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Created June 6, 2011 12:09
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62% in floor?
-- diff_i = {-# SCC "diff_i" #-} floor2 . logged
-- floor2 = {-# SCC "floor" #-} floor
-- logged p = {-# SCC "logged" #-} (logBase (fromIntegral p) (fromIntegral no)) - 1
-- full app
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- highest is pretty easy to get - we're always going to end up at the LCM of 1..n
-- if you go in in order, then everyone's unhappy up to n
-- but then all bets are off. damn.
-- so at that point, we need all the common multiples of all our numbers, sorted and uniqed.
-- can't get to primes > n, because no-one would go there anyway.
-- so: all products of the power set of primes < n, raised to an arbitrary power.
import Data.Numbers.Primes
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Array
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Array.Repa (fromList, Z(..), (:.)(..), DIM1(..))
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as Repa
-- primes = 2: 3: sieve (tail primes) 3 []
-- where
-- sieve (p:ps) x fs = [i*2 + x | (i,e) <- assocs a, e]
-- ++ sieve ps (p*p) fs'
-- where
-- q = (p*p-x)`div`2
-- fs' = (p,0) : [(s, rem (y-q) s) | (s,y) <- fs]
-- a = accumArray (\ b c -> False) True (1,q-1)
-- [(i,()) | (s,y) <- fs, i <- [y+s,y+s+s..q]]
-- computing all the primes up to our number (540 billion) is not really a goer.
-- why are we trying to do it?
-- really we just want to factorise our number. highest is the number of powers of the factor that fit in,
-- smallest is just the number of prime factors.
solve :: Int -> Int
solve no = diff arr_primes
where (smallprimes :: [Int]) = {-# SCC "smallprimes" #-} takeWhile (<= (ceiling . sqrt $ fromIntegral no)) primes
len = length smallprimes
arr_primes = fromList (Z :. len :: DIM1) (take len smallprimes)
diff = {-# SCC "diff" #-} (+1) . flip (Repa.!) Z . Repa.fold (\acc -> (+acc) . diff_i) 0
diff_i x = {-# SCC "diff_i" #-} x `seq` floor2 (logged x)
floor2 = {-# SCC "floor" #-} floor
logged p = {-# SCC "logged" #-} (logBase (fromIntegral p) (fromIntegral no)) - 1
main = do
l <- getContents
putStr . unlines . format . parMap rseq ( . tail $ lines l
format n = map (\(num, s) -> "Case #" ++ show num ++ ": " ++ show s ) $ zip [1..] n
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