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Created September 10, 2014 00:36
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Bug using AudioUnitParameterEvent
event =
event.scope = KAudioUnitScope_Global
event.element = 0
event.parameter = parameter
event.eventType = KParameterEvent_Ramped
event.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset = offset
event.eventValues.ramp.durationInFrames = frames
event.eventValues.ramp.startValue = get_parameter(parameter)
event.eventValues.ramp.endValue = value
2014-09-09 19:33:28.444 FreesoundTouch[31115:70b] base.rb:108:in `audio_unit_parameter_event:': undefined method `ramp' for #<Boxed:0xb8fa730> (NoMethodError)
from base.rb:78:in `ramp_to_parameter_value:'
from effects_control.rb:98:in `set_effect_parameters:'
from effects_control.rb:82:in `update_effect_parameters:'
from effects_control.rb:77:in `touchesUpdated:'
from effects_control.rb:57:in `touchesBegan:withEvent:'
2014-09-09 19:33:28.455 FreesoundTouch[31115:70b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NoMethodError', reason: 'base.rb:108:in `audio_unit_parameter_event:': undefined method `ramp' for #<Boxed:0xb8fa730> (NoMethodError)
from base.rb:78:in `ramp_to_parameter_value:'
from effects_control.rb:98:in `set_effect_parameters:'
from effects_control.rb:82:in `update_effect_parameters:'
from effects_control.rb:77:in `touchesUpdated:'
from effects_control.rb:57:in `touchesBegan:withEvent:'
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x037ef1e4 __exceptionPreprocess + 180
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0125d8e5 objc_exception_throw + 44
2 FreesoundTouch 0x00bbc05a _ZL10__vm_raisev + 346
3 FreesoundTouch 0x00bbc138 rb_vm_raise + 216
4 FreesoundTouch 0x00abdfb1 rb_exc_raise + 17
5 FreesoundTouch 0x00bba1be rb_vm_method_missing + 574
6 FreesoundTouch 0x00b8ddaf rb_method_missing + 31
7 FreesoundTouch 0x00b96f34 rb_vm_dispatch + 5060
8 FreesoundTouch 0x00b95a0c rb_vm_trigger_method_missing + 1004
9 FreesoundTouch 0x00b968eb rb_vm_dispatch + 3451
10 FreesoundTouch 0x003a233c vm_dispatch + 1100
11 FreesoundTouch 0x003ac48d rb_scope__audio_unit_parameter_event:__ + 925
12 FreesoundTouch 0x00bb0bed _ZL20dispatch_rimp_callerPFP11objc_objectS0_P13objc_selectorzEmS1_iPKm + 46445
13 FreesoundTouch 0x00b9760a rb_vm_dispatch + 6810
14 FreesoundTouch 0x003a233c vm_dispatch + 1100
15 FreesoundTouch 0x003abe90 rb_scope__ramp_to_parameter_value:__ + 976
16 FreesoundTouch 0x00bb0bed _ZL20dispatch_rimp_callerPFP11objc_objectS0_P13objc_selectorzEmS1_iPKm + 46445
17 FreesoundTouch 0x00b9760a rb_vm_dispatch + 6810
18 FreesoundTouch 0x009838fc vm_dispatch + 1100
19 FreesoundTouch 0x0098ee4b rb_scope__set_effect_parameters:__ + 1083
20 FreesoundTouch 0x00bb0bed _ZL20dispatch_rimp_callerPFP11objc_objectS0_P13objc_selectorzEmS1_iPKm + 46445
21 FreesoundTouch 0x00b9760a rb_vm_dispatch + 6810
22 FreesoundTouch 0x009838fc vm_dispatch + 1100
23 FreesoundTouch 0x0098e6f0 rb_scope__update_effect_parameters:__ + 208
24 FreesoundTouch 0x00bb0bed _ZL20dispatch_rimp_callerPFP11objc_objectS0_P13objc_selectorzEmS1_iPKm + 46445
25 FreesoundTouch 0x00b9760a rb_vm_dispatch + 6810
26 FreesoundTouch 0x009838fc vm_dispatch + 1100
27 FreesoundTouch 0x0098e516 rb_scope__touchesUpdated:__ + 566
28 FreesoundTouch 0x00bb0bed _ZL20dispatch_rimp_callerPFP11objc_objectS0_P13objc_selectorzEmS1_iPKm + 46445
29 FreesoundTouch 0x00b9760a rb_vm_dispatch + 6810
30 FreesoundTouch 0x009838fc vm_dispatch + 1100
31 FreesoundTouch 0x0098d52b rb_scope__touchesBegan:withEvent:__ + 635
32 FreesoundTouch 0x0098d590 __unnamed_91 + 80
33 UIKit 0x0240fc0b -[UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent:] + 386
34 UIKit 0x024109d1 -[UIWindow sendEvent:] + 1117
35 UIKit 0x023e25f2 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 242
36 UIKit 0x023cc353 _UIApplicationHandleEventQueue + 11455
38 CoreFoundation 0x0377810b __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 235
39 CoreFoundation 0x037951ae __CFRunLoopRun + 910
40 CoreFoundation 0x037949d3 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 467
41 CoreFoundation 0x037947eb CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
42 GraphicsServices 0x05b345ee GSEventRunModal + 192
43 GraphicsServices 0x05b3442b GSEventRun + 104
44 UIKit 0x023cef9b UIApplicationMain + 1225
45 FreesoundTouch 0x000a530c main + 156
46 libdyld.dylib 0x05448701 start + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NoMethodError
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