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Last active August 27, 2024 14:34
FreeCAD macro, creates parametric honeycomb grid, compatible in and out of Part Design
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__version__ = "0.2024.08.27"
#Honeycomb macro -- creates a feature python parametric honeycomb object for Part Design workbench
#2021, by <TheMarkster> LGPL2.1 or later
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part
class Honeycomb:
def __init__(self,obj):
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Radius","Honeycomb","Circumradius of the hexagons").Radius = 1
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Separation","Honeycomb","Separation between hexagons").Separation = .5
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Length","Honeycomb","Length of grid").Length = 10
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Width","Honeycomb", "Width of grid").Width = 15
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Height","Honeycomb","Height of grid").Height = 3
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","EllipticalGrid","Honeycomb","If True, make an elliptical grid of minor diameter = Width, Major Diameter = Length").EllipticalGrid = True
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatConstraint","XAdjust","Honeycomb","Adjust hexagons in the X direction").XAdjust = (0,-10e4,10e4,.1)
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatConstraint","YAdjust","Honeycomb","Adjust hexagons in the Y direction").YAdjust = (0,-10e4,10e4,.1)
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","BorderOffset","Honeycomb","Offset for border (0 = no border) -1 for inward offset").BorderOffset = 1
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatConstraint","BorderHeightOffset","Honeycomb","Height Offset for border (0 = same as Height)").BorderHeightOffset = (0.1,-10e4,10e4,.1)
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink","Profile","Honeycomb","Profile, e.g. sketch, to use in place of hexagon, should have radius = 1, centered on origin")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyInteger","CountXAdjust","Honeycomb","default: 0 -- amount to add to number of hexagons on X axis")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyInteger","CountYAdjust","Honeycomb","default: 0 -- amount to add to number of hexagons on Y axis")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Version","Honeycomb","Version of macro this object was created with").Version = __version__
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","SquareGrid","Honeycomb","If true, make a square grid instead of hexagon grid").SquareGrid = False
obj.Proxy = self
self.fpName = obj.Name
def makeHexagon(self,radius,origin):
'''makes a hexagon based on radius and origin, returns it as a wire
unless a profile is linked to Profile property'''
fp = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(self.fpName)
if hasattr(fp,"Profile") and fp.Profile:
profile = fp.Profile
if not hasattr(profile,"Shape"):
raise Exception("Invalid profile\n")
shp = profile.Shape.copy()
return shp
sin60 = 0.8660254037844386
tups = [(-1,0,0),(-.5,sin60,0),(.5,sin60,0),(1,0,0),(.5,-sin60,0),(-.5,-sin60,0),(-1,0,0)]
pts = [FreeCAD.Vector(tup).add(origin) for tup in tups]
poly = Part.makePolygon(pts).scale(radius,origin)
return poly
def makeCross(self,radius,origin):
'''makes cross based on radius and origin, returns it as a wire
unless a profile is linked to Profile property'''
fp = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(self.fpName)
