_min") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A8',"t_max") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B8',"t_max") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A9',"interval") | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B9',"interval") | |
for dd in range(0,len(fp.d)): | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A'+str(dd+10),'d'+str(dd+1)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B'+str(dd+10),'d'+str(dd+1)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('a_cell',self.stripComments(fp.a)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('b_cell',self.stripComments(fp.b)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('c_cell',self.stripComments(fp.c)) | |
for dd in range(0,len(fp.d)): | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('A'+str(dd+10),'d'+str(dd+1)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.setAlias('B'+str(dd+10),'d'+str(dd+1)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('d'+str(dd+1),self.stripComments(fp.d[dd])) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('X',self.stripComments(fp.X)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('Y',self.stripComments(fp.Y)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('Z',self.stripComments(fp.Z)) | |
if hasattr(fp,"t"): | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('t_min',str(fp.t)) | |
else: | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('t_min',str(fp.t_min)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('t_max',str(fp.t_max)) | |
fp.Spreadsheet.set('interval',str(fp.Interval)) | |
def updateFromSpreadsheet(self,fp): | |
if not fp.Spreadsheet or not hasattr(fp.Spreadsheet,"a_cell"): | |
return | |
if fp.UseSpreadsheet == False: | |
self.setReadOnly(fp,False) | |
return | |
else: | |
self.setReadOnly(fp,True) | |
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument | |
doc.openTransaction("Update from Spreadsheet") | |
fp.a=str(fp.Spreadsheet.a_cell) | |
fp.b=str(fp.Spreadsheet.b_cell) | |
fp.c=str(fp.Spreadsheet.c_cell) | |
dd=0 | |
k = "d"+str(dd+1) | |
new_d = [] | |
while hasattr(fp.Spreadsheet,k): | |
new_d.append(str(getattr(fp.Spreadsheet,k))) | |
dd += 1 | |
k = "d"+str(dd+1) | |
fp.d = new_d | |
fp.X=str(fp.Spreadsheet.X) | |
fp.Y=str(fp.Spreadsheet.Y) | |
fp.Z=str(fp.Spreadsheet.Z) | |
if hasattr(fp,"t"): | |
fp.t = fp.Spreadsheet.t_min | |
else: | |
fp.t_min = fp.Spreadsheet.t_min | |
fp.t_max=fp.Spreadsheet.t_max | |
fp.Interval=fp.Spreadsheet.interval | |
if fp.FormulaName: | |
self.bInihibitUpdates=True | |
self.updateJSONFormula(fp,fp.FormulaName) | |
self.bInihibitUpdates=False | |
doc.commitTransaction() | |
def onChanged(self, fp, prop): | |
'''Do something when a property has changed''' | |
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + ""+chr(10)) | |
if prop == "Spreadsheet" and fp.Spreadsheet != None: | |
self.updateFromSpreadsheet(fp) | |
elif prop == "UseSpreadsheet" and fp.UseSpreadsheet == True: | |
if not fp.Spreadsheet: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No spreadsheet linked.\\n Create one with Update Spreadsheet or link existing one first."+chr(10)) | |
self.setReadOnly(fp, True) | |
elif prop == "UseSpreadsheet" and fp.UseSpreadsheet == False: | |
self.setReadOnly(fp,False) | |
elif prop == "Spreadsheet" and fp.Spreadsheet == None: #user removed link to Spreadsheet | |
self.setReadOnly(fp,False) | |
elif prop == "UpdateSpreadsheet" and fp.UpdateSpreadsheet == True: | |
doc.openTransaction("Update to Spreadsheet") | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
self.updateToSpreadsheet(fp) | |
fp.UpdateSpreadsheet = False | |
doc.commitTransaction() | |
elif prop == "File" and fp.File != None: | |
#self.readJSONFile(fp) | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("File linked.\n\ | |
Use Read File to import into object.\n\ | |
Use Append File to append formulas to file.\n\ | |
Use Write File to overwrite all data in file.\n\ | |
Use Open File to open file in external editor.\n\ | |
") | |
elif prop == "Formulas" and fp.File != None: | |
self.bInihibitUpdates = True | |
self.updateJSONFormula(fp,fp.Formulas) | |
self.bInihibitUpdates = False | |
fp.FormulaName = fp.Formulas | |
elif prop == "WriteFile" and fp.File != None and fp.WriteFile == True: | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
self.writeJSONFile(fp) | |
fp.WriteFile = False | |
elif prop == "RenameFormula" and fp.RenameFormula == True and fp.File != None: | |
doc.openTransaction("Rename formula") | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
self.renameFormula(fp) | |
fp.RenameFormula = False | |
doc.commitTransaction() | |
elif prop == "NewFormula" and fp.NewFormula == True: | |
doc.openTransaction("Create new formula") | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
self.newFormula(fp) | |
fp.NewFormula = False | |
doc.commitTransaction() | |
elif prop == "OpenFile" and fp.OpenFile == True: | |
fp.OpenFile = False | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
sys = platform.system() | |
if fp.File: | |
if 'Windows' in sys: | |
import webbrowser | | | |
elif 'Linux' in sys: | |
os.system("xdg-open '%s'" % fp.File) | |
elif 'Darwin' in sys: | |
subprocess.Popen(["open", fp.File]) | |
else: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("We were unable to determine your platform, and thus cannot open your file for you."+chr(10)) | |
elif prop == "Sorted": | |
formulas = [key for key in self.JSON_Data.keys()] | |
fp.Formulas = sorted(formulas) if fp.Sorted else formulas | |
elif prop == "ReadFile" and fp.ReadFile == True: | |
fp.ReadFile = False | |
doc.openTransaction("Read file") | |
if fp.File: | |
self.readJSONFile(fp) | |
doc.commitTransaction() | |
elif prop == "AppendFile" and fp.AppendFile == True: | |
