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Created December 5, 2017 19:45
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type Char = uint8
type Code = uint32
let compress (init_map : Map<Char list, Code>) (text:string) : Code list option=
let rec compress acc (text:Char list) maybeCode (map:Map<_,_>) : Code list option=
match text with
| c::cs ->
let currCode = c::acc
match map.TryFind currCode with
| Some code_for_current_key -> compress currCode cs (Some code_for_current_key) map
| None ->
|> Option.bind(fun code ->
let map = map |> Map.add currCode (uint32 map.Count)
compress [] cs None map
|> (fun tail -> code::map.[[c]]::tail))
| [] ->
match maybeCode with
| Some x -> Some (List.singleton x)
| None ->
match acc with
| [] -> Some []
| _ -> None
compress [] (text |> uint8 |> List.ofSeq) None init_map
let decompression (init_map : Map<Char list, Code>) (code:Code list) : string =
let rec decompression (map:Map<Code, Char list>) acc (knownChars:Set<Char list>) = function
| [] -> []
| c::cs ->
let chars =
match Map.tryFind c map with
| Some c -> c
| None -> failwithf "Unknown code %A in %A" c map
let acc = chars @ acc
let map, acc, knownChars =
match knownChars.Contains acc with
| true -> map, acc, knownChars
| false -> Map.add (uint32 map.Count) (List.rev acc) map, [], knownChars.Add acc
chars @ decompression map acc knownChars cs
let map = init_map |> (fun (KeyValue(k,v)) -> v,k) |> Map.ofSeq
let knownChars = init_map |> (fun (KeyValue(k,_)) -> k) |> Set.ofSeq
decompression map [] knownChars code |> (char) |> List.toArray |> System.String
let test (s:string) =
if isNull s then true
let map =
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.mapi (fun pos key -> [uint8 key], uint32 pos)
|> Map.ofSeq
s = (compress map s |> (decompression map) |> Option.defaultValue "")
#r @"../packages/FsCheck/lib/netstandard1.6/FsCheck.dll"
FsCheck.Check.Quick test
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