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Created December 4, 2016 13:19
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open System
open System.Drawing
let getImage path =
let image = Image.FromFile path :?> Bitmap
Array2D.init image.Width image.Height (fun w h -> image.GetPixel(w,h))
let saveImage path (a:Color[,]) =
let w = a.GetLength 0
let h = a.GetLength 1
use b = new Bitmap(w, h)
Array2D.iteri (fun w h color -> b.SetPixel(w,h,color)) a
b.Save path
let generateImage width height =
let rnd = Random()
let getRandomPixel _ _ =
Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next 255, rnd.Next 255, rnd.Next 255)
Array2D.init width height getRandomPixel
let imageXor (a:Color [,]) (b:Color [,]) =
let colorXor (a:Color) (b:Color) =
Color.FromArgb(int a.R ^^^ int b.R, int a.G ^^^ int b.G, int a.B ^^^ int b.B)
let w = a.GetLength 0
let h = a.GetLength 1
Array2D.init w h (fun w h -> colorXor a.[w,h] b.[w,h])
let a = getImage "c:/tmp/a.bmp"
let b = getImage "c:/tmp/b.bmp"
let randomImage = generateImage (a.GetLength 0) (a.GetLength 1)
let aXored = imageXor a randomImage
let bXored = imageXor b randomImage
saveImage "c:/tmp/a-xored.bmp" aXored
saveImage "c:/tmp/b-xored.bmp" bXored
saveImage "c:/tmp/a-xored-xored.bmp" (aXored|> imageXor randomImage)
saveImage "c:/tmp/b-xored-xored.bmp" (bXored|> imageXor randomImage)
saveImage "c:/tmp/a-xored-b-xored.bmp" (imageXor aXored bXored)
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