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Last active August 24, 2016 14:36
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Save mwkorver/1ef45abac3871360f2b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EC2 user data script to deploy MapServer container mounting USDA NAIP data (about 100TB) in aws-naip bucket.
set -x
# This EC2 user-data file will run a Mapserver docker container.
# Still working on getting it to reboot properly. See this link for more info on user-data scripts
# Because this setup uses data stored in an S3 bucket located in the standard region, it needs to be run in us-east-1 (Virginia Region).
# It mounts S3 data by using danilop/yas3fs. USDA CONUS NAIP data, Mapfile and shapefile indexes are made available to Mapserver in this way.
# Just running this instance will give you access to all of the NAIP data via the EC2 instance's filesystem.
# One caveat is that the combination of mapfile and UTM projected geotifs only supports WMS requests near native 1m/pixel resolution or level 17,
# meaning it gets slow at level 15.
# For the container to work, you need to run this using an EC2 type that includes ephemeral storage. Local SSDs. It works with m3.medium,
# but something larger such as c3.2xlarge is better.
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1
# fix for "unable to resolve host" error even when dns hostnames/resolution are turned on for VPC
echo " $(hostname)" >> /etc/hosts
function mountbucket {
echo "Running Yas3fs"
# use yas3fs to mount s3 buckets
# first one is CONUS NAIP in experimental Amazon S3 bucket named AWS. The bucket is marked 'requester pays'
yas3fs --mkdir --requester-pays --no-metadata --cache-check=100 --cache-path=/mnt/cache/naip --cache-disk-size 102400 --download-num=16 s3://aws-naip /data/naip
# second bucket has mapfiles and shapefile indexes to RGB files in aws-naip
yas3fs --mkdir --no-metadata --cache-check=100 --cache-path=/mnt/cache/map --cache-disk-size 102400 s3://aws-naip-config /data/map
if [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]
echo "Already ran"
# Use yas3fs to mount S3 buckets
echo "Running first time install scripts."
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y fuse python-pip linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)
pip install yas3fs # assume root installation
# fuse config
sed -i'' 's/^# *user_allow_other/user_allow_other/' /etc/fuse.conf
chmod a+r /etc/fuse.conf
# use yas3fs to mount S3 buckets
# install docker
modprobe aufs
#curl -sSL | sh
wget -O docker.deb
dpkg -i docker.deb
# run mwkorver/docker-mapserver7 image from docker hub
docker run --detach --publish 80:8080 --restart="always" -v /data/naip:/data/naip:ro -v /data/map:/data/map --name mapserver mwkorver/mapserver7
# log file setup in the now running mapserver container
# the location of the log file is dependent on what you specify in your map file.
# looks like - CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/var/log/ms_error.log" in map file
docker exec mapserver touch /var/log/ms_error.log
docker exec mapserver chown www-data /var/log/ms_error.log
docker exec mapserver chmod 644 /var/log/ms_error.log
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