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Created May 6, 2010 02:09
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Pass by reference for Scala
// 'out' and 'inout' arguments for scala
object BasicExample {
// out param
def set(newvalue: Int, x: Int => Unit) { x(newvalue) }
// inout param
def inc(amount: Int, x: (Int, Int => Unit)) { x._2(x._1 + amount) }
// with wrapper classes
class OutP[T](set: T => Unit) {
def update(newvalue: T) = set(newvalue)
object OutP {
def apply[T](set: T => Unit) = new OutP(set)
class InOutP[T](get: T, set: T => Unit) extends OutP[T](set) {
def apply() = get
object InOutP {
def apply[T](get: T, set: T => Unit) = new InOutP[T](get, set)
object BetterExample {
def set(newvalue: Int, x: OutP[Int]) { x() = newvalue }
def inc(amount: Int, x: InOutP[Int]) = { x() += amount }
object Demo extends Application {
var x = 0
println("BasicExample x = " + x)
BasicExample.set(9, x=_)
println("x = " + x), (x,x=_))
println("x = " + x)
x = 0
println("Better x = " + x)
BetterExample.set(9, OutP(x=_))
println("x = " + x), InOutP(x,x=_))
println("x = " + x)
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