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Last active June 23, 2024 19:28
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Home Assistant Blueprint: Create a group with either dynamic or with static members.
name: Create Group
description: |
# Create Group Blueprint
This blueprint creates a group with either static or dynamic members.
It has two main functions to add members
- Dynamically include multiple members based on a common string in their object ID's. (```Dynamic Include List```)
- Or statically add individual members. (```Static Entities To Add```)
Then the group can be refined by
- Dynamically excluding multiple members based on a common string in their object ID. (```Dynamic Exclude List```)
- Or statically removing individual members. (```Static Entities To Remove```)
## Group Types
Simple (Static) Group
- If you would like to create a group and manage its members manually, you only need to use the ```Static Entities To Add``` field to select entities.
- If you add or remove devices from home assistant, the group will need to be updated manually.
Dynamic Group
- If you would like members to be automatically added or removed from the group, use the ```Dynamic Domain List```, ```Dynamic Include List```, and ```Dynamic Exclude List``` fields and enter identifying strings.
- You can still add or remove members statically by using the ```Static Entities To Add``` or ```Static Entities To Remove``` fields.
## Recommended Steps for Creating a Dynamic Group
First familarize yourself with domain and object_id state objects.
- [Home Assistant state objects][3]
Start with a broad brush.
- Add a domain in ```Dynamic Domain List```. Example: - light
- Add a string in ```Dynamic Include List```. Example: - bedroom
- Save the automation and run it.
- View the group created, (Configuration -> Entities -> in the search bar enter 'group', click the group) and its members.
- Make note of the members that need to be removed and strings they have in common.
- If necessary, edit the object IDs of the members and add identifiers to make them easier to exclude.
Then narrow the scope.
- Go back to the automation and in ```Dynamic Exclude List``` add a list of common strings to exclude.
- Save and run the automation then go back to the group to view updated list members.
Rince and repeat.
- Continue this process until only the members you want are in the group.
## Order of Operation
This blueprint follows a specific order of operation when adding members to a group.
1. If a domain is entered in ```Dynamic Domain```, all entities in those domain are added to an internal list. Otherwise all entities are added to the list if ```Dynamic Include List``` or ```Dynamic Exclude List``` are used.
2. If an include string is entered in ```Dynamic Include List```, only entities with object ID's containing that string remain in the list.
3. If an exclude string is entered in ```Dynamic Exclude List```, all entities with that string are removed from the list.
4. Then static members are added or removed from the list
a. If specific entities are selected in ```Static Entities To Add```, those entities will be added to the list.
b. If specific entities are selected in ```Static Entities To Remove```, those entities will be removed from the list.
## Field Types
```Dynamic Domain List```, ```Dynamic Include List```, and ```Dynamic Exclude List```
Strings entered in these fields need to be entered as a yaml list. For example:
- light
or for multiple strings
- light
- lock
```Static Entities To Add```, and ```Static Entities To Remove```
Multiple entities can be added to these fields. If devices are added, expand the device and remove unnecessary entities.
## Notes
- The only way to see what entities are added to the group is to actually view the group members.
- Recommend opening two home assistant windows, one with the automation (Configuration -> Automations) and another with the entities list (Configuration -> Entities) filtered for 'group'.
- ```Dynamic Domain List```, ```Dynamic Include List```, and ```Dynamic Exclude List``` fields are lists and need to be entered with a hyphen, then a space, then the string. Example: - light
- Automations created with this blueprint are ran at home assistant start and when groups are reloaded (Configuration -> Server Controls -> Click Groups, Group Entities... ). Groups will be recreated at this time also.
- If you would like to update groups while home assistant is running, all you have to do is run the automation.
- To delete a group, delete the automation that created it and restart home assistant or reload the groups.
## Credits
Portions of this blueprint are from the following repositories or posts
- [Frigate Notification Blueprint][1]
- [Taras' post re: group creation][2]
- [petro][3]'s assistance
domain: automation
name: 'Name to assign to the group. Example: All Lights'
default: 'Group Name'
name: 'object_id to assign to the group. Example: all_lights'
default: 'group_id'
name: Dynamic Domain List
description: "Domains to search. Format: List (-) of strings."
default: []
object: {}
name: Dynamic Include List
description: "Entity object ID's to include. Format: List (-) of strings."
default: []
object: {}
name: Dynamic Exclude List
description: "Entity object ID's to exclude. Format: List (-) of strings."
default: []
object: {}
name: Static Entities To Add
description: Select the entities to add to the group.
entity_id: []
entity: {}
name: Static Entities To Remove
description: Select the entities to remove from the group.
entity_id: []
entity: {}
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
- platform: event
event_type: call_service
domain: group
service: reload
input_group_name: !input 'group_name'
input_group_group_object_id: !input 'group_object_id'
domains: !input 'search_domain'
includes: !input 'search_includes'
excludes: !input 'search_excludes'
add: !input 'entities_to_add'
rem: !input 'entities_to_remove'
- service: group.set
name: '{{ input_group_name }}'
object_id: '{{ input_group_group_object_id }}'
entities: >
{%- set entities = states | selectattr('domain','in', domains) | list if domains else states | list if ( includes or excludes ) %}
{%- set ns = namespace(include=[], exclude=[]) %}
{%- for item in includes %}
{%- set ns.include = ns.include + entities | selectattr('object_id', 'search', item) | list %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for item in excludes %}
{%- set ns.exclude = ns.exclude + entities | selectattr('object_id', 'search', item) | list %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set entities = entities | select('in', ns.include if includes else entities ) | reject('in', ns.exclude) | map(attribute="entity_id") | list %}
{%- set entities = ( entities + add.entity_id | list ) | reject('in', rem.entity_id) | list %}
{{ entities | unique | sort }}
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