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Created October 31, 2015 18:43
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require 'open-uri'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'rubygems'
#This is for iterating over every .js file in dir. It also assumes you're running the script in the same directory where you unzipped the twitter archive.
Dir.glob('data/js/tweets/*.js') do |x|
#Opens the .js file and ignores the first line.
json_data =^[^=]*)=/){} #This regex is originally from:
#this parses the json data
parsed_data = JSON.parse(json_data)
#iterate over each tweets' hashed data
parsed_data.each do |x|
#looks for the key 'text' and returns value, this is the part that you'll want to change if you want to extract other data.
tweet_text = x.fetch("text")
#creates a file to dump the output, appending not overwriting.
save_text ="tweet_text.txt", "a")
#this ensures that each text value is on its own line, since 'puts' ends in a newline.
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