fp.AppendFile = False | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
self.appendFile(fp) | |
elif prop == "DeleteFormula" and fp.DeleteFormula == True: | |
doc.openTransaction("Delete formula") | |
fp.DeleteFormula = False | |
self.deleteFormula(fp) | |
doc.commitTransaction() | |
elif prop == "a" or prop == "b" or prop == "c" or prop == "d" or prop == "X" or prop == "Y" or prop == "Z" or prop == "t" or prop == "t_min" or prop == "t_max" or prop == "Interval": | |
if fp.FormulaName and not self.bInihibitUpdates: | |
self.updateJSON_Data(fp,fp.Formulas) #update self.JSON_Data on every property change | |
elif prop == "MakeFace" and fp.MakeFace == True: | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = True | |
if fp.MakeFace and fp.Shape.isClosed(): | |
try: | |
face = Part.makeFace(fp.Shape,"Part::FaceMakerCheese") | |
fp.Shape = face | |
except: | |
pass | |
elif prop == "EditFormulas" and fp.EditFormulas == True: | |
fp.EditFormulas = False | |
t = QtCore.QTimer() | |
t.singleShot(50, self.showEditor) | |
def stripComments(self,string): | |
"""returns a string with everything after # removed, including #""" | |
strip1 = string | |
if not "#" in string and not "{" in string and not "}" in string: | |
return string | |
elif "#" in string: | |
idx = string.index("#") | |
strip1 = string[:idx] | |
if not "{" in strip1 and not "}" in strip1: | |
return strip1 | |
idx2 = strip1.index("{") | |
idx3 = strip1.index("}") | |
return strip1[:idx2] + strip1[idx3+1:] | |
def makeCurve(self, fp): | |
self.updateFromSpreadsheet(fp) | |
vars = {"a":0,"b":0,"c":0,"X":0,"Y":0,"Z":0,"t":0} | |
fa = self.stripComments(fp.a) | |
fb = self.stripComments(fp.b) | |
fc = self.stripComments(fp.c) | |
fx = self.stripComments(fp.X) | |
fy = self.stripComments(fp.Y) | |
fz = self.stripComments(fp.Z) | |
t = fp.t if hasattr(fp,"t") else fp.t_min | |
tf = fp.t_max | |
intv = fp.Interval | |
if not intv: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("ParametricCurve: interval must be non-zero, return null shape.\n") | |
return Part.Shape() | |
if (tf-t)*intv <= 0: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(f"Infinite loop avoided. t_max - t * Interval cannot be less than 0. Interval used will be {intv * -1}\n") | |
intv *= -1 | |
iterations = int((tf-t)/intv) | |
matriz = [] | |
plus1 = 1 | |
if hasattr(fp,"PlusOneIteration") and fp.PlusOneIteration: | |
lastT = t + iterations * intv | |
while lastT < tf and not math.isclose(lastT, tf, abs_tol = 1e-9): #don't add if almost equal | |
plus1 += 1 | |
lastT += intv | |
else: | |
plus1 = 0 # restore old bug for compatibility | |
for i in range(iterations + plus1): | |
if hasattr(fp,"PlusOneIteration") and fp.PlusOneIteration: | |
if i == int(iterations) + plus1 - 1: #last iteration | |
t = tf | |
try: | |
vars["t"] = t | |
value="a ->"+str(fa) | |
a=evaluate(fa,vars) | |
vars["a"]=a | |
value="b ->"+str(fb) | |
b=evaluate(fb,vars) | |
vars["b"] = b | |
value="c ->"+str(fc) | |
c=evaluate(fc,vars) | |
vars["c"]=c | |
for dd in range(0,len(fp.d)):#fp.d[0] = d1, fp.d[1] = d2, etc | |
k = "d"+str(dd+1)# where dd = 0, k = "d1" | |
value = k+" ->"+str(fp.d[dd]) | |
vars[k] = evaluate(self.stripComments(fp.d[dd]),vars) | |
value="X ->"+str(fx) | |
fxx=evaluate(fx,vars) | |
vars["X"]=fxx | |
value="Y ->"+str(fy) | |
fyy=evaluate(fy,vars) | |
vars["Y"]=fyy | |
value="Z ->"+str(fz) | |
fzz=evaluate(fz,vars) | |
vars["Z"]=fzz | |
except ZeroDivisionError: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error division by zero in calculus of "+value+"() for t="+str(t)+" !") | |
except: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error in the formula of "+value+"() !") | |
matriz.append(FreeCAD.Vector(fxx,fyy,fzz)) | |
t+=intv | |
if not matriz: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("ParametricCurve: --vector list is empty, returning null shape\n") | |
return Part.Shape() | |
if fp.ShapeType == "Polygon" and fp.Closed == True: | |
matriz.append(matriz[0]) | |
fp.Points = matriz | |
curva = Part.makePolygon(matriz) | |
if fp.ShapeType == "BSpline": | |
curve = Part.BSplineCurve() | |
curve.interpolate(matriz, PeriodicFlag=fp.Closed) | |
return curve.toShape() | |
elif fp.ShapeType == "Polygon": | |
return curva | |
else: #fp.ShapeType == "Points": | |
vertices = [Part.Vertex(p) for p in fp.Points] | |
comp = Part.Compound(vertices) | |
return comp | |
def execute(self, fp): | |
'''Do something when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory''' | |
if self.bInhibitRecompute: #some things do not require a recompute, such as saving to JSON file or updating spreadsheet | |
self.bInhibitRecompute = False | |
return | |
fp.Shape = self.makeCurve(fp) | |
if hasattr(fp.Shape,"Continuity"): | |
fp.Continuity = fp.Shape.Continuity | |
else: | |
fp.Continuity = "N/A" | |
if fp.MakeFace and fp.Shape.isClosed(): | |
try: | |
face = Part.makeFace(fp.Shape,"Part::FaceMakerCheese") | |
fp.Shape = face | |
except: | |
pass | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Recompute Python Curve feature"+chr(10)) | |
self.updateFloats(fp) | |
def updateFloat(self, fp, propstr, propfloat): | |
try: | |
fval = evaluate(self.stripComments(getattr(fp,propstr))) | |
setattr(fp,propfloat,fval) | |
except Exception: | |
setattr(fp,propfloat,0.0) | |
def updateFloats(self, fp): | |
if not hasattr(fp, "F_a"): #do not break existing objects created with earlier versions | |
return | |
propstrs = ["a","b","c","X","Y","Z"] | |
for propstr in propstrs: | |
self.updateFloat(fp,propstr,f"F_{propstr}") | |
d_vals = [0.0] #dummy first value so we can 1-index into the array | |
for dd,val in enumerate(fp.d): | |
try: | |
d_vals.append(evaluate(self.stripComments(val))) | |
except: | |
d_vals.append(0.0) | |
