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Last active December 15, 2016 22:42
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module Trie =
type Trie<'a, 'b when 'a : comparison> =
{ Value : 'b option
Childrens : Map<'a, Trie<'a, 'b>> }
member trie.ToSeq () =
let rec toSeq trie l =
seq { if trie.Value.IsSome then yield l, trie.Value.Value
yield! trie.Childrens
|> Seq.collect (fun kvp -> kvp.Key :: l |> toSeq kvp.Value) }
toSeq trie [] |> (fun (a, b) -> a |> List.rev, b)
interface seq<('a list * 'b)> with
member trie.GetEnumerator() = trie.ToSeq().GetEnumerator()
interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
member trie.GetEnumerator() = trie.ToSeq().GetEnumerator() :> System.Collections.IEnumerator
let empty = { Value = None; Childrens = Map.empty }
let rec add elements value trie =
match elements with
| [] -> empty
| e :: es ->
let ch =
match trie.Childrens.TryFind e with
| Some ch -> ch
| None -> empty
|> fun ch -> add es value ch
|> fun ch -> if List.isEmpty es then { ch with Value = Some value } else ch
{ trie with Childrens = trie.Childrens.Add (e, ch) }
let complete startWith (trie:Trie<_,_>) =
let rec complete' s (trie:Trie<_,_>) =
match s with
| [] -> trie.ToSeq() |> (fun (a,b)-> startWith @ a, b)
| e :: es ->
match trie.Childrens.TryFind e with
| Some trie -> complete' es trie
| None -> seq []
complete' startWith trie
let inline toSeq (trie:Trie<_,_>) = trie.ToSeq()
let inline toArray (trie:Trie<_,_>) = trie.ToSeq() |> Array.ofSeq
let inline toList (trie:Trie<_,_>) = trie.ToSeq() |> List.ofSeq
let inline toMap toKey (trie:Trie<_,_>) = trie.ToSeq() |> (a,b) -> toKey a, b) |> Map.ofSeq
let example =
|> Trie.add ['x'; 'y'; 'z'] -1
|> Trie.add ['a'; 'b'; 'c'] 1
|> Trie.add ['a'; 'b'; 'd'] 2
printfn "%A" example
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