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Created November 15, 2013 00:02
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while waiting for the scheduled task to finish
function Wait-ForTask($waitProc, $idleTimeout, $totalTimeout){
$reader=New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList @(
$procStartTime = $waitProc.StartTime
while($waitProc -ne $null -and !($waitProc.HasExited)) {
$timeTaken = [DateTime]::Now.Subtract($procStartTime)
if($totalTimeout -gt 0 -and $timeTaken.TotalSeconds -gt $totalTimeout){
Write-BoxstarterMessage "Task has exceeded its total timeout. Killing task..."
KillTree $waitProc.ID
throw "TASK:`r`n$command`r`n`r`nIs likely in a hung state."
$byte = New-Object Byte[] 100
if($count -ne 0){
$text = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString($byte,0,$count)
$text | Out-File $boxstarter.Log -append
$text | write-host -NoNewline
else {
Test-TaskTimeout $waitProc $idleTimeout
Start-Sleep -Second 1
Write-Debug "Proc has exited: $($waitProc.HasExited) or Is Null: $($waitProc -eq $null)"
while($byte -ne -1){
$text += [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString($byte)
if($text -ne $null){
$text | out-file $boxstarter.Log -append
$text | write-host -NoNewline
if($waitProc -ne $null -and !$waitProc.HasExited){
KillTree $waitProc.ID
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