d_vals = d_vals if not d_vals == [0.0] else [] | |
setattr(fp, "F_d",d_vals) | |
def showEditor(self): | |
'''show the formula editor''' | |
if not hasattr(self,"fpName"): | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Formula editor not available for objects created with older versions.\n") | |
return #object made with old version | |
fp = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0] | |
if not FreeCADGui.Control.activeDialog(): | |
editor = TaskEditFormulasPanel(fp) | |
FreeCADGui.Control.showDialog(editor) | |
self.editingMode = True | |
else: | |
self.editingMode=False | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Another task dialog is active. Close that one and try again.\n") | |
return | |
class TaskEditFormulasPanel: #formula editor | |
def __init__(self, fp): | |
self.blockSignals = True | |
self.fp = fp | |
self.sorted = fp.Sorted if hasattr(fp,"Sorted") else False | |
# self.json = self.shallowCopy(self.fp.Proxy.JSON_Data) | |
self.clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() | |
self.form = QtGui.QWidget() | |
self.form.setObjectName("formulaEditor") | |
self.form.editor = self #used by context menu handler | |
layout=QtGui.QVBoxLayout() | |
layout.setObjectName("layout") | |
commandBox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() | |
commandBox.setObjectName("commandBox") | |
self.formulaList = QtGui.QListWidget() | |
commandBox.addWidget(self.formulaList) | |
self.formulaList.currentItemChanged.connect(self.formulaListCurrentItemChanged) | |
#layout is a vbox, the entire layout of the Edit Formulas panel, beneath the standard buttons | |
#commandBox is a hbox containing the formula list and topButtonBox | |
#topButtonBox is a vbox containing buttons related to top level commands | |
#hBoxBottom is similar to commandBox, hbox containing various line edits and | |
#bottomButtonBox, a vbox containing buttons related commands for the line edits | |
formulasLabel = QtGui.QLabel("Formulas in editor memory:") | |
layout.addWidget(formulasLabel) | |
layout.addLayout(commandBox) | |
hBoxBottom = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() | |
hBoxBottom.setObjectName("hBoxBottom") | |
formulaBox = QtGui.QGridLayout() | |
formulaBox.setObjectName("formulaBox") | |
hBoxBottom.addLayout(formulaBox) | |
bottomButtonBox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() | |
bottomButtonBox.setObjectName("bottomButtonBox") | |
hBoxBottom.addLayout(bottomButtonBox) | |
divider = QtGui.QLabel("Current formula:") | |
layout.addWidget(divider) | |
layout.addLayout (hBoxBottom) | |
topButtonBox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() | |
topButtonBox.setObjectName("topButtonBox") | |
commandBox.addLayout(topButtonBox) | |
self.form.setLayout(layout) | |
self.checkBoxSorted = QtGui.QCheckBox("Sorted") | |
self.checkBoxSorted.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.LeftToRight) | |
self.checkBoxSorted.setToolTip ("Sort formulas") | |
self.checkBoxSorted.clicked.connect(self.checkBoxSortedClicked) | |
self.checkBoxSorted.setChecked(self.sorted) | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(self.checkBoxSorted) | |
buttonPlus = QtGui.QPushButton("+") | |
buttonPlus.setToolTip ("Add new formula, a copy of selected formula") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonPlus) | |
buttonPlus.clicked.connect(self.buttonPlusClicked) | |
buttonMinus = QtGui.QPushButton("-") | |
buttonMinus.setToolTip("Delete formula") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonMinus) | |
buttonMinus.clicked.connect(self.buttonMinusClicked) | |
buttonImport = QtGui.QPushButton("Import") | |
buttonImport.setToolTip ("Import one or more formulas from a JSON file\n\ | |
Does not overwrite existing memory contents\n") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonImport) | |
buttonImport.clicked.connect(self.buttonImportClicked) | |
buttonCopy = QtGui.QPushButton("Copy") | |
buttonCopy.setToolTip ("Copy formula to clipboard") | |
bottomButtonBox.addWidget(buttonCopy) | |
buttonCopy.clicked.connect(self.buttonCopyClicked) | |
buttonPaste = QtGui.QPushButton("Paste") | |
buttonPaste.setToolTip("Paste formula from clipboard") | |
bottomButtonBox.addWidget(buttonPaste) | |
buttonPaste.clicked.connect(self.buttonPasteClicked) | |
buttonRename = QtGui.QPushButton("Rename") | |
buttonRename.setToolTip ("Rename formula") | |
bottomButtonBox.addWidget(buttonRename) | |
buttonRename.clicked.connect(self.buttonRenameClicked) | |
buttonClear = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear One") | |
buttonClear.setToolTip ("Clear current formula") | |
bottomButtonBox.addWidget(buttonClear) | |
buttonClear.clicked.connect(self.buttonClearClicked) | |
buttonClearAll = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear") | |
buttonClearAll.setToolTip ("Clear all formulas") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonClearAll) | |
buttonClearAll.clicked.connect(self.buttonClearAllClicked) | |
buttonOpen = QtGui.QPushButton("Open") | |
buttonOpen.setToolTip ("Open JSON file") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonOpen) | |
buttonOpen.clicked.connect(self.buttonOpenClicked) | |
buttonSave = QtGui.QPushButton("Save") | |
buttonSave.setToolTip ("Save JSON file") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonSave) | |
buttonSave.clicked.connect(self.buttonSaveClicked) | |
buttonSaveOne = QtGui.QPushButton("Save One") | |
buttonSaveOne.setToolTip ("Save current formula to a JSON file\n\ | |
Overwrites any existing content in the file\n") | |
bottomButtonBox.addWidget(buttonSaveOne) | |
buttonSaveOne.clicked.connect(self.buttonSaveOneClicked) | |
buttonAppend = QtGui.QPushButton("Append One") | |
buttonAppend.setToolTip ("Append current formula to a JSON file") | |
