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Created October 4, 2014 01:17
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Parser.Selmer where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Prelude hiding (getChar, takeWhile)
{- mini parser impl -}
newtype Parser a = P (String -> [ (a, String) ])
returnP a = P (\x -> [(a,x)])
instance Monad Parser where
(P p1) >>= other = P $ \input -> concat [ p2 rest | (next,rest) <- p1 input, let P p2 = other next]
return = returnP
fail _ = P $ \_ -> []
instance Applicative Parser where
pure = returnP
d <*> e = do
b <- d
a <- e
return (b a)
instance Functor Parser where
f `fmap` (P p) = P (map (\(x,s) -> (f x,s)) . p)
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = P (const [])
(P a) <|> (P b) = P (\x -> a x ++ b x)
string = mapM char
char = satisfy . (==)
getChar :: Parser Char
getChar = P $ \cs -> case cs of
(x:xs) -> [ (x, xs) ]
[] -> []
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = do
c <- getChar
if p c then return c else fail "Did not satisfy boolean predicate"
takeWhile1 pred = (:) <$> satisfy pred <*> takeWhile pred
takeWhile pred = many $ satisfy pred
parseOnly :: Parser a -> String -> Either String a
parseOnly (P p) s = case p s of
[] -> Left "No parse"
((x,_):_) -> Right x
{- end mini parser impl -}
newtype Var = Var Text deriving Show
data Node = VarNode Var | TextNode Text deriving Show
type Context = (Map Text Text)
parseDoubleCurly :: Parser a -> Parser a
parseDoubleCurly p = string "{{" *> p <* string "}}"
parseVar :: Parser Var
parseVar = parseDoubleCurly $ (Var . Text.pack <$> takeWhile1 isAlpha)
parseNode :: Parser Node
parseNode = TextNode . Text.pack <$> takeWhile1 (/= '{')
parseStream :: Parser [Node]
parseStream = many $ (parseNode <|> (VarNode <$> parseVar))
renderNode :: Context -> Node -> Text
renderNode ctx (VarNode (Var name)) = fromMaybe "" (M.lookup name ctx)
renderNode ctx (TextNode txt) = txt
render :: Context -> [Node] -> Text
render context nodes = foldr
(\node extant ->
mappend (renderNode context node) extant)
"" nodes
main = do
let context = M.fromList [("blah", "1")]
let parser = parseOnly parseStream
let template = "{{blah}} woot"
let maybeRendered = (render context <$> (parser template))
putStrLn (show maybeRendered)
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