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Last active September 16, 2018 12:03
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TCI Migration (Tabriz)

We want to move data of following tables from one server (A: Tabriz) to another server (B: TCI).

User tables:

  • users
  • user_attrs
  • normal_users

Group tables:

  • groups
  • group_attrs

Charge tables:

  • charges
  • charge_rules
  • charge_rule_attrs

Custom Field table:

  • user_custom_field

Notification tables:

  • notification_profile
  • notification_rule

Step 1 (Server A)

Export tables data from server A as CSV files and import them into server B.

Create a directory in /tmp/ to save our export files:

# rm -rf /tmp/migration_A/
# mkdir /tmp/migration_A/
# chmod 777 /tmp/migration_A/

Export User tables data:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT user_id, isp_id, credit, deposit, deposit_recharge, status, group_id, creation_date, nearest_exp_date FROM users) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_users.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT user_id, attr_name, attr_value FROM user_attrs) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_user_attrs.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT user_id, normal_username, normal_password, second_normal_username FROM normal_users) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_normal_users.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Group tables data:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT group_id, group_name, status, isp_id, comment FROM groups) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_groups.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT group_id, attr_name, attr_value FROM group_attrs) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_group_attrs.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Charge tables data:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT charge_id, charge_name, comment, isp_id FROM charges) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charges.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT charge_rule_id, charge_rule_description, charge_rule_priority, charge_id FROM charge_rules) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charge_rules.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT charge_rule_id, attr_name, attr_value FROM charge_rule_attrs) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charge_rule_attrs.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Custom Field table data:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT custom_field_id, custom_field_name, custom_field_description, custom_field_comment, custom_field_value_type, custom_field_interface_type, custom_field_mandatory FROM user_custom_field) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_user_custom_field.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Notification tables data:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT notification_profile_id, notification_profile_name, notification_profile_comment, isp_id FROM notification_profile) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_notification_profile.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT notification_rule_id, notification_profile_id, notification_type, notification_threshold, message_type, message_template FROM notification_rule) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_notification_rule.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Now that we have exported data from the database, we need to move them to server B:

# cd /tmp/
# tar zcf migration_A.tar.gz migration_A
# rm -rf migration_A

Now we need to move the file /tmp/migration_A.tar.gz to server B by SCP, FTP, etc.

Step 2 (Server B)

Suppose we moved exported data files which was generated in step 1 to /tmp/ directory, now we need to extract them:

# cd /tmp/
# rm -rf migration_A
# tar xf migration_A.tar.gz
# rm -rf migration_A.tar.gz

Step 2.1

Now we need to create temporary tables and fill them with exported data from server A.

Create temporary User tables:

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_users AS SELECT user_id, isp_id, credit, deposit, deposit_recharge, status, group_id, creation_date, nearest_exp_date FROM users LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_users;

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_user_attrs AS SELECT user_id, attr_name, attr_value FROM user_attrs LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_user_attrs;

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_normal_users AS SELECT user_id, normal_username, normal_password, second_normal_username FROM normal_users LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_normal_users;

Create temporary Group tables:

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_groups AS SELECT group_id, group_name, status, isp_id, comment FROM groups LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_groups;

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_group_attrs AS SELECT group_id, attr_name, attr_value FROM group_attrs LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_group_attrs;

Create temporary Charge tables:

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_charges AS SELECT charge_id, charge_name, comment, isp_id  FROM charges LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_charges;

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_charge_rules AS SELECT charge_rule_id, charge_rule_description, charge_rule_priority, charge_id FROM charge_rules LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_charge_rules;

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_charge_rule_attrs AS SELECT charge_rule_id, attr_name, attr_value FROM charge_rule_attrs LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_charge_rule_attrs;

Create temporary Custom Field table:

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_user_custom_field AS SELECT custom_field_id, custom_field_name, custom_field_description, custom_field_comment, custom_field_value_type, custom_field_interface_type, custom_field_mandatory FROM user_custom_field LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_user_custom_field;

