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Created April 26, 2012 20:50
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  • Save mwinckler/2503070 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mwinckler/2503070 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. format-for-print bookmarklet
(function() {
var boName = prompt('What do you want to name this build order?');
var supply = 6;
var orders = $('<ol></ol>').css({'list-style-type':'none'});
// For the duration this window is displayed, suspend the
// document events trapping selection/mousedown/etc so that
// the user can select/copy/paste the build order. See the
// click handler on the close buttons for event restoration.
var docEvents = jQuery.extend(true, {}, $(document).data('events'));
function restoreEvents() {
for (var key in docEvents) {
for (var i = 0; i < docEvents[key].length; i++) {
$(document).bind(key, docEvents[key][i].handler);
docEvents = {};
function padZero(str, totalLength) {
str = String(str);
totalLength = parseInt(totalLength);
if (str.length >= totalLength) {
return str;
return (new Array(totalLength - str.length + 1).join('0')) + str;
$('#build .order').each(function() {
var orderNumber = $(this).attr('id').match(/\d+$/)[0];
var s = parseInt($(this).find('#order_caption_' + orderNumber).text() || supply);
var itemName = $('#actionText_'+orderNumber).text();
var startSeconds = parseInt($('#actionHighlight_'+orderNumber).attr('starttime')) / 100;
var formattedTime = padZero(Math.floor(startSeconds / 60), 2) + ':' + padZero(Math.floor(startSeconds % 60), 2);
var li = $('<li></li>').text(s + ': ' + itemName).prepend(
$('<span></span>').addClass('printhack_time').text('[' + formattedTime + ']')
if (itemName.match(/^scv|drone|probe$/i)) {
supply = s + 1;
var outputWindow = $('<div></div>').css({'position':'absolute','left':'50%', 'top':'40px','z-index':'10000','max-width':'900px'}).addClass('printhack_window').append(
'box-shadow':'0 4px 4px #000',
'padding':'10px 20px'
$('<input type="button"></input>').addClass('printhide').val('Close').css({'position':'absolute','top':'10px','right':'10px'}).click(function() { restoreEvents(); $('.printhack_window').remove(); })
$('<label></label>').addClass('printhide').text('Show workers').prepend(
$('<input type="checkbox"></input>').addClass('printhide').click(function() { $('li.printhack_worker').toggle(); })
).css({'margin':'5px 10px'})
$('<label></label>').addClass('printhide').text('Show times').prepend(
$('<input type="checkbox"></input>').addClass('printhide').attr('checked','checked').click(function() { $('span.printhack_time').toggle(); })
).css({'margin':'5px 10px'})
$('<a></a>').attr('href', document.location.href).text(document.location.href)
$('<input type="button"></input>').addClass('printhide').val('Close').click(function() { restoreEvents(); $('.printhack_window').remove(); })
if ($('#printhack_style').length ==0) {
$('<style id="printhack_style" media="print">' + "\n"
+ 'body * { display: none !important; } ' + "\n"
+ 'body .printhack_window, body .printhack_window ol, body .printhack_window li, body .printhack_window h2, body .printhack_window div { display:block !important; } ' +"\n"
+ 'body .printhack_window span, body .printhack_window a { display:inline !important; }' + "\n"
+ 'body .printhide { display: none !important; }</style>').appendTo('head');
Copy link

To make this work: in your browser, create a new bookmark and set its location/URL to:

javascript:(function(){var script=document.createElement('SCRIPT');script.src='';document.body.appendChild(script);})()

Then go to your build order at and click the bookmark. It should pop up a box with a printable version of the build order (and when you print it, the script hides everything except that printable build order so you don't get all the extra images, etc.)

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