if hasattr(fp,"Profile") and fp.Profile:
profile = fp.Profile
if not hasattr(profile,"Shape"):
raise Exception("Invalid profile\n")
shp = profile.Shape.copy()
face = Part.makeFace(shp,"Part::FaceMakerBullseye")
return face
tups = [(-1,-1,0),(1,-1,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,0),(-1,1,0),(-1,-1,0)]
pts = [FreeCAD.Vector(tup).add(origin) for tup in tups]
poly = Part.makePolygon(pts).scale(radius,origin)
face = Part.makeFace(poly, "Part::FaceMakerBullseye"),'face"')
return face
def makeCrossGrid(self, fp):
#face = self.makeCross(1, FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0))
yInt = (2 * fp.Radius+fp.Separation)
xInt = (2 * fp.Radius+fp.Separation)
firstX = 0
firstY = 0
countX = round(fp.Width/xInt) + 1
countY = round(fp.Length/yInt) + 1
if hasattr(fp,"CountXAdjust"):
countX += fp.CountXAdjust
countY += fp.CountYAdjust
vectors = []
for xx in range(-1,int(countX)):
for yy in range(-1,int(countY)):
vectors.append(FreeCAD.Vector(firstX + xx * xInt, firstY + yy * yInt, 0)+FreeCAD.Vector(fp.XAdjust,fp.YAdjust,0))
array = [self.makeCross(fp.Radius, v) for v in vectors]
#crosses = Part.makeCompound(array)
crosses = Part.makeCompound(array)
cross_faces = crosses.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)).removeSplitter()
#cross_faces = Part.makeFace(crosses,"Part::FaceMakerCheese")
# rect = Part.makePolygon(), "cross_faces")
solid = self.handleElliptical(fp, cross_faces)
return solid
def makeHoneycomb(self,fp):
tan15 = 0.2679491924311227
sin60 = 0.8660254037844386
yInt = (2 * fp.Radius + fp.Separation - tan15 * fp.Radius)
xInt = (2 * sin60 * (fp.Radius * 2 + fp.Separation - tan15 * fp.Radius))
array2XPos = (sin60 * (fp.Radius * 2 + fp.Separation - tan15 * fp.Radius))
array2YPos = yInt / 2.0
firstX = fp.Radius
firstY = fp.Radius
countX = round(fp.Width/xInt) + 1
countY = round(fp.Length/yInt) + 1
if hasattr(fp,"CountXAdjust"):
countX += fp.CountXAdjust
countY += fp.CountYAdjust
vectors = []
for xx in range(-1,int(countX)):
for yy in range(-1,int(countY)):
vectors.append(FreeCAD.Vector(firstX + xx * xInt, firstY + yy * yInt, 0)+FreeCAD.Vector(fp.XAdjust,fp.YAdjust,0))
array = [self.makeHexagon(fp.Radius, v) for v in vectors]
array.extend([self.makeHexagon(fp.Radius, v + FreeCAD.Vector(array2XPos,array2YPos,0)) for v in vectors[:-int(countY+1)]])
hexagons = Part.makeCompound(array)
hex_faces = Part.makeFace(hexagons,"Part::FaceMakerCheese")
solid = self.handleElliptical(fp, hex_faces)
return solid
def handleElliptical(self, fp, hex_faces):
if not fp.EllipticalGrid:
rectTups = [(0,0,0),(fp.Width,0,0),(fp.Width,fp.Length,0),(0,fp.Length,0),(0,0,0)]
rect_pts = [FreeCAD.Vector(tup) + FreeCAD.Vector(-fp.Radius,0,0) for tup in rectTups]
rect = Part.makePolygon(rect_pts)
rect_face = Part.makeFace(rect,"Part::FaceMakerCheese")
cut = rect_face.cut(hex_faces)
if hasattr(cut,"Face1"):
normal = cut.Face1.normalAt(0,0).normalize()
normal = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)
cut = cut.extrude(normal * fp.Height)
if fp.BorderOffset == 0:
return cut
border = rect_face.makeOffset2D(fp.BorderOffset, join=2, fill=True)
border = border.extrude(border.Face1.normalAt(0,0).normalize()*(fp.Height + fp.BorderHeightOffset))
fuse = border.fuse(cut)
return fuse
if fp.Width >= fp.Length:
ellipse = Part.Ellipse(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0),fp.Width/2,fp.Length/2).toShape()
ellipse = Part.Ellipse(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0),fp.Length/2,fp.Width/2)
plm = FreeCAD.Placement()
