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Last active August 27, 2020 01:25
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Nix Tidbits

In which tidbits regarding nix can be found...



# introduces the 'hi' attribute to the following scope
# only valid inside a let block
nix-repl> let inherit ({greeting = "helloworld";}) greeting; in greeting

System nixpkgs

import <nixpkgs> {};

Git nixpkgs

  inherit (import <nixpkgs> {}) fetchFromGitHub:
  nixpkgs = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "NixOS";
    repo = "nixpkgs-channels";
    rev = "00abc...12300";
    sha256 = "345oeu...nth876";
in ...


Build a package from a channel

nix build -f channel:$CHANNEL hello

Install a package from a channel

nix-env -f${CHANNEL}.tar.gz -iA hello

Remove old generations

sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --delete-generations old
nix-collect-garbage -d
nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations
## Remove entries from /boot/loader/entries:
find /boot/loader/entries ! -name nixos-generation-${CURRENT_GENERATION_NUMBER}.conf -type f -exec sudo rm {} +


Deploy to GCP

  • create GCP account
  • create project foo
  • create service account bar
  • download a JSON key for bar locally and note its path
  • export these variables:
export GCE_PROJECT=foo
export ACCESS_KEY_PATH=/path/to/key.json
  • write a nix expression containing your desired network
let baz = qux; in { network; }
  • nixops create -d foonet ./file.nix ./file2.nix
  • nixops deploy -d foonet
  • edit expressions as desired and then
    • nixops modify -d foonet ./file.nix ./file2.nix
    • nixops deploy -d foonet
  • if anything gets into a wonky state
    • nixops deploy -d foonet --check
  • if all else fails, turn it off and on again
    • nixops destroy -d foonet --confirm
    • nixops deploy -d foonet
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