Create temporary Notification tables:

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_notification_profile AS SELECT notification_profile_id, notification_profile_name, notification_profile_comment, isp_id FROM notification_profile LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_notification_profile;

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_notification_rule AS SELECT notification_rule_id, notification_profile_id, notification_type, notification_threshold, message_type, message_template FROM notification_rule LIMIT 1;
IBSng=# TRUNCATE migration_A_notification_rule;

Step 2.2

Import data from CSV files of server A to temporary tables we just created;

Import User tables data:

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_users (user_id, isp_id, credit, deposit, deposit_recharge, status, group_id, creation_date, nearest_exp_date) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_users.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_user_attrs (user_id, attr_name, attr_value) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_user_attrs.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_normal_users (user_id, normal_username, normal_password, second_normal_username) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_normal_users.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Import Group tables data:

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_groups (group_id, group_name, status, isp_id, comment) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_groups.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_group_attrs (group_id, attr_name, attr_value) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_group_attrs.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Import Charge tables data:

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_charges (charge_id, charge_name, comment, isp_id) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charges.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_charge_rules (charge_rule_id, charge_rule_description, charge_rule_priority, charge_id) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charge_rules.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_charge_rule_attrs (charge_rule_id, attr_name, attr_value) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charge_rule_attrs.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Import Custom Field table data:

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_user_custom_field (custom_field_id, custom_field_name, custom_field_description, custom_field_comment, custom_field_value_type, custom_field_interface_type, custom_field_mandatory) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_user_custom_field.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Import Notification tables data:

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_notification_profile (notification_profile_id, notification_profile_name, notification_profile_comment, isp_id) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_notification_profile.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

IBSng=# COPY migration_A_notification_rule (notification_rule_id, notification_profile_id, notification_type, notification_threshold, message_type, message_template) FROM '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_notification_rule.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Step 2.3

To make column ids of temporary tables compatible with server B, we create a new column named <id_column>_new and rename the current column name to <id_column>_old; then we fill <id_column>_new with corresponded values.

Add/Rename User tables ID columns:

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_users RENAME COLUMN user_id TO user_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_users RENAME COLUMN group_id TO group_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_users ADD COLUMN user_id_new bigint;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_users ADD COLUMN group_id_new bigint;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_user_attrs RENAME COLUMN user_id TO user_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_user_attrs ADD COLUMN user_id_new bigint;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_normal_users RENAME COLUMN user_id TO user_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_normal_users ADD COLUMN user_id_new bigint;

Add/Rename Group tables ID columns:

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_groups RENAME COLUMN group_id TO group_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_groups ADD COLUMN group_id_new bigint;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_group_attrs RENAME COLUMN group_id TO group_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_group_attrs ADD COLUMN group_id_new bigint;

Add/Rename Charge tables ID columns:

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charges RENAME COLUMN charge_id TO charge_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charges ADD COLUMN charge_id_new bigint;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charge_rules RENAME COLUMN charge_rule_id TO charge_rule_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charge_rules RENAME COLUMN charge_id TO charge_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charge_rules ADD COLUMN charge_rule_id_new bigint;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charge_rules ADD COLUMN charge_id_new bigint;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charge_rule_attrs RENAME COLUMN charge_rule_id TO charge_rule_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_charge_rule_attrs ADD COLUMN charge_rule_id_new bigint;

Add/Rename Custom Field table ID columns:

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_user_custom_field RENAME COLUMN custom_field_id TO custom_field_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_user_custom_field ADD COLUMN custom_field_id_new bigint;

Add/Rename Notification tables ID columns:

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_notification_profile RENAME COLUMN notification_profile_id TO notification_profile_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_notification_profile ADD COLUMN notification_profile_id_new bigint;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_notification_rule RENAME COLUMN notification_rule_id TO notification_rule_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_notification_rule RENAME COLUMN notification_profile_id TO notification_profile_id_old;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_notification_rule ADD COLUMN notification_rule_id_new bigint;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE migration_A_notification_rule ADD COLUMN notification_profile_id_new bigint;

Step 2.4

Fill temporary tables with new IDs.