plm.Rotation = FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1),90)
ellipse = ellipse.toShape()
ellipse_face = Part.makeFace(ellipse,"Part::FaceMakerCheese")
hex_faces.translate(ellipse_face.BoundBox.Center - hex_faces.BoundBox.Center + FreeCAD.Vector(fp.XAdjust, fp.YAdjust, 0))
cut = ellipse_face.cut(hex_faces)
if hasattr(cut,"Face1"):
normal = cut.Face1.normalAt(0,0).normalize()
normal = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)
cut = cut.extrude(normal * fp.Height)
if fp.BorderOffset == 0:
return cut
if fp.Width >= fp.Length:
ellipse_offset = Part.Ellipse(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0),fp.Width / 2 + fp.BorderOffset, fp.Length / 2 + fp.BorderOffset).toShape()
ellipse_offset = Part.Ellipse(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0),fp.Length / 2 + fp.BorderOffset, fp.Width / 2 + fp.BorderOffset)
ellipse_offset = ellipse_offset.toShape()
ellipse_offset_face = Part.makeFace(ellipse_offset,"Part::FaceMakerCheese")
if fp.BorderOffset > 0:
border = ellipse_offset_face.cut(ellipse_face)
border = ellipse_face.cut(ellipse_offset_face)
border = border.extrude(border.Face1.normalAt(0,0).normalize()*(fp.Height + fp.BorderHeightOffset))
fuse = border.fuse(cut)
return fuse
def execute(self,fp):
if not hasattr(fp, "SquareGrid"):
fp.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","SquareGrid","Honeycomb","Whether to make honeycomb grid or square grid").SquareGrid = False
shape = self.makeHoneycomb(fp) if not fp.SquareGrid else self.makeCrossGrid(fp)
shape.Placement = fp.Placement
#shape.transformShape(fp.Placement.inverse().toMatrix(), True)
if hasattr(fp,"AddSubShape"):
fp.AddSubShape = shape
if hasattr(fp,"BaseFeature") and fp.BaseFeature:
full_shape = shape.fuse(fp.BaseFeature.Shape)
fp.Shape = full_shape
fp.Shape = shape
class HoneycombVP:
def __init__(self, obj):
'''Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider'''
obj.Proxy = self
def attach(self, obj):
'''Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory'''
self.Object = obj.Object
def updateData(self, fp, prop):
'''If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here'''
# fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed
def getDisplayModes(self,obj):
'''Return a list of display modes.'''
modes.append("Flat Lines")
return modes
def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
'''Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes.'''
return "Flat Lines"
def setDisplayMode(self,mode):
'''Map the display mode defined in attach with those defined in getDisplayModes.\
Since they have the same names nothing needs to be done. This method is optional'''
return mode
def onChanged(self, vp, prop):
'''Here we can do something when a single property got changed'''
#FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + ""+chr(10))
def claimChildren(self):
return []
def setupContextMenu(self, vobj, menu):
def setEdit(self,vp,modNum):
def onDelete(self, vobj, subelements):
if hasattr(vobj.Object,"_Body") and vobj.Object._Body: #do this only when the object is in a PD body
#need to ensure the next feature in the tree's BaseFeature property points to our BaseFeature
solids = [feat for feat in vobj.Object._Body.Group if feat.isDerivedFrom("PartDesign::Feature") and feat.BaseFeature == vobj.Object]
if len(solids) == 1: #found previous solid feature
solids[0].BaseFeature = vobj.Object.BaseFeature
return True
def getIcon(self):
'''Return the icon in XPM format which will appear in the tree view. This method is\
optional and if not defined a default icon is shown.'''
