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Last active August 16, 2017 07:16
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Idris ST Tutorial: Composing State Machines. Draw interface
import Control.ST
import Control.ST.ImplicitCall
import Graphics.SDL
data Col = MkCol Int Int Int Int
black : Col
black = MkCol 0 0 0 255
red : Col
red = MkCol 255 0 0 255
green : Col
green = MkCol 0 255 0 255
interface Draw (m : Type -> Type) where
Surface : Type
initWindow : Int -> Int -> ST m (Maybe Var) [addIfJust Surface]
closeWindow : (win : Var) -> ST m () [remove win Surface]
poll : ST m (Maybe Event) []
flip : (win : Var) -> ST m () [win ::: Surface]
filledRectangle : (win : Var) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Col -> ST m () [win ::: Surface]
drawLine : (win : Var) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Col -> ST m () [win ::: Surface]
implementation Draw IO where
Surface = State SDLSurface
initWindow x y = do Just srf <- lift (startSDL x y)
| pure Nothing
var <- new srf
pure (Just var)
closeWindow win = do lift endSDL
delete win
flip win = do srf <- read win
lift (flipBuffers srf)
poll = lift pollEvent
filledRectangle win (x, y) (ex, ey) (MkCol r g b a)
= do srf <- read win
lift $ filledRect srf x y ex ey r g b a
drawLine win (x, y) (ex, ey) (MkCol r g b a)
= do srf <- read win
lift $ drawLine srf x y ex ey r g b a
render : Draw m => (win : Var) -> ST m () [win ::: Surface {m}]
render win = do filledRectangle win (0,0) (640,480) black
drawLine win (100,100) (200,200) red
flip win
loop : Draw m => (win : Var) -> ST m () [win ::: Surface {m}]
loop win = do render win
Just AppQuit <- poll
| _ => loop win
pure ()
drawMain : (ConsoleIO m, Draw m) => ST m () []
drawMain = do Just win <- initWindow 640 480
| Nothing => putStrLn "Can't open window"
loop win
closeWindow win
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