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Last active May 30, 2016 01:08
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script for converting go packages to build a shared library
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd qw(:DEFAULT abs_path);
use Dpkg::Control;
use Dpkg::Control::Info;
use Dpkg::Deps;
sub append_dep {
my $s = shift;
my $d = shift;
if ($s =~ /.*(,\n +).*/) {
$s .= $1;
} else {
$s .= ", ";
$s .= $d;
sub main() {
my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new();
my $already_shlib_enabled = 0;
if (!@ARGV) {
die "must pass some arches";
my $any = 0;
if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq "any") {
$any = 1;
foreach my $pkg (@{$control->{packages}}) {
if ($pkg->{Package} =~ /(golang-.*)-dev/) {
my $base = "lib" . $1;
if ($base =~ /[0-9]$/) {
$base .= "-";
if ($pkg->{Depends} =~ s/$base([0-9])+\s+\(=\s+\$\{binary:Version\}\)\s+\[[^]]+\]/$base$1 (= \${binary:Version}) [@ARGV]/) {
$already_shlib_enabled = 1;
$base .= "1";
my $libpkg = Dpkg::Control->new((type => CTRL_INDEX_PKG));
$libpkg->{Package} = $base;
$libpkg->{Architecture} = "@ARGV";
$libpkg->{Depends} = '${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}';
$libpkg->{Provides} = '${golang:Provides}';
$libpkg->{Description} = $pkg->{Description};
push @{$control->{packages}}, $libpkg;
$pkg->{Architecture} = "any";
my $dep;
if ($any) {
$dep = " (= \${binary:Version})";
} else {
$dep = " (= \${binary:Version}) [@ARGV]";
$pkg->{Depends} = append_dep($pkg->{Depends}, "$base$dep");
open(my $fh2, ">", "debian/$base.lintian-overrides");
printf $fh2 "%s: no-symbols-control-file\n", $base;
printf $fh2 "%s: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink\n", $base;
my $src = $control->get_source();
if ($already_shlib_enabled) {
foreach my $pkg (@{$control->{packages}}) {
if ($pkg->{Package} =~ /^lib(golang.*?)-?([0-9]+)$/) {
$pkg->{Architecture} = "@ARGV";
if ($any) {
$src->{"Build-Depends"} =~ s/golang-go-shared-dev\s+\[[^]]+\]/golang-any-shared-dev/;
} else {
$src->{"Build-Depends"} =~ s/golang-go-shared-dev\s+\[[^]]+\]/golang-go-shared-dev [@ARGV]/;
} else {
if ($any) {
$src->{"Build-Depends"} = append_dep($src->{"Build-Depends"}, "golang-any-shared-dev");
} else {
$src->{"Build-Depends"} = append_dep($src->{"Build-Depends"}, "golang-go-shared-dev [@ARGV]");
my $fh;
open($fh, ">", "debian/control");
printf $fh "%s", $control;
if (!$already_shlib_enabled) {
system("dch", "-i", "-D", "yakkety", "Build shared lib package.");
} else {
system("dch", "-i", "-D", "yakkety", "Update shared lib architectures.");
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