Generate new IDs for User table:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_users SET user_id_new = nextval('users_user_id_seq');

Generate new IDs for Group table:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_groups SET group_id_new = nextval('groups_group_id_seq');

Generate new IDs for Charge tables:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_charges SET charge_id_new = nextval('charges_charge_id_seq');

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_charge_rules SET charge_rule_id_new = nextval('charge_rules_charge_rule_id_seq');

Generate new IDs for Custom Field table:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_user_custom_field SET custom_field_id_new = nextval('user_custom_field_custom_field_id');

Generate new IDs for Notification tables:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_notification_profile SET notification_profile_id_new = nextval('notification_profile_id_seq');

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_notification_rule SET notification_rule_id_new = nextval('notification_rule_id_seq');

Step 2.5

Map old IDs to new IDs and fill corresponded values in temporary tables.

Map User tables old IDs to new IDs:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_users SET group_id_new = migration_A_groups.group_id_new FROM migration_A_groups WHERE migration_A_users.group_id_old = migration_A_groups.group_id_old;

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_user_attrs SET user_id_new = migration_A_users.user_id_new FROM migration_A_users WHERE migration_A_user_attrs.user_id_old = migration_A_users.user_id_old;

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_normal_users SET user_id_new = migration_A_users.user_id_new FROM migration_A_users WHERE migration_A_normal_users.user_id_old = migration_A_users.user_id_old;

Map Group tables old IDs to new IDs:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_group_attrs SET group_id_new = migration_A_groups.group_id_new FROM migration_A_groups WHERE migration_A_group_attrs.group_id_old = migration_A_groups.group_id_old;

Map Charge tables old IDs to new IDs:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_charge_rules SET charge_id_new = migration_A_charges.charge_id_new FROM migration_A_charges WHERE migration_A_charge_rules.charge_id_old = migration_A_charges.charge_id_old;

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_charge_rule_attrs SET charge_rule_id_new = migration_A_charge_rules.charge_rule_id_new FROM migration_A_charge_rules WHERE migration_A_charge_rule_attrs.charge_rule_id_old = migration_A_charge_rules.charge_rule_id_old;

Map Notification table old IDs to new IDs:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_notification_rule SET notification_profile_id_new = migration_A_notification_profile.notification_profile_id_new FROM migration_A_notification_profile WHERE migration_A_notification_rule.notification_profile_id_old = migration_A_notification_profile.notification_profile_id_old;

Step 3

Update isp_id of records:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_users SET isp_id = <province_isp_id>;
IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_groups SET isp_id = <crm_isp_id>;
IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_charges SET isp_id = <crm_isp_id>;
IBSng=# UPDATE migration_A_notification_profile SET isp_id = <crm_isp_id>;

Note: As you can see, we use different isp_id for different tables.

Step 4

Delete users from temporary tables with the same normal_username in server B:

IBSng=# CREATE TABLE migration_A_users_dup AS SELECT user_id_old as user_id_dup FROM migration_A_normal_users WHERE normal_username IN (SELECT normal_username FROM normal_users);

IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_A_users WHERE user_id_old IN (SELECT user_id_dup FROM migration_A_users_dup);

IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_A_user_attrs WHERE user_id_old IN (SELECT user_id_dup FROM migration_A_users_dup);

IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_A_normal_users WHERE user_id_old IN (SELECT user_id_dup FROM migration_A_users_dup);

IBSng=# DROP TABLE migration_A_users_dup;

Step 5

Change temporary tables value according to requirements and fix attributes according to new values.

