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Created May 20, 2024 19:25
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import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockFace;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
public class StairPlacementRule extends BaseBlockPlacementRule {
private static final BlockFace[][] HORIZONTAL_FACING = new BlockFace[][]{
// indices here are blockface.ordinal - 2
/* NORTH */{BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST},
/* SOUTH */{BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST},
/* WEST */{BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH},
/* EAST */{BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.NORTH},
private static final String PROP_FACING = "facing";
private static final String PROP_HALF = "half";
private static final String PROP_SHAPE = "shape";
public StairPlacementRule(@NotNull Block block) {
public @NotNull Block blockUpdate(@NotNull UpdateState updateState) {
return genericUpdateShape(updateState.instance(), updateState.currentBlock(), updateState.blockPosition());
public @Nullable Block blockPlace(@NotNull PlacementState placementState) {
var placeFace = placementState.blockFace();
var placeY = Objects.requireNonNullElse(placementState.cursorPosition(), Vec.ZERO).y();
var half = placeFace == BlockFace.TOP || (placeFace != BlockFace.BOTTOM && placeY < 0.5) ? "bottom" : "top";
// Facing is always the player facing direction, and is never updated
var playerPosition = Objects.requireNonNullElse(placementState.playerPosition(), Pos.ZERO);
var facing = BlockFace.fromYaw(playerPosition.yaw());
var block = this.block.withProperties(Map.of(
PROP_HALF, half,
return genericUpdateShape(placementState.instance(), block, placementState.placePosition());
private @NotNull Block genericUpdateShape(@NotNull Block.Getter instance, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Point blockPos) {
var facing = BlockFace.valueOf(block.getProperty(PROP_FACING).toUpperCase());
// Reordered directions for the side array. See comment in that function
// for explanation of the order here.
var sides = new int[4];
var orderedFaces = HORIZONTAL_FACING[facing.ordinal() - 2];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var blockFace = orderedFaces[i];
var relativeBlock = instance.getBlock(blockPos.relative(blockFace), Block.Getter.Condition.TYPE);
if (!BlockTags.STAIRS.contains(relativeBlock.namespace())) continue; // Non-stairs never connect
if (!block.getProperty(PROP_HALF).equals(relativeBlock.getProperty(PROP_HALF))) {
// Top and bottom stairs never connect
var relativeFacing = BlockFace.valueOf(relativeBlock.getProperty(PROP_FACING).toUpperCase());
if (facing.isSimilar(blockFace)) {
// If it is a face next to the stair, then the rule is:
// canConnect = rel.facing is perpendicular to block.facing
var canConnect = !relativeFacing.isSimilar(facing);
if (canConnect) {
var nextFace = orderedFaces[(i + 1) % 4];
sides[i] = nextFace.equals(relativeFacing) ? 2 : 1;
} else {
// If it is a face opposite to the stair, then the rule is:
// canConnect = rel.facing == block.facing || rel.facing == blockFace
//todo this should also allow opposite of relative facing i think?
var canConnect = relativeFacing.equals(facing) || relativeFacing.equals(blockFace);
// Weird edge case in vanilla (Issue #108)
if ((block.getProperty(PROP_SHAPE).equals("outer_right") ||
block.getProperty(PROP_SHAPE).equals("outer_left")) &&
canConnect = false;
if (canConnect) sides[i] = 1;
return block.withProperty(PROP_SHAPE, parseShapeFromSides(sides));
public int maxUpdateDistance() {
return 1;
private static final String[] SHAPE_INDICES = new String[]{
"straight", "straight", "inner_right", "inner_left", "inner_right", "straight",
"straight", "straight", "straight", "inner_left", "straight", "straight",
"outer_left", "outer_left", "outer_left", "outer_left", "outer_left", "outer_left",
"straight", "straight", "straight", "inner_left", "straight", "straight",
"outer_right", "straight", "outer_right", "outer_right", "inner_right", "straight",
"outer_right", "straight", "outer_right", "outer_right", "straight", "straight",
private static @NotNull String parseShapeFromSides(int[] sides) {
// Sides are a 4 element array with a value of whether the stair may connect to
// that block, and how. The order of the elements is clockwise from the
// "perspective" of the stair block. For example, if the stair block is facing
// north, then the array will be "north east south west".
// The numbers in the array are as follows:
// - 0: No connection
// - 1: Connection to the side, right
// - 2: Connection to the side, left
// Those are only relevant for faces parallel to the stair.
int index = (sides[0] * 12) + (sides[1] * 6) + (sides[2] == 0 ? 0 : sides[2] + sides[3] + 1) + sides[3];
return SHAPE_INDICES[index];
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