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Last active August 31, 2016 02:25
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protocol StringValueExpressible {
var stringValue: String { get }
extension String : StringValueExpressible {
var stringValue: String {
get { return self }
protocol DictionaryConvertable {
static func fromDictionary(dic: [String:AnyObject]) throws -> Self
enum DictionaryParseError : ErrorType {
case KeyInvalid
case KeyNotFound(String)
case TypeInvalid
extension Dictionary where Key: StringValueExpressible {
// extract key (Key) from dictionary of type T which can be deserialized from dictionary (conforms to DictionaryConvertable)
// try dic.parseKey("car", asType: Car.self)
func parseKey<T: DictionaryConvertable>(key: Key, asType type: T.Type) throws -> T {
guard let item = self[key] else {
throw DictionaryParseError.KeyNotFound(key.stringValue)
guard let itemDic = item as? [String:AnyObject] else {
throw DictionaryParseError.TypeInvalid
let typedItem: T = try T.fromDictionary(itemDic)
return typedItem
// extract key (Key) from dictionary of type T
// try dic.parseKey("carName", asType: String.self)
func parseKey<T>(key: Key, asType type: T.Type) throws -> T {
guard let item = self[key] else {
throw DictionaryParseError.KeyNotFound(key.stringValue)
guard let typedItem = item as? T else {
throw DictionaryParseError.TypeInvalid
return typedItem
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