bottomButtonBox.addWidget(buttonAppend) | |
buttonAppend.clicked.connect(self.buttonAppendClicked) | |
buttonAppendAll = QtGui.QPushButton("Append") | |
buttonAppendAll.setToolTip ("Append one or more formulas to a JSON file") | |
topButtonBox.addWidget(buttonAppendAll) | |
buttonAppendAll.clicked.connect(self.buttonAppendAllClicked) | |
bottomButtonBox.addStretch() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("a:"),0,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.a_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.a_Line,0,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("b:"),1,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.b_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.b_Line,1,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("c:"),2,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.c_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.c_Line,2,1) | |
dsize = 5 | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("d1:\nd2:\nd3:\ndN:\n..."),3,0,dsize,1,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.d_Lines = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.d_Lines,3,1,dsize,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("X:"),4+dsize,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.X_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.X_Line,4+dsize,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Y:"),5+dsize,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.Y_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.Y_Line,5+dsize,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Z:"),6+dsize,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.Z_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.Z_Line,6+dsize,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("t_min:"),7+dsize,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.t_min_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.t_min_Line,7+dsize,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("interval:"),8+dsize,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.interval_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.interval_Line,8+dsize,1) | |
formulaBox.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("t_max:"),9+dsize,0,QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) | |
self.t_max_Line = QtGui.QLineEdit() | |
formulaBox.addWidget(self.t_max_Line,9+dsize,1) | |
self.form.setWindowTitle(f"Formula editor v{__version__}") | |
self.fp.Proxy.editingMode = True | |
self.blockSignals = False | |
self.json = self.shallowCopy(self.fp.Proxy.JSON_Data) | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
self.populateLines(self.formulaList.itemAt(0,0).text()) | |
def shallowCopy(self,fromdict): | |
"""make shallow copy of dictionary of dictionaries""" | |
todict = {} | |
for k,v in fromdict.items(): | |
formula = {} | |
for kk,vv in v.items(): | |
formula[kk] = vv | |
todict[k] = formula | |
return todict | |
def updateFormulaList(self): | |
self.blockSignals = True | |
self.formulaList.clear() | |
keys = self.json.keys() if not self.sorted else sorted(self.json.keys()) | |
for key in keys: | |
self.formulaList.addItem(key) | |
self.blockSignals = False | |
self.formulaList.setCurrentItem(self.formulaList.itemAt(0,0)) | |
def formulaListCurrentItemChanged(self,current,prev): | |
if self.blockSignals: | |
return | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"current = {current.text() if current else None}, prev = {prev.text() if prev else None}\n") | |
if prev: | |
self.saveLinesToJson(prev.text()) | |
if current: | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"populating lines with {current.text()}\n") | |
self.populateLines(current.text()) | |
def importFormula(self, fromDict, formulaName): | |
'''adds fromDict[formulaName] to self.json''' | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) | |
if not formulaName in self.json: | |
self.json[formulaName] = fromDict[formulaName] | |
else: #name conflict | |
newName = formulaName | |
while newName in self.json: | |
newName,ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(), "Formula exists","Formula exists already, enter a new name:",text=formulaName) | |
if not ok: | |
return False | |
self.json[newName] = fromDict[formulaName] | |
return True | |
def buttonImportClicked(self,btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) | |
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(),"Open a JSON file",filter='*.*')[0] | |
if not fname: | |
return | |
try: | |
f = open(fname) | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::Exception {ex}\n") | |
return | |
try: | |
jtemp = json.load(f) | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::Exception {ex}\nFile not opened.\n") | |
f.close() | |
return | |
f.close() | |
#now rename any "t" to "t_min" | |
for k,v in jtemp.items(): | |
if "t" in v.keys(): | |
jtemp[k]["t_min"] = jtemp[k]["t"] | |
jtemp[k].pop("t") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"ParametricCurve: renaming 't' to 't_min' in {k}"+chr(10)) | |
items = [k for k in jtemp.keys()] | |
if not items: | |
return #nothing to import | |
if len(items) == 1: | |
self.importFormula(jtemp, items[0]) | |
else: | |
dlg = SelectObjects(items,"Select formulas to import:") | |
dlg.all.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) | |
ok = dlg.exec_() | |
if not ok: | |
return [] | |
selected = dlg.selected | |
for key in jtemp.keys(): | |
if key in selected: | |
success = self.importFormula(jtemp,key) | |
if not success: | |
break | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
def checkBoxSortedClicked(self,btn): | |
self.sorted = not self.sorted | |
self.checkBoxSorted.setChecked(self.sorted) | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