XPM = '''
/* XPM */
static char *_634945598709[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"64 64 223 2 ",
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"3 c #292929291A9B",
"4 c #378D378D1A70",
"5 c #0429042922C6",
"6 c #0C4C0C4C2464",
"7 c #080808082928",
"8 c #1B1B1B1B2444",
"9 c #177717772848",
"0 c #20E120E12222",
"q c #2626262627A7",
"w c #2BB72BB72BA0",
"e c #3131313123A4",
"r c #3A3A3A3A2379",
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"y c #2B2B2B2B33C1",
"u c #390539053467",
"i c #33B433B43B7B",
"p c #390E390E3A3A",
"a c #482848280666",
"s c #56225622056C",
"d c #5F095F090B0B",
"f c #4747474719C4",
"g c #5CF65CF6167D",
"h c #537853781DD5",
"j c #6BEB6BEB02C3",
"k c #674267420909",
"l c #76767676095F",
"z c #69D769D71482",
"x c #65A565A51DDE",
"c c #753475341C9D",
"v c #78AB78AB1DB7",
"b c #535253522020",
"n c #459A459A3CE7",
"m c #1D1D1D1D4202",
"M c #297F297F4BF6",
"N c #3B3B3B3B403F",
"B c #262626265757",
"V c #3737373757D7",
"C c #448444844444",
"Z c #464646464948",
"A c #515151514F4F",
"S c #54A954A951A7",
"D c #61E261E25D5D",
"F c #4CCD4CCD6464",
"G c #5DDE5DDE7373",
"H c #640E640E62B8",
"J c #606060606A6A",
"K c #717171716C6C",
"L c #68A868A87939",
"P c #797979797676",
"I c #7DFD7DFD7BBB",
"U c #858585850AB5",
"Y c #890989090848",
"T c #98179817065C",
"R c #9A199A190B4B",
"E c #85858585114C",
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"8. c #C706C70638F9",
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"r. c #F5F5F5F53ABB",
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"y. c #BA39BA394606",
"u. c #BBBBBBBB56AC",
"i. c #8A0A8A0A77F8",
"p. c #969696967171",
"a. c #AFAFAFAF71F2",
"s. c #BABABABA7434",
"d. c #CBCACBCA4949",
"f. c #D983D9834CA2",
"g. c #CB4BCB4B5454",
"h. c #DB5BDB5B5252",
"j. c #F84CF84C4FFA",
"k. c #C747C7476A6A",
"l. c #D555D55569EA",
"z. c #D514D5146BAB",
"x. c #C646C64675B5",
"c. c #CDCDCDCD7979",
"v. c #D353D3537575",
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"n. c #E2E2E2E26C6C",
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"L. c #A3A3A3A3A2CD",
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"R. c #B6F6B6F6B620",
"E. c #BCBCBCBCB986",
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"2X c #C646C646E666",
"3X c #D959D959E767",
"5X c #C29DC29DFCC5",
"6X c #D871D871F82A",
"7X c #DC5CDC5CFD52",
"8X c #E5E5E5E5E476",
"9X c #E5E5E5E5EAEA",
"qX c #F1F1F1F1E464",
"wX c #F4C9F4C9ECEC",
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"uX c #F30FF30FF348",
"iX c #FAA4FAA4F5CA",
"pX c #F624F624FE14",
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return XPM
def __getstate__(self):
'''When saving the document this object gets stored using Python's json module.\
Since we have some un-serializable parts here -- the Coin stuff -- we must define this method\
to return a tuple of all serializable objects or None.'''
return None
def __setstate__(self,state):
'''When restoring the serialized object from document we have the chance to set some internals here.\
Since no data were serialized nothing needs to be done here.'''
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part
if ".FCMacro" in __file__ and not os.path.exists(__file__.replace(".FCMacro",".py")):
current = __file__
new_name = current.replace(".FCMacro", ".py")
with open(new_name, "w") as new_file:
with open(__file__, "r") as current_file:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("A new file has been created named in order for Honeycomb objects to work when you reload a document containing a Honeycomb object.\n")
import Honeycomb
import importlib
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument else FreeCAD.newDocument()
if body:
fp = doc.addObject("PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython","Honeycomb")
fp = doc.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","HoneyComb")
# selx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
# if selx:
# profile = selx[0]
# if hasattr(profile,"Shape"):
# fp.Profile = profile
if body:
if not hasattr(fp,"Version") or fp.Version != __version__:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(f"Version mismatch. Version of is outdated. New version is {__version__}. You can delete from your macro folder, delete the newly created Honeycomb object, and re-run Honeycomb.FCMacro to recreate a new version. Then save your file and restart FreeCAD to complete the update.\n")
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