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Created November 16, 2011 16:50
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Save mwitmer/1370615 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Lilypond hack for drawing waveforms above the staff
\version "2.12.3"
% Author: Mark Witmer
% Sets the next trill spanner to draw a waveform with the provided wevelength
% and amplitudes. The waveform will go from one amplitude to the next in a
% linear fashion.
vibrato = #(define-music-function (parser location amplitudes wavelength) (list? number?) #{
\once \override TrillSpanner #'after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob)
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil (makevib grob $amplitudes $wavelength)))
% Esample:
% \relative c' {\time 4/4 \key d \major \vibrato #'(4 0 4) #1.5 c\startTrillSpan d e d c d e d c\stopTrillSpan
% \vibrato #'(1 6 2 1 3 7 4) #1 c\startTrillSpan d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e
% d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e d c d e\stopTrillSpan}
% Creates the postscript for one system of the vibrato marking
#(define (make_ps lbound xspan span-so-far amplitude-vector wavelength)
(letrec (
(string-append "gsave currentpoint translate "
"0.15 setlinewidth newpath\n "))
(backmatter "stroke grestore")
(make-curve (lambda (current last)
(if (= current (vector-length amplitude-vector)) ""
(if (< (vector-ref amplitude-vector current) 0) ""
(let (
(current-ps (string-append " x " (number->string (exact->inexact (/ wavelength 3))) " add " (number->string (vector-ref amplitude-vector current))
" x " (number->string (exact->inexact (* 2 (/ wavelength 3)))) " add " (number->string (- (vector-ref amplitude-vector current)))
" x " (number->string wavelength) " add 0.0 curveto
/x x " (number->string wavelength) " add def\n")))
(if (= current last) current-ps (string-append current-ps (make-curve (+ 1 current) last)))))))))
(if (or (= xspan -inf.0) (= xspan +inf.0))
(string-append frontmatter backmatter)
(string-append frontmatter " /x " (number->string lbound) " def
x 0.0 moveto\n"
(make-curve (inexact->exact (ceiling span-so-far)) (+ (inexact->exact (ceiling span-so-far)) (inexact->exact (floor xspan))))
% Returns the width of a grob
#(define (grob-width grob)
(- (cdr (ly:grob-property grob 'X-extent)) (car (ly:grob-property grob 'X-extent))))
% Returns the number of ems already traversed by the grob's siblings in previous systems
#(define (width-up-to grob siblings count)
(if (eq? (car siblings) grob) count (+ (+ count (width-up-to grob (cdr siblings) count)) (grob-width (car siblings)))))
% Returns the total width of the individual grobs for each system that make up the original grob
#(define (calcfull siblings count)
(if (eqv? (length siblings) 0)
(calcfull (cdr siblings) (+ count (grob-width (car siblings))))))
% Fills a vector of length len with linear interpolations between the values found in amplitudes
#(define (fill-amplitude-vector! amplitude-vector len current-index amplitudes)
(if (> (length amplitudes) 1)
(let ((start-amplitude (car amplitudes))
(end-amplitude (cadr amplitudes))
(start-index current-index)
(end-index (+ current-index (inexact->exact (floor (/ (vector-length amplitude-vector) (- len 1)))))))
(do ((n current-index (+ 1 n))) ((or (> n (+ start-index end-index)) (>= n (vector-length amplitude-vector))))
(vector-set! amplitude-vector n (exact->inexact (+ start-amplitude (* (/ (- n start-index) (- end-index start-index)) (- end-amplitude start-amplitude))))))
(fill-amplitude-vector! amplitude-vector len end-index (cdr amplitudes)))))
% Makes the vector of amplitudes for the vibrato marking
#(define (make-amplitude-vector amplitudes total-span wavelength)
(let* (
(current-start 0)
(len (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ total-span wavelength))))
(amplitude-vector (make-vector len)))
(if (> (length amplitudes) 1)
(fill-amplitude-vector! amplitude-vector (length amplitudes) 0 amplitudes)
(vector-fill! amplitude-vector (car amplitudes)))
% Creates a stencil that draws a sine wave for vibrato based on the provided amplitudes and wavelength
#(define (makevib grob amplitudes wavelength)
(let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
(siblings (if (ly:grob? orig) (ly:spanner-broken-into orig) '()))
(span (ly:grob-property grob 'X-extent))
(xbeg (car span))
(xend (cdr span))
(xspan (- xend xbeg))
(total-span (if (eqv? (length siblings) 0) xspan (calcfull siblings 0)))
(lbound (if (or (null? siblings) (eq? (car siblings) grob)) 0 (cdr (assq 'X (ly:grob-property grob 'left-bound-info)))))
(span-so-far (if (null? siblings) 0 (width-up-to grob siblings 0))))
(ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-ps (make_ps lbound xspan span-so-far (make-amplitude-vector amplitudes total-span wavelength) wavelength)) (cons 0 0) (cons -1 1))))
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