def buttonOpenClicked(self,btn): | |
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(),"Open a JSON file",filter='*.*')[0] | |
if not fname: | |
return | |
try: | |
f = open(fname) | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::Exception {ex}\n") | |
return | |
try: | |
self.json = json.load(f) | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::Exception {ex}\nFile not opened.\n") | |
f.close() | |
return | |
f.close() | |
#now rename any "t" to "t_min" | |
for k,v in self.json.items(): | |
if "t" in v.keys(): | |
self.json[k]["t_min"] = self.json[k]["t"] | |
self.json[k].pop("t") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"ParametricCurve: renaming 't' to 't_min' in {k}"+chr(10)) | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
def setupAppend(self,all=False): | |
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(),"Append to a JSON file",filter='*.*')[0] | |
if not fname: | |
return | |
try: | |
f = open(fname) | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::Exception opening file: {ex}\n") | |
return | |
try: | |
contents = | |
jtemp = json.loads(contents) if contents else dict() | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::Exception {ex}\nFile not opened.\n") | |
f.close() | |
return | |
f.close() | |
if not all: | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.appendFormula(fname, current, jtemp) | |
else: | |
items = [] | |
for ii in range(self.formulaList.count()): | |
items.append(self.formulaList.item(ii).text()) | |
dlg = SelectObjects(items,"Select formulas to append:") | |
dlg.all.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) | |
ok = dlg.exec_() | |
if not ok: | |
return [] | |
selected = dlg.selected | |
for sel in selected: | |
success = self.appendFormula(fname,sel,jtemp) | |
if not success: | |
break #user canceled | |
def appendFormula(self, fname, formulaName, jtemp): | |
current = formulaName | |
item = self.json[current] | |
newName = current | |
while newName in jtemp: | |
newName,ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(), "Formula exists","Formula exists already, enter a new name:",text=current) | |
if not ok: | |
return False | |
jtemp[newName] = item | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"Appending '{newName}': {jtemp[newName]} to {fname}\n") | |
with open(fname,"w") as outfile: | |
json.dump(jtemp,outfile) | |
return True | |
def buttonAppendClicked(self,btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) | |
self.setupAppend() | |
def buttonAppendAllClicked(self,btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) | |
self.setupAppend(all=True) | |
def buttonSaveClicked(self,btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) | |
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(),"Save all formulas to a JSON file",filter='*.*')[0] | |
if not fname: | |
return | |
items = [key for key in self.json.keys()] | |
dlg = SelectObjects(items,"Select formulas to save:") | |
dlg.all.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) | |
ok = dlg.exec_() | |
if not ok: | |
return | |
selected = dlg.selected | |
if not selected: | |
return | |
new_dict = {} | |
for sel in selected: | |
new_dict[sel] = self.json[sel] | |
with open(fname,"w") as outfile: | |
json.dump(new_dict,outfile) | |
def buttonSaveOneClicked(self,btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) | |
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(),"Save a formula to JSON file",dir=current)[0] | |
if not fname: | |
return | |
jtemp = self.shallowCopy(self.json) | |
pops = [key for key in jtemp.keys() if not key == current] | |
for pop in pops: | |
jtemp.pop(pop) | |
with open(fname,"w") as outfile: | |
json.dump(jtemp,outfile) | |
for key in jtemp.keys(): | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"saved '{key}': {jtemp[key]} to {fname}\n") | |
def buttonClearAllClicked(self,btn): | |
self.json = dict() | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
self.buttonClearClicked(True) | |
self.buttonPlusClicked(True) | |
def buttonClearClicked(self,btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() if self.formulaList.currentItem() else "" | |
lines = [self.a_Line, self.b_Line, self.c_Line, | |
self.X_Line, self.Y_Line, self.Z_Line, self.t_min_Line, | |
self.interval_Line, self.t_max_Line] | |
for line in lines: | |
line.setText("") | |
self.d_Lines.setPlainText("") | |
self.saveLinesToJson(current) if current else None | |
def buttonPlusClicked(self, btn): | |
ii = 1 | |
trialName = "formula1" | |
while (trialName in self.json): | |
ii += 1 | |
trialName = "formula"+str(ii) | |
self.json[trialName] ={ | |
"a":self.a_Line.text(), | |
"b":self.b_Line.text(), | |
"c":self.c_Line.text(), | |
"d":self.d_Lines.toPlainText().split("\n"), | |
"X":self.X_Line.text(), | |
"Y":self.Y_Line.text(), | |
"Z":self.Z_Line.text(), | |
"t_min":self.t_min_Line.text(), | |
"t_max":self.t_max_Line.text(), | |
"interval":self.interval_Line.text() | |
} | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
self.blockSignals = True | |
self.formulaList.setCurrentItem(self.formulaList.findItems(trialName, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly)[0]) | |
self.blockSignals = False | |
def buttonRenameClicked(self, btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
newName,ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(FreeCADGui.getMainWindow(), "Parametric Curve FP","Enter name:") | |
if ok: | |
if newName in self.json: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"{newName} already exists\n") | |
return | |
else: | |
self.json[newName] = self.json.pop(current,None) | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"blocksignals = {self.blockSignals}\n") | |
self.formulaList.setCurrentItem(self.formulaList.findItems(newName, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly)[0]) | |
