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Created November 20, 2020 12:38
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Configure and use GitVersion

Using GitVersion


Gitversion is a tool to generate version numbers based on your git repository commit history.


To customize GitVersion create a GitVersion.yml file at the root of your repository. Use this file to configure your repository. For framework libraries it is suggested to use Continuous Deliver for applications such as native tools, uis and website use Mainline Development

Install and Use locally

GitVersion is a dotnet tool. This tool allows you you see and test what GitVersion will calculate for your CI/CD pipeline.

Install Globally

dotnet tool install --global gitversion.tool

Display Current Version Options

From within a directory for a git repository

dotnet gitversion

Show current configuration

dotnet gitverion --showconfig

Use in CI/CD Pipelines

Local Batch Files

git fetch --prune
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%g IN (`dotnet gitversion /output json /showvariable FullSemVer`) DO (SET BUILD_VERSION=%%g)
ECHO Building Version=  "%BUILD_VERSION%"

Local Linux Scripts

git fetch --prune
buildVersion=`dotnet gitversion /output json /showvariable FullSemVer`
echo GitVersion= $buildVersion

Azure Devops

Add these to under the steps of the job you want to version.

- task: gitversion/setup@0
  displayName: Install GitVersion
    versionSpec: '5.1.3'
- task: gitversion/execute@0
  displayName: Use GitVersion
    useConfigFile: true
    configFilePath: 'GitVersion.yml'
- script: |
          echo FullSemVer=$(fullSemVer)
          echo ##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$(fullSemVer)
          echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=fullSemVer]$(fullSemVer)
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