Step 5.1

Add prepend TCI_Shaskam_ to:

  • groups: group_name
  • charges: charge_name
  • user_custom_field: custom_field_name
  • notification_profile: notification_profile_name
IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_groups SET group_name = CONCAT('TCI_Shaskam_', group_name);

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_charges SET charge_name = CONCAT('TCI_Shaskam_', charge_name);

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_user_custom_field SET custom_field_name = CONCAT('TCI_Shaskam_', custom_field_name);

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_notification_profile SET notification_profile_name = CONCAT('TCI_Shakam_', notification_profile_name);

Step 5.2

Update users and groups attributes with new custom field names (previous step):

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_user_attrs SET attr_name = CONCAT('custom_field_TCI_Shaskam_', substring(attr_name from 14)) WHERE attr_name LIKE 'custom_field_%';

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_group_attrs SET attr_name = CONCAT('custom_field_TCI_Shaskam_', substring(attr_name from 14)) WHERE attr_name LIKE 'custom_field_%';

Step 5.3

Update users and groups attributes with new charge and notificaton profile IDs:

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_user_attrs SET attr_value = migration_a_charges.charge_id_new FROM migration_a_charges WHERE migration_a_user_attrs.attr_name = 'charge' AND  migration_a_user_attrs.attr_value = CAST (migration_a_charges.charge_id_old AS text);

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_group_attrs SET attr_value = migration_a_charges.charge_id_new FROM migration_a_charges WHERE migration_a_group_attrs.attr_name = 'charge' AND  migration_a_group_attrs.attr_value = CAST (migration_a_charges.charge_id_old AS text);

IBSng=# UPDATE migration_a_group_attrs SET attr_value = migration_a_notification_profile.notification_profile_id_new FROM migration_a_notification_profile WHERE migration_a_group_attrs.attr_name = 'notification_profile' AND  migration_a_group_attrs.attr_value = CAST (migration_a_notification_profile.notification_profile_id_old AS text);

Step 5.4

Update charge_rule_usages attribute of users with new Charge Rule IDs.

Move file to /opt/ directory and run it:

# cd /opt/
# python

Step 5.5

Some minor cleanup:

IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_a_user_attrs WHERE attr_name = 'charge_rule_details';
IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_a_user_attrs WHERE attr_name = 'ippool';

IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_a_group_attrs WHERE attr_name = 'limit_ras';
IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_a_group_attrs WHERE attr_name = 'ippool';

IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_a_charge_rule_attrs WHERE attr_name = 'ras';
IBSng=# DELETE FROM migration_a_charge_rule_attrs WHERE attr_name = 'ippool';

Step 6

TODO: Backup from the database and especially a separate backup from tables which are going to be changed.

Step 6.1

Insert temporary tables records into main tables.

Insert Notification table records:

IBSng=# INSERT INTO notification_profile (notification_profile_id, notification_profile_name, notification_profile_comment, isp_id) SELECT notification_profile_id_new, notification_profile_name, notification_profile_comment, isp_id FROM migration_a_notification_profile;

IBSng=# INSERT INTO notification_rule (notification_rule_id, notification_profile_id, notification_type, notification_threshold, message_type, message_template) SELECT notification_rule_id_new, notification_profile_id_new, notification_type, notification_threshold, message_type, message_template FROM migration_a_notification_rule;

Insert Custom Field table records:

IBSng=# INSERT INTO user_custom_field (custom_field_id, custom_field_name, custom_field_description, custom_field_comment, custom_field_value_type, custom_field_interface_type, custom_field_mandatory) SELECT custom_field_id_new, custom_field_name, custom_field_description, custom_field_comment, custom_field_value_type, custom_field_interface_type, custom_field_mandatory FROM migration_a_user_custom_field;

Insert Charge tables records:

IBSng=# INSERT INTO charges (charge_id, charge_name, comment, isp_id) SELECT charge_id_new, charge_name, comment, isp_id FROM migration_a_charges;

IBSng=# INSERT INTO charge_rules (charge_rule_id, charge_rule_description, charge_rule_priority, charge_id) SELECT charge_rule_id_new, charge_rule_description, charge_rule_priority, charge_id_new FROM migration_a_charge_rules;

