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Created April 25, 2024 12:24
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public class MapAlterCommand {
private final Argument<MapData> mapArg;
private final Argument<String> nameArg = Argument.GreedyString("name")
.description("The new name for the map");
private final Argument<Material> displayItemArg = Argument.Material("item")
.description("The new display item for the map");
private final Argument<String> subvariantArg;
private final Argument<MapSize> sizeArg = Argument.Enum("size", MapSize.class)
.description("The new world border size for the map");
private final Argument<MapTags.Tag> tagArg = Argument.Enum("tag", MapTags.Tag.class)
.description("The tag to modify");
private final Argument<MapQuality> qualityArg = Argument.Enum("quality", MapQuality.class)
.description("The new quality rating for the map");
private final MapService mapService;
private final PermManager permManager;
public MapAlterCommand(@NotNull MapService mapService, PermManager permManager) {
this.mapService = mapService;
this.permManager = permManager;
mapArg = CoreArgument.PlayableMap("map", mapService) //todo should be any map dependent on context.
.description("The ID of the map to edit");
var subvariantTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
for (var bsv : BuildingSubVariant.values())
for (var psv : ParkourSubVariant.values())
subvariantArg = Argument.Word("variant").with(subvariantTypes)
.description("The new variant for the map");
public void build(@NotNull CommandBuilder builder) {
builder.child("alter", root -> root
.description("Edit information related to a map")
.child(mapArg, alter -> alter
.child("name", name -> name
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleSetName), nameArg)
.description("Change the name of a map")
.examples("/map alter 123-456-789 name Floating Parkour"))
.child("displayItem", di -> di
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleSetDisplayItem), displayItemArg)
.description("Change the display item of a map")
.examples("/map alter 123-456-789 displayItem book"))
.child("variant", sv -> sv
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleSetSubVariant), subvariantArg)
.description("Change the variant of a map")
.examples("/map alter 123-456-789 variant speedrun"))
.child("size", size -> size
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleSetSize), sizeArg)
.description("Change the world size of a map")
.examples("/map alter 123-456-789 size large"))
.child("tag", tag -> tag
.description("Add or remove a tag from a map")
.examples("/map alter 123-456-789 tag add puzzle", "/map alter 123-456-789 tag remove story")
.child("add", add -> add
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleAddTag), tagArg)
.description("Add a tag to a map"))
.child("remove", rem -> rem
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleRemoveTag), tagArg)
.description("Remove a tag from a map")))
.child("quality", quality -> quality
.executes(playerOnly(this::handleSetQuality), qualityArg)
.description("Change the rating of a map")
.examples("/map alter 123-456-789 quality unrated"))
// todo toggle settings?
public class MapEditCommand extends CommandDsl {
private final Argument<@NotNull MapData> mapArg;
private final MapService mapService;
private final ServerBridge bridge;
public MapEditCommand(@NotNull MapService mapService, @NotNull PermManager permManager, @NotNull ServerBridge bridge) {
this.mapService = mapService;
this.bridge = bridge;
description = "Edit a map world (forced)";
examples = List.of("/map edit 123-456-789", "/map edit a12345bc-67de-8f91-ghij-2345k6l78912");
mapArg = CoreArgument.PlayableMap("map", mapService)
.description("The ID of the map to edit");
addSyntax(playerOnly(this::handleForceEditMap), mapArg);
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