I hereby claim:
- I am mx-psi on github.
- I am mx_psi (https://keybase.io/mx_psi) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7D7D 7A08 B932 B11B CFB2 B506 FB42 769C 4226 C69A
To claim this, I am signing this object:
public static double runGamesPablo(String game_file, String[] level_files, int level_times, String agentName, String[] actionFiles) { | |
VGDLFactory.GetInstance().init(); // This always first thing to do. | |
VGDLRegistry.GetInstance().init(); | |
boolean recordActions = false; | |
if (actionFiles != null) { | |
recordActions = true; | |
assert actionFiles.length >= level_files.length | |
* level_times : "runGames (actionFiles.length<level_files.length*level_times): " | |
+ "you must supply an action file for each game instance to be played, or null."; |
#! /usr/bin/python3 | |
# Author: Pablo Baeyens | |
# Usage: ./weeks.py | |
from datetime import date, timedelta | |
import platform | |
import locale | |
from ruamel.yaml import YAML | |
yaml = YAML() |
;;;;; | |
;; Disponible en https://github.com/mx-psi/dotfiles | |
;;;;;; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
## | |
# https://github.com/mx-psi/fa-scrapper | |
## |
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> | |
#include <math.h> | |
#include <SD.h> | |
#define REFRESCO_SD 2 //Frecuencia de guardado | |
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); | |
float radio = 329.93; // radio de la rueda en mm | |
volatile float tiempopaso, tiempovuelta;//tiempo (hasta la activación del sensor y de una vuelta) | |
volatile float velocidad, velocidadm; //velocidades (instantánea y media) | |
volatile float distancia; //distancia recorrida desde que empieza a circular |
def snapshot(): | |
""" Plots the current data. """ | |
global step | |
# Saves the previous state into plot[step].png. | |
pyplot.savefig("{}plot{:04d}.png".format(folder,step)) | |
step += 1 | |
# Puts current state into the Axes object | |
pyplot.clf() | |
pyplot.axis("off") | |
pyplot.bar(range(len(sorting.data)), sorting.data,color ='#2a2a2a', linewidth = 0, align='center') |