def buttonMinusClicked(self, btn): | |
self.fp.Document.openTransaction("ParametricCurve::Delete Formula") | |
self.blockSignals = True | |
row = self.formulaList.currentRow() | |
self.json.pop(self.formulaList.currentItem().text(),None) | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
if len(self.json.keys()) == 0: | |
self.buttonClearClicked(True) | |
self.buttonPlusClicked(True) | |
self.formulaList.setCurrentRow(row if row < self.formulaList.count() else self.formulaList.count()-1) | |
self.populateLines(self.formulaList.item(0).text()) | |
self.blockSignals = False | |
self.fp.Document.commitTransaction() | |
def buttonCopyClicked(self, btn): | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
tempDict = {current:self.json[current]} | |
jsonstr = str(tempDict).replace('"','"""').replace("'",'"') | |
self.clipboard.setText(jsonstr) | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"string in clipboard: {jsonstr}\n") | |
def buttonPasteClicked(self, btn): | |
cliptext = self.clipboard.text() | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"cliptext = {cliptext}\n") | |
if not cliptext: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No text in clipboard\n") | |
return | |
else: | |
try: | |
tempDict = json.loads(cliptext) | |
except Exception as ex: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"ParametricCurve::PasteException: {ex}\n") | |
return | |
self.buttonPlusClicked(True) | |
current = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
keyName = [k for k in tempDict.keys()][0] | |
if keyName in self.json: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(f"{keyName} already exists, so using default formula name: {current}\n") | |
newName = current | |
else: | |
newName = keyName | |
self.json.pop(current,None) | |
self.json[newName] = tempDict[keyName] | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
self.formulaList.setCurrentRow(self.formulaList.count()-1) | |
self.populateLines(newName) | |
def saveLinesToJson(self,key=""): | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"saveLinesToJson({key}), blockSignals = {self.blockSignals}\n") | |
cur = self.json[key] | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"key = {key}\n") | |
cur["a"] = self.a_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"a_Line") else "" | |
cur["b"] = self.b_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"b_Line") else "" | |
cur["c"] = self.c_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"c_Line") else "" | |
cur["d"] = self.d_Lines.toPlainText().split("\n") if hasattr(self,"d_Lines") else "" | |
cur["X"] = self.X_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"X_Line") else "" | |
cur["Y"] = self.Y_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"Y_Line") else "" | |
cur["Z"] = self.Z_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"Z_Line") else "" | |
cur["t_min"] = self.t_min_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"t_min_Line") else "" | |
cur["interval"] = self.interval_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"interval_Line") else "" | |
cur["t_max"] = self.t_max_Line.text() if hasattr(self,"t_max_Line") else "" | |
def populateLines(self,key): | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"populateLines({key})\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"self.json[{key}] = {self.json[key]}\n") | |
self.blockSignals = True | |
cur = self.json[key] | |
self.a_Line.setText(cur["a"]) | |
self.b_Line.setText(cur["b"]) | |
self.c_Line.setText(cur["c"]) | |
self.d_Lines.setPlainText("\n".join(cur["d"])) | |
self.X_Line.setText(cur["X"]) | |
self.Y_Line.setText(cur["Y"]) | |
self.Z_Line.setText(cur["Z"]) | |
self.t_min_Line.setText(cur["t_min"]) | |
self.interval_Line.setText(cur["interval"]) | |
self.t_max_Line.setText(cur["t_max"]) | |
self.blockSignals = False | |
def reject(self): | |
if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: | |
FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog() | |
return | |
self.fp.Proxy.editingMode = False | |
FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog() | |
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().resetEdit() | |
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
def accept(self): | |
if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: | |
FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog() | |
return | |
self.fp.Document.openTransaction("ParametricCurve::Accept") | |
if hasattr(self.fp,"Sorted"): | |
self.fp.Sorted = self.sorted | |
self.saveLinesToJson(self.formulaList.currentItem().text()) | |
jsonstr = str(self.json).replace('"','"""').replace("'",'"') | |
self.fp.Proxy.readJSONFile(self.fp,jsonstr) | |
if not self.fp: #user deleted or closed document perhaps | |
self.fp.Document.abortTransaction() | |
return | |
self.fp.Proxy.JSON_Data = self.shallowCopy(self.json) | |
if hasattr(self.fp.Proxy,"editingMode"): | |
self.fp.Proxy.editingMode = False | |
self.fp.Document.commitTransaction() | |
FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog() | |
FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.resetEdit() | |
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
def getStandardButtons(self): | |
return int(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) | int(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) | int(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Reset) | int(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Apply) | |
def clicked(self, button): | |
if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No document.\n") | |
return | |
if button == QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Reset: | |
self.sorted = self.fp.Sorted if hasattr(self.fp,"Sorted") else False | |