IBSng=# INSERT INTO charge_rule_attrs (charge_rule_id, attr_name, attr_value) SELECT charge_rule_id_new, attr_name, attr_value FROM migration_a_charge_rule_attrs;

Insert Group tables records:

IBSng=# INSERT INTO groups (group_id, group_name, status, isp_id, comment) SELECT group_id_new, group_name, status, isp_id, comment FROM migration_a_groups;

IBSng=# INSERT INTO group_attrs (group_id, attr_name, attr_value) SELECT group_id_new, attr_name, attr_value FROM migration_a_group_attrs;

Insert User tables records:

IBSng=# INSERT INTO users (user_id, isp_id, credit, deposit, deposit_recharge, status, group_id, creation_date, nearest_exp_date) SELECT user_id_new, isp_id, credit, deposit, deposit_recharge, status, group_id_new, creation_date, nearest_exp_date FROM migration_a_users;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE user_attrs DISABLE TRIGGER update_user_nearest_exp_date_trigger;
IBSng=# INSERT INTO user_attrs (user_id, attr_name, attr_value) SELECT user_id_new, attr_name, attr_value FROM migration_a_user_attrs;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE user_attrs ENABLE TRIGGER update_user_nearest_exp_date_trigger;

IBSng=# ALTER TABLE normal_users DISABLE TRIGGER users_prevent_duplicate_username_trigger;
IBSng=# INSERT INTO normal_users (user_id, normal_username, normal_password, second_normal_username) SELECT user_id_new, normal_username, normal_password, second_normal_username FROM migration_a_normal_users;
IBSng=# ALTER TABLE normal_users ENABLE TRIGGER users_prevent_duplicate_username_trigger;

Note: In inserting records to normal_users table, remember to disable the trigger of the table; otherwise it takes a very long time to insert records.

Step 7

Now that we completed the migration, we need to reload users, groups, charges, user_custom_fields and notifications.

Step 7.1

Export IDs of new users, groups, charges, user_custom_fields and notifications.

Export User IDs:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT user_id_new FROM migration_A_users) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_users_reload.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Group IDs:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT group_id_new FROM migration_A_groups) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_groups_reload.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Charge IDs:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT charge_id_new FROM migration_A_charges) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_charges_reload.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Custom Field IDs:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT custom_field_id_new FROM migration_A_user_custom_field) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_user_custom_field_reload.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Export Notification IDs:

IBSng=# COPY (SELECT notification_profile_id_new FROM migration_a_notification_profile) TO '/tmp/migration_A/migration_A_notification_profile_reload.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',';

Step 7.2

Run reload script for new users, groups, charges, user_custom_fields and notifications. These scripts should be run on master App of IBSng.

TODO: create reload scripts

Move migration_scripts.tar.gz to /opt/ and extract them:

# cd /opt/
# tar xf migration_scripts.tar.gz

Run User reload script:

# python /usr/local/IBSng/addons/client/ -u <web_panel_username> -p <web_panel_password> -i /opt/migration_scripts/

Run User reload script:

# python /usr/local/IBSng/addons/client/ -u <web_panel_username> -p <web_panel_password> -i /opt/migration_scripts/

Run Group reload script:

# python /usr/local/IBSng/addons/client/ -u <web_panel_username> -p <web_panel_password> -i /opt/migration_scripts/

Run Charge reload script:

# python /usr/local/IBSng/addons/client/ -u <web_panel_username> -p <web_panel_password> -i /opt/migration_scripts/

Run Custom Field reload script:

# python /usr/local/IBSng/addons/client/ -u <web_panel_username> -p <web_panel_password> -i /opt/migration_scripts/

Run Notification reload script:

# python /usr/local/IBSng/addons/client/ -u <web_panel_username> -p <web_panel_password> -i /opt/migration_scripts/


TODO: Creat mapping files of migrated data for third party applications, (user_id_old, user_id_new), (group_name_old, group_name_new)

TODO: Keep psycopg2 file in hand in case you don't have access to internet (psycopg2 is required for update charge rule usages script).

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