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Created July 31, 2013 21:47
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hyhac benchmark
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Criterion.Main
import qualified Database.HyperDex as H
import qualified Database.Cassandra.Basic as C
import System.Environment(getEnv)
import Control.Monad --(forM_,forM,void,when,join,forever)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Data.Either(lefts)
import System.Cmd
import System.IO
import qualified Database.SQLite3 as SQL
import qualified Control.Exception as E
instance NFData H.Attribute where
rnf (H.Attribute a b c) = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
reps <- read <$> getEnv "REPS"
-- threaded <- (=="yes") <$> getEnv "THREADED"
system "rm dummysql"
ws <- BS.lines <$> BS.readFile "/usr/share/dict/words"
wsl <- BSL.lines <$> BSL.readFile "/usr/share/dict/words"
wst <- Text.lines <$> Text.readFile "/usr/share/dict/words"
lastname = BS.take 11000 $!! BS.unlines ws
lastnamel = BSL.take 11000 $!! BSL.unlines wsl
lastnamet = Text.take 10000 $!! Text.unlines wst
testrun = take reps $!! ws
testrunl = take reps $!! wsl
testrunt = take reps $!! wst
return $ rnf lastname
-- return $ rnf testrun
return $ rnf lastnamet
--return $ rnf testrunt
return $ rnf lastnamel
-- return $ rnf testrunl
pool <- C.createCassandraPool C.defServers 3 300 5 "testkeyspace"
client <- H.connect H.defaultConnectInfo
E.handle ignore $ void $ H.removeSpace client "phonebook"
H.addSpace client $ Text.unlines
[ "space phonebook"
, "key username"
, "attributes content"
-- , "subspace first, last"
, "create 8 partitions"
, "tolerate 0 failures"
db <- "dummysql"
SQL.execPrint db "PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY; PRAGMA synchronous = OFF"
SQL.exec db "create table phonebook (username txt, content text);"
stmt <- SQL.prepare db "insert into phonebook (username, content) values (?,?);"
--file <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
let -- finish :: ((BS.ByteString, BSL.ByteString, Text.Text) -> IO a) -> ([a] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
finish work ender = mapM work (zip3 testrun testrunl testrunt) >>= ender
putStrLn "starting"
defaultMain [bench "sqlite" $ do
SQL.execPrint db "begin transaction;"
finish ( \(_,_,x) -> do
SQL.bind stmt [SQL.SQLText x, SQL.SQLText lastnamet]
SQL.step stmt
SQL.reset stmt)
( \_ -> SQL.execPrint db "end transaction;" ),
bench "file" $ do
file <- openFile "./dummyfile" WriteMode
finish (\(x,_,_) ->
BS.hPutStrLn file $ BS.unlines [x, lastname])
(\_ -> hClose file),
bench "cassandra" $ finish (\(_,x,_) -> return $
C.insert "phonebook" x C.ANY
[ C.col "last" lastnamel
(\insertions -> void $ C.runCas pool $ sequence insertions),
bench "hyperdex" $ finish (\(x,_,_) ->
H.put client "phonebook" x $!!
[H.mkAttribute "content" lastname])
(\actions -> do
failures <- lefts <$> sequence actions
when (failures /= []) $
error ("failure in hyperdex: " ++ show failures)
return ())
void $ system "echo 'use testkeyspace; drop table phonebook;' | cqlsh"
ignore :: E.SomeException -> IO ()
ignore _ = return ()
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