self.json =self.shallowCopy(self.fp.Proxy.JSON_Data) | |
self.updateFormulaList() | |
self.formulaList.setCurrentRow(0) | |
self.populateLines(next(iter(self.json))) #first key | |
elif button == QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Apply: | |
self.fp.Document.openTransaction("ParametricCurve::Apply") | |
if hasattr(self.fp,"Sorted"): | |
self.fp.Sorted = self.sorted | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Applying... Can be undone\n") | |
self.saveLinesToJson(self.formulaList.currentItem().text()) | |
jsonstr = str(self.json).replace('"','"""').replace("'",'"') | |
self.fp.Proxy.readJSONFile(self.fp,jsonstr) | |
self.fp.Formulas = self.formulaList.currentItem().text() | |
self.fp.Document.commitTransaction() | |
self.fp.Document.recompute() | |
#select objects dialog class | |
class SelectObjects(QtGui.QDialog): | |
def __init__(self, objects, label=""): | |
QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) | |
scrollContents = QtGui.QWidget() | |
scrollingLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) | |
scrollContents.setLayout(scrollingLayout) | |
scrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea() | |
scrollArea.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtGui.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) | |
scrollArea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtGui.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) | |
scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) | |
scrollArea.setWidget(scrollContents) | |
vBoxLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) | |
vBoxLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(label)) | |
self.all = QtGui.QCheckBox("All") | |
#self.all.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) #set by caller | |
self.all.stateChanged.connect(self.allStateChanged) | |
vBoxLayout.addWidget(self.all) | |
vBoxLayout.addWidget(scrollArea) | |
self.setLayout(vBoxLayout) | |
buttons = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox( | |
QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok.__or__(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel), | |
QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self) | |
buttons.accepted.connect(self.accept) | |
buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) | |
self.checkBoxes = [] | |
self.selected = [] | |
for ii,object in enumerate(objects): | |
self.checkBoxes.append(QtGui.QCheckBox(object)) | |
self.checkBoxes[-1].setCheckState(self.all.checkState()) | |
scrollingLayout.addWidget(self.checkBoxes[-1]) | |
vBoxLayout.addWidget(buttons) | |
def allStateChanged(self, arg): | |
self.checkAll(self.all.checkState()) | |
def checkAll(self, state): | |
for cb in self.checkBoxes: | |
cb.setCheckState(state) | |
def accept(self): | |
self.selected = [] | |
for cb in self.checkBoxes: | |
if cb.checkState(): | |
self.selected.append(cb.text()) | |
super().accept() | |
class CurveVP: | |
'''Creates a 3D parametric curve''' | |
def __init__(self, obj): | |
'''Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider''' | |
obj.Proxy = self | |
def onDelete(self, vobj, subelements): | |
if vobj.Object.Proxy.editingMode: | |
FreeCADGui.Control.closeDialog() | |
return True | |
def attach(self, obj): | |
'''Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory''' | |
self.Object = obj.Object | |
def updateData(self, fp, prop): | |
'''If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here''' | |
# fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed | |
pass | |
def canDropObject(self, incoming): | |
return incoming.isDerivedFrom("App::TextDocument") | |
def dropObject(self,vobj, incoming): | |
if incoming.isDerivedFrom("App::TextDocument"): | |
if incoming.Text: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Parametric_Curve_FP: Ensure document has been saved since last edit of Text document.\n") | |
vobj.Object.Document.openTransaction("Drop Text Document") | |
vobj.Object.Proxy.readJSONFile(vobj.Object,incoming.Text) | |
vobj.Object.Document.commitTransaction() | |
else: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Empty text document. Save file and try again.\n") | |
def getDisplayModes(self,obj): | |
'''Return a list of display modes.''' | |
modes=[] | |
modes.append("Flat Lines") | |
return modes | |
def getDefaultDisplayMode(self): | |
'''Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes.''' | |
return "Flat Lines" | |
def setDisplayMode(self,mode): | |
'''Map the display mode defined in attach with those defined in getDisplayModes.\ | |
Since they have the same names nothing needs to be done. This method is optional''' | |
return mode | |
def onChanged(self, vp, prop): | |
'''Here we can do something when a single property got changed''' | |
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + ""+chr(10)) | |
def setupContextMenu(self, vobj, menu): | |
if vobj.Object.Proxy.editingMode == False: | |
text = "Edit Formulas..." | |
mode = 0 | |
else: | |
text = "Accept Formulas" | |
mode = 6 | |
action = menu.addAction(text) | |
action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.setEdit(vobj,mode)) | |
attachAction = menu.addAction("Edit Attachment...") | |
attachAction.triggered.connect(lambda: self.setEdit(vobj,8)) | |
def setEdit(self,vp,modNum): | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintLog(f"ParametricCurve::setEdit: modNum = {modNum}\n") | |
if modNum == 0: | |
vp.Object.Proxy.showEditor() | |
elif modNum == 1: | |
FreeCADGui.runCommand("Std_TransformManip",0) | |
return True | |
elif modNum == 3: | |
FreeCADGui.runCommand('Part_ColorPerFace',0) | |
elif modNum == 6: #accept changes and end edit mode | |
FreeCADGui.getMainWindow().findChild(QtGui.QWidget,"formulaEditor").editor.accept() | |
