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Created May 2, 2018 20:06
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open System.Collections.Generic
open System
type Notifications<'key, 'item> =
| Add of addKey : 'key * addItem : 'item
| Update of updateKey : 'key * updateItem : 'item
| Remove of removeKey : 'key
| RemoveAll
type Operations<'key, 'item> =
| Notification of notification:Notifications<'key, 'item>
| TryGet of tryKey : 'key * reply : AsyncReplyChannel<'item option>
| Subscribe of subscribe: IObserver<Notifications<'key, 'item>>
| Unsubscribe of unsubscribe: IObserver<Notifications<'key, 'item>>
type IReadOnlyReactiveDictionary<'key, 'item> =
abstract member TryGet : 'key -> Async<'item option>
inherit IObservable<Notifications<'key, 'item>>
type IReactiveDictionary<'key, 'item> =
abstract member Add : 'key -> 'item -> unit
abstract member Update : 'key -> 'item -> unit
abstract member Remove : 'key -> unit
abstract member RemoveAll : unit -> unit
let reactiveDictionary<'a,'b when 'a : equality>() =
let actor = MailboxProcessor.Start (fun inbox ->
let subscriptions = ResizeArray ()
let dictionary = Dictionary ()
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive ()
match msg with
| Subscribe s -> subscriptions.Add s
| Unsubscribe s -> subscriptions.Remove s |> ignore
| TryGet (key, reply) ->
match dictionary.TryGetValue key with
| true, v -> Some v
| _ -> None
|> reply.Reply
| Notification notification ->
match notification with
| Add (key, value)
| Update (key, value) -> dictionary.[key]<-value
| Remove key -> dictionary.Remove key |> ignore
| RemoveAll -> dictionary.Clear ()
for s in subscriptions do s.OnNext notification
with e -> eprintf "%A" e
return! loop () }
loop ())
let reader =
{ new IReadOnlyReactiveDictionary<'a,'b> with
member __.TryGet key = actor.PostAndAsyncReply (fun x-> TryGet (key, x))
member __.Subscribe s =
Subscribe s |> actor.Post
{ new IDisposable with
member __.Dispose () = Unsubscribe s |> actor.Post } }
let writer =
{ new IReactiveDictionary<'a,'b> with
member __.Add key value = Add (key, value) |> Notification |> actor.Post
member __.Update key value = Update (key, value) |> Notification |> actor.Post
member __.Remove key = Remove key |> Notification |> actor.Post
member __.RemoveAll () = RemoveAll |> Notification |> actor.Post
reader, writer
let r,w = reactiveDictionary<int,int>()
r.Subscribe null
w.Add 2 2
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