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Created August 8, 2023 05:49
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Gadget Dark Mode Editor Theme
// ==UserScript==
// @name New script -
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 8/7/2023, 11:16:28 PM
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
// Load a chosen theme
var loadTheme = function () {
// Taken from:
var data = {
"base": "vs-dark",
"inherit": true,
"rules": [{
"background": "282a36",
"token": ""
"foreground": "6272a4",
"token": "comment"
"foreground": "f1fa8c",
"token": "string"
"foreground": "bd93f9",
"token": "constant.numeric"
"foreground": "bd93f9",
"token": "constant.language"
"foreground": "bd93f9",
"token": "constant.character"
"foreground": "bd93f9",
"token": "constant.other"
"foreground": "ffb86c",
"token": "variable.other.readwrite.instance"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "constant.character.escaped"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "constant.character.escape"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "string source"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "string source.ruby"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "keyword"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "storage"
"foreground": "8be9fd",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"token": "storage.type"
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"fontStyle": "underline",
"token": ""
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"fontStyle": "italic underline",
"token": "entity.other.inherited-class"
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"token": ""
"foreground": "ffb86c",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"token": "variable.parameter"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": ""
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"token": "entity.other.attribute-name"
"foreground": "8be9fd",
"token": "support.function"
"foreground": "6be5fd",
"token": "support.constant"
"foreground": "66d9ef",
"fontStyle": " italic",
"token": "support.type"
"foreground": "66d9ef",
"fontStyle": " italic",
"token": "support.class"
"foreground": "f8f8f0",
"background": "ff79c6",
"token": "invalid"
"foreground": "f8f8f0",
"background": "bd93f9",
"token": "invalid.deprecated"
"foreground": "cfcfc2",
"token": "meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json"
"foreground": "6272a4",
"token": "meta.diff"
"foreground": "6272a4",
"token": "meta.diff.header"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "markup.deleted"
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"token": "markup.inserted"
"foreground": "e6db74",
"token": "markup.changed"
"foreground": "bd93f9",
"token": "constant.numeric.line-number.find-in-files - match"
"foreground": "e6db74",
"token": ""
"foreground": "f83333",
"token": "message.error"
"foreground": "eeeeee",
"token": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.json - meta.structure.dictionary.value.json"
"foreground": "eeeeee",
"token": "punctuation.definition.string.end.json - meta.structure.dictionary.value.json"
"foreground": "8be9fd",
"token": "meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json"
"foreground": "f1fa8c",
"token": "meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json"
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"token": "meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string"
"foreground": "ffb86c",
"token": "meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string"
"foreground": "ff79c6",
"token": "meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string"
"foreground": "bd93f9",
"token": "meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string"
"foreground": "50fa7b",
"token": "meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string"
"foreground": "ffb86c",
"token": "meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string"
"colors": {
"editor.foreground": "#f8f8f2",
"editor.background": "#282a36",
"editor.selectionBackground": "#44475a",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#44475a",
"editorCursor.foreground": "#f8f8f0",
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#3B3A32",
"editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#9D550FB0",
"editor.selectionHighlightBorder": "#222218"
monaco.editor.defineTheme('custom-theme', data);
function handleElementAdded() {
console.log('monaco-editor element has been added!');
// You can place your custom logic here
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
const config = {
attributes: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true // This will observe all child nodes within the target node
// Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
for(const mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
// Check if the added element has the 'monaco-editor' class
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.classList.contains('monaco-editor')) {
// Also check any added child elements (this accounts for when the target is added inside another added element)
if (node.querySelectorAll) {
const nestedElements = node.querySelectorAll('.monaco-editor');
if (nestedElements.length > 0) {
// Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
observer.observe(document.body, config);
// Later, you can stop observing
// observer.disconnect();
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