elif modNum == 8: | |
FreeCADGui.runCommand("Part_EditAttachment",0) | |
else: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"modNum = {modNum}\n") | |
return False | |
def getIcon(self): | |
'''Return the icon in XPM format which will appear in the tree view. This method is\ | |
optional and if not defined a default icon is shown.''' | |
return ''' | |
/* XPM */ | |
static char *_ce4cf5b663f4b5f9c7b8e8d0afb135esksMX5u0XGPbxtkI[] = { | |
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ | |
"64 64 202 2 ", | |
" c #EA0004", | |
". c #EB030C", | |
"X c #EC0C0D", | |
"o c #EB0610", | |
"O c #EB0B13", | |
"+ c #EB0D19", | |
"@ c #EC1214", | |
"# c #ED1B17", | |
"$ c #EC141C", | |
"% c #EC1A1F", | |
"& c #EC1720", | |
"* c #EC1B23", | |
"= c #EC1B2C", | |
"- c #EB1A30", | |
"; c #EE2321", | |
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}; | |
''' | |
def __getstate__(self): | |
'''When saving the document this object gets stored using Python's json module.\ | |
Since we have some un-serializable parts here -- the Coin stuff -- we must define this method\ | |
to return a tuple of all serializable objects or None.''' | |
return None | |
def __setstate__(self,state): | |
'''When restoring the serialized object from document we have the chance to set some internals here.\ | |
Since no data were serialized nothing needs to be done here.''' | |
return None | |
# end of CurveVP | |
def makeCurve(Parametric_Curve_FP): | |
sheet = None | |
textDoc = None | |
txt = """ | |
{ | |
"helix": {"a": "1 #pitch", "b": "5 #height", "c": "1 #base radius", | |
"d": [ | |
"{d1} 20 #angle deg", | |
"{d2} 1 # 1= RH 0 = LH", | |
"{d3} t*b/a", | |
"{d4} c + b*t*sin(rad(d1))/(2*pi)", | |
"{d5} ternary(d2, 1, -1)"], | |
"X": "d4*cos(d3*d5)", "Y": "d4*sin(d3*d5)", "Z": "b*t/(2*pi)", | |
"t_min": "0", "t_max": "2*pi", "interval": "0.1"}, | |
"ellipse": {"a": "20 #major radius", "b": "10 #minor radius (ignored if c != 0)", | |
"c": "0.5 #eccentricity (0 to ignore and use a and b, else b^2 = a^2*(1 - c^2)", | |
"d": [ | |
"{d1} 0 # x center", | |
"{d2} 0 # y center", | |
"{d3} 20 # angle from x-axis to major axis (deg)", | |
"{d4} ternary(c, a*(1-c*c)^0.5, b)", | |
"{d5} a * cos(t) # x -unrotated ellipse", | |
"{d6} d4 * sin(t) # y- unrotated ellipse", | |
"{d7} radians(d3) # angle in radians" | |
], | |
"X": "d1 + d5 * cos(d7) - d6 * sin(d7)", "Y": "d2 + d5 * sin(d7) + d6 * cos(d7)", "Z": "0", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "2*pi", "interval": "0.1"}, | |
"amoeba": {"a": "36.3", "b": "12", "c": "1.5", "d": ["(a+c*sin(b*t))"], | |
"X": "cos(t)*d1", "Y": "sin(t)*d1", "Z": "0", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "2*pi", "interval": "0.1"}, | |
"coil": {"a": "6", "b": "1", "c": "20", "d": [], | |
"X": "(a + b * cos(c*t))*cos(t)", "Y": "(a + b * cos(c*t))*sin(t)", "Z": "b*sin(c*t)", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "2*pi", "interval": "0.02"}, | |
"holesaw": {"a": "12 # radius", "b": "6 #no of teeth", "c": "5.000000 #sine amplitude", | |
"d": [""], "X": "cos(t)*a", "Y": "sin(t)*a", "Z": "c*sin(b*t)", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "2*pi", "interval": "0.1"}, | |
"sawtooth": {"a": "40 #radius", "b": "5 #number teeth", "c": "0.8 # tooth parameter between 0 and 1", | |
"d": ["10 #amplitude", "mod(b*t, 1)", "# best with polygon"], | |
"X": "a*cos(2*pi*t)", "Y": "a*sin(2*pi*t)", "Z": "d1*(lt(d2,c)*d2/c + gte(d2,c)*(1-d2)/(1-c))", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "1.0", "interval": "0.01"}, | |
"sinbraid_round_3": {"a": "10", "b": "sin(t*10/3) #radial amplitude", "c": "cos(t*5/3)*5 #vertical amplitude", "d": [], | |
"X": "a*sin(t)+b*sin(t)", "Y": "a*cos(t)+b*cos(t)", "Z": "c", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "6*pi", "interval": "0.02"}, | |
"sinbraid_round_4_3": {"a": "10 #radius", "b": "sin(t*9/4) # radial amplitude", "c": "cos(t*3/4)*4 # vertical amplitude", "d": [], | |
"X": "a*sin(t)+b*sin(t)", "Y": "a*cos(t)+b*cos(t)", "Z": "c", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "8*pi", "interval": "0.1"}, | |
"para_curve": {"a": "10 #radius plane", "b": "4 #period", "c": "3 #amplitude", "d": ["(a+c*sin(b*t+pi/2)) #formula"], | |
"X": "cos(t)*d1 #polar X", "Y": "sin(t)*d1 #polarY", "Z": "0", | |
"t_min": "0.0", "t_max": "2*pi", "interval": "0.1"} | |
} | |
""" | |
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() | |
if sel and sel[0].isDerivedFrom("Spreadsheet::Sheet"): | |
sheet = sel[0] | |
elif sel and sel[0].isDerivedFrom("App::TextDocument"): | |
textDoc = sel[0] | |
if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: | |
FreeCAD.newDocument() | |
pc=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","ParametricCurve") | |
if Parametric_Curve_FP: | |
Parametric_Curve_FP.Curve(pc) | |
Parametric_Curve_FP.CurveVP(pc.ViewObject) | |
else: #for debugging/testing only | |
Curve(pc) | |
CurveVP(pc.ViewObject) | |
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() | |
FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name,pc.Name) | |
if sheet: | |
pc.Spreadsheet = sheet | |
elif textDoc: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Parametric_Curve_FP: Ensure the document has been saved since the last edit of the Text document\n") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(f"Attempting to import:\n{textDoc.Text}\n") | |
pc.Proxy.readJSONFile(pc,textDoc.Text) | |
else: | |
pc.Proxy.readJSONFile(pc,txt) | |
FreeCADGui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewSelection",True) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
import importlib | |
import Parametric_Curve_FP | |
importlib.reload(Parametric_Curve_FP) | |
makeCurve(Parametric_